variables allow you to delay the initialization of stored properties.
Difference between lazy vs computed property is, computed property calculated is every time you called it, lazy is computed only in the first time you called it.
variables are created later, it can't belet
, it must bevar
struct Person {
var age = 16
lazy var = fibonacciOfAge: Int = { return fibonacci(of: self.age) }()
func fibonacci(of num:Int) -> Int {
if num < 2 { return num }
else { return fibonacci(of: num - 1) + fibonacci(of: num - 2) }
var sample = Person()
print(sample.age) // 16
print(sample.fibonacciOfAge) // 987 - fibonacciOfAge is created, it is same as stored value now (var fibonacciOfAge = 987)
sample.age = 25
print(sample.age) // 25
print(sample.fibonacciOfAge) // 987 - fibonacciOfAge is created before so It won't be calculated again.
class Person {
var age = 16
lazy var = fibonacciOfAge: Int = { [unowned self] in return fibonacci(of: self.age) }()
func fibonacci(of num:Int) -> Int {
if num < 2 { return num }
else { return fibonacci(of: num - 1) + fibonacci(of: num - 2) }
let sample = Person()
print(sample.age) // 16
print(sample.fibonacciOfAge) // 987 - fibonacciOfAge is created, it is same as stored value now (var fibonacciOfAge = 987)
sample.age = 25
print(sample.age) // 25
print(sample.fibonacciOfAge) // 987 - fibonacciOfAge is created before so It won't be calculated again.