- First version. Released on an unsuspecting world.
- First version revised A. Changed the dependency boundaries for ukrainian-phonetics-basic.
- First version revised B. Fixed issue with procB2InvF function from the Phonetic.Languages.Lists.Ukrainian.PropertiesFuncRepG module. Removed the vector-based functions from the Phonetic.Languages.Lists.Ukrainian.PropertiesSyllablesG module (they are not needed here).
- First version revised C. Fixed issue with multiple application of the conversions in the Phonetic.Languages.Lists.Ukrainian.PropertiesFuncRepG module.
- First version revised D. Some code optimizations.
- Second version. Removed the unnecessary neg functions. Dependencies boundaries changes.
- Third version. Added new properties related to the new uzpp2Durat3 function from the ukrainian-phonetics-basic package. Removed the duplicated function procRhythmicity232F (== procRhythmicity23F).