diff --git a/qml/qml.qrc b/qml/qml.qrc
index bd365b3df..8678af5be 100644
--- a/qml/qml.qrc
+++ b/qml/qml.qrc
@@ -213,8 +213,6 @@
- ui/configpopup/openhd_settings/DialoqueStartAnalyzeChannels.qml
- ui/configpopup/openhd_settings/DIaloqueStartChannelScan.qml
@@ -228,7 +226,6 @@
- ui/configpopup/openhd_settings/DialoqueChangeTxPower.qml
@@ -259,10 +256,10 @@
- ui/configpopup/openhd_settings/PollutionChartView.qml
+ ui/configpopup/openhd_settings/PopupAnalyzeChannels.qml
- ui/configpopup/openhd_settings/ChannelScanProgressView.qml
- ui/configpopup/openhd_settings/ChangeTxPowerPopup.qml
+ ui/configpopup/openhd_settings/PopupScanChannels.qml
+ ui/configpopup/openhd_settings/PopupTxPowerEditor.qml
diff --git a/qml/ui/configpopup/openhd_settings/DIaloqueStartChannelScan.qml b/qml/ui/configpopup/openhd_settings/DIaloqueStartChannelScan.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 303540b28..000000000
--- a/qml/ui/configpopup/openhd_settings/DIaloqueStartChannelScan.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.12
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.12
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
-import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.0
-import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.12
-import "../../elements"
-// I fucking hate writing UIs in QT
-// Dialoque that initiates a channel scan once the user selected everything correctly / passed all the checks
-Card {
- id: dialoqueStartChannelScan
- width: 360
- height: 340
- z: 5.0
- anchors.centerIn: parent
- cardName: qsTr("Find Air Unit")
- cardNameColor: "black"
- visible: false
- property int m_curr_index: 0
- function open_channel_scan_dialoque(){
- var is_armed= _fcMavlinkSystem.is_alive && _fcMavlinkSystem.armed
- if(is_armed){
- m_curr_index=0;
- }else{
- m_curr_index=1;
- }
- dialoqueStartChannelScan.visible=true
- }
- ListModel{
- id: model_chann_2G_or_5G
- //ListElement {title: "All 2.4G and 5.8G channels (slow)"; value: 0}
- ListElement {title: "OpenHD [1-5] only (fast)"; value: 0}
- ListElement {title: "All 2.4G channels (slow)"; value: 1}
- ListElement {title: "All 5.8G channels (slow)"; value: 2}
- }
- // like dji, we use 20 or 40Mhz bandwidth(s) but never 5 or 10
- ListModel{
- id: model_bandwidth_all_or_20_or_40
- ListElement {title: "20Mhz and 40Mhz (slow)"; value: 0}
- ListElement {title: "20Mhz only"; value: 1}
- ListElement {title: "40Mhz only"; value: 2}
- }
- cardBody: Item{
- height: 200
- width: 320
- // warn if armed dialoque
- Item{
- id: dialoque1
- visible: m_curr_index==0
- width: parent.width
- height: parent.height
- Text{
- text: "WARNING ! Performing a channel scan while armed is not recommended, you'l loose connecion !"
- width: parent.width
- height: parent.height-100
- leftPadding: 12
- rightPadding: 12
- wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
- }
- }
- // select and then initiate dialoque
- Item{
- id: dialoque2
- visible: m_curr_index==1
- width: parent.width
- height: parent.height
- Text {
- id: dialoqueStartChannelScan_text
- text: "Initiate Channel Scan (Find a running air unit). Might take more than 1 minute if you are not specifying the generic band below. Otherwise,it'l take
- max 30 seconds, usually less"
- width: parent.width
- height: parent.height-100
- leftPadding: 12
- rightPadding: 12
- wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
- }
- ComboBox {
- width: parent.width
- //height: 100
- anchors.top: dialoqueStartChannelScan_text.bottom
- id: comboBoxWhichFrequencyToScan
- model: model_chann_2G_or_5G
- textRole: "title"
- Material.background: {
- (comboBoxWhichFrequencyToScan.currentIndex===0) ? Material.Orange : Material.Green
- }
- onCurrentIndexChanged: {
- }
- }
- /*ComboBox {
- width: parent.width
- //height: 100
- anchors.top: comboBoxWhichFrequencyToScan.bottom
- id: comboBoxWhichChannelWidthsToScan
- model: model_bandwidth_all_or_20_or_40
- textRole: "title"
- Material.background: {
- (comboBoxWhichChannelWidthsToScan.currentIndex===0) ? Material.Orange : Material.Green
- }
- onCurrentIndexChanged: {
- }
- }*/
- }
- // after initiate dialoque
- Item{
- id: dialoque3
- visible: m_curr_index==2
- width: parent.width
- height: parent.height
- Text{
- id: dialoqueStartChannelScan_text2
- text: "Scanning channels, you can close this dialoque and go back to your OSD screen. PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE SETTINGS WHILE CHANNEL SCAN IS ACTIVE !"
- width: parent.width
- height: parent.height-100
- leftPadding: 12
- rightPadding: 12
- wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
- }
- }
- }
- hasFooter: true
- cardFooter: Item {
- anchors.fill: parent
- // First dialoque
- RowLayout{
- anchors.fill: parent
- visible: m_curr_index==0
- ButtonRed{
- /*Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.preferredWidth: 140
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft*/
- Layout.preferredWidth: 140
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
- Layout.leftMargin: 12
- onClicked: {
- m_curr_index++;
- }
- }
- ButtonGreen{
- text: "CANCEL"
- /*Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.preferredWidth: 140
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight*/
- Layout.preferredWidth: 140
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
- Layout.rightMargin: 12
- onClicked: {
- dialoqueStartChannelScan.visible=false;
- }
- }
- }
- // Second dialoque
- RowLayout{
- anchors.fill: parent
- visible: m_curr_index==1
- Button{
- Layout.preferredWidth: 140
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
- Layout.leftMargin: 12
- text: qsTr("Cancel")
- visible: m_curr_index==1
- onPressed: {
- dialoqueStartChannelScan.visible=false;
- }
- }
- Button{
- Layout.preferredWidth: 140
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
- Layout.rightMargin: 12
- text: qsTr("Initiate")
- onPressed: {
- var how_many_freq_bands=comboBoxWhichFrequencyToScan.currentIndex
- // Changed: We now (only) support scanning in 40Mhz mode, since this way, we are quicker and catch both 20Mhz and 40Mhz air unit(s)
- //var how_many_bandwidths=comboBoxWhichChannelWidthsToScan.currentIndex
- var how_many_bandwidths = 2;
- console.log("Initate channel scan "+how_many_freq_bands+","+how_many_bandwidths)
- var result = _wbLinkSettingsHelper.start_scan_channels(how_many_freq_bands,how_many_bandwidths)
- if(result){
- m_curr_index=2;
- }else{
- console.log("Cannot initiate channel scan");
- _qopenhd.show_toast("Busy,please try again later",true)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- RowLayout{
- anchors.fill: parent
- visible: m_curr_index==2
- Button{
- Layout.preferredWidth: 140
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
- Layout.rightMargin: 12
- text: qsTr("Close")
- onPressed: {
- dialoqueStartChannelScan.visible=false;
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/qml/ui/configpopup/openhd_settings/DialoqueChangeTxPower.qml b/qml/ui/configpopup/openhd_settings/DialoqueChangeTxPower.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index fcb041c60..000000000
--- a/qml/ui/configpopup/openhd_settings/DialoqueChangeTxPower.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,454 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.12
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.12
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
-import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.0
-import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.12
-import "../../elements"
-// I fucking hate writing UIs in QT
-// Dialoque that changes the tx power once the user selected everything correctly / passed all the checks
-Card {
- id: dialoqueTxPower
- width: 360
- height: 340
- z: 5.0
- anchors.centerIn: parent
- cardName: qsTr("Change TX PWR "+get_is_ground_as_string())
- cardNameColor: "black"
- visible: false
- // check if all ground cards use the same chipset - otherwise, this wizard cannot be used
- function gnd_check_all_active_cards_are_same_type(){
- var card0_type=_wifi_card_gnd0.card_type;
- if(_wifi_card_gnd1.alive && (_wifi_card_gnd1.card_type != card0_type)){
- return false;
- }
- if(_wifi_card_gnd2.alive && (_wifi_card_gnd2.card_type != card0_type)){
- return false;
- }
- if(_wifi_card_gnd3.alive && (_wifi_card_gnd3.card_type != card0_type)){
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- function open_tx_power_dialoque(ground){
- var is_armed= _fcMavlinkSystem.is_alive && _fcMavlinkSystem.armed
- if(is_armed){
- // User has to click proceed anyways on armed warning
- m_curr_index=0;
- }else{
- m_curr_index=1;
- }
- m_is_ground=ground;
- m_card_chip_type=-1;
- m_card_manufacturer_type=-1
- comboBoxSelectedArmedDisarmed.currentIndex=0
- comboBoxCardSelectTxPower.currentIndex=0
- comboBoxCardSelectManufacturer.currentIndex=0;
- // We figure out the chip type automatcally (info from openhd)
- var wifi_card_chip_type=-1;
- if(m_is_ground){
- // Check if all cards are of the same type
- if(!gnd_check_all_active_cards_are_same_type()){
- _messageBoxInstance.set_text_and_show("This wizard is only available when you use the same card(s) on ground. Please unify your gnd station cards.
-You can still use the RAW OpenHD AIR / GROUND Parameters to change your tx power.");
- return;
- }
- wifi_card_chip_type=_wifi_card_gnd0.card_type;
- //wifi_card_chip_type=1
- }else{
- wifi_card_chip_type=_wifi_card_air.card_type;
- }
- if(!(wifi_card_chip_type==0 || wifi_card_chip_type==1)){
- _messageBoxInstance.set_text_and_show("Card type unknown / unsupported - please use a supported card. You can still change the tx power manually via the param set, but probably
-the card driver and/or the linux kernel doesn't support changing it.");
- return;
- }
- // 0 is RTL8812AU, 1 is RTL8812BU
- m_card_chip_type=wifi_card_chip_type;
- //m_card_chip_type=0; // RTL8812AU
- dialoqueTxPower.visible=true
- }
- property int m_curr_index: 0
- property bool m_is_ground: true
- function get_is_ground_as_string(){
- return m_is_ground ? "GND" : "AIR";
- }
- ListModel{
- id: armed_or_disarmed_model
- ListElement {title: "NOT SELECTED"; value: -1}
- ListElement {title: "DISARMED"; value: 0}
- ListElement {title: "ARMED (RECOMMENDED)"; value: 0}
- }
- property bool m_change_armed: false
- function get_change_armed_as_string(){
- return m_change_armed ? "ARMED" : "DISARMED";
- }
- // Chip type is automatically refered from OpenHD
- property int m_card_chip_type: -1;
- function get_card_chip_type_as_string(){
- if(m_card_chip_type==0) return "RTL88XXAU";
- if(m_card_chip_type==1) return "RTL88XXBU";
- return "UNKNOWN";
- }
- // Manufacturer the user has to select
- property int m_card_manufacturer_type: -1
- function get_card_manufacturer_type_as_string(){
- if(m_card_chip_type==0){
- // RTL8812AU
- if(m_card_manufacturer_type==0)return "ASUS";
- if(m_card_manufacturer_type==1)return "ALIEXPRESS";
- if(m_card_manufacturer_type==2)return "OTHER";
- }else{
- // RTL8812BU
- if(m_card_manufacturer_type==0)return "COMFAST";
- if(m_card_manufacturer_type==1)return "OTHER";
- }
- return "UNKNWON";
- }
- ListModel{
- id: plcaeholder_model
- ListElement {title: "I should never appear"; value: -1}
- }
- ListModel{
- id: model_rtl8812au_manufacturers
- ListElement {title: "NOT SELECTED"; value: -1}
- ListElement {title: "ASUS"; value: 0}
- ListElement {title: "ALIEXPRESS"; value: 1}
- ListElement {title: "OTHER"; value: 2}
- }
- ListModel{
- id: model_rtl8812bu_manufacturers
- ListElement {title: "NOT SELECTED"; value: -1}
- ListElement {title: "COMFAST"; value: 0}
- ListElement {title: "OTHER"; value: 1}
- }
- function get_model_manufacturer_for_chip_type(){
- if(m_card_chip_type==0){
- return model_rtl8812au_manufacturers;
- }else if(m_card_chip_type==1){
- return model_rtl8812bu_manufacturers;
- }
- return plcaeholder_model;
- }
- property int tx_power_index_or_mw: -1
- ListModel{
- id: model_rtl8812au_manufacturer_asus_txpower
- ListElement {title: "Please select"; value: -1}
- ListElement {title: "LOW [22] ~20mW (DEFAULT) "; value: 22}
- ListElement {title: "MEDIUM [37] ~100mW "; value: 37}
- ListElement {title: "HIGH [53] ~320mW "; value: 53}
- ListElement {title: "MAX1 [58] ~420mW (MCS<=2!)"; value: 58}
- ListElement {title: "MAX2 [63] ~500mW (MCS<=2!)"; value: 63}
- }
- ListModel{
- id: model_rtl8812au_manufacturer_aliexpress_hp
- ListElement {title: "Please select"; value: -1}
- ListElement {title: "LOW [16]"; value: 16}
- ListElement {title: "MEDIUM [22]"; value: 22}
- ListElement {title: "HIGH [24]"; value: 24}
- ListElement {title: "MAX [26]"; value: 26}
- }
- ListModel{
- id: model_rtl8812au_manufacturer_generic
- ListElement {title: "Please select"; value: -1}
- ListElement {title: "[22] (DANGER,ARBITRARY)"; value: 22}
- ListElement {title: "[37] (DANGER,ARBITRARY)"; value: 37}
- ListElement {title: "[53] (DANGER,ARBITRARY)"; value: 53}
- ListElement {title: "[58] (DANGER,ARBITRARY)"; value: 58}
- ListElement {title: "[63] (DANGER,ARBITRARY)"; value: 63}
- }
- // RTL8812BU begin
- ListModel{
- id: model_rtl8812bu_manufacturer_comfast
- ListElement {title: "Please select"; value: -1}
- ListElement {title: "~25mW"; value: 25}
- ListElement {title: "~100mW"; value: 100}
- ListElement {title: "~200mW"; value: 200}
- ListElement {title: "~300mW"; value: 300}
- }
- ListModel{
- id: model_rtl8812bu_manufacturer_generic
- ListElement {title: "Please select"; value: -1}
- ListElement {title: "25mW (maybe)"; value: 25}
- ListElement {title: "100mW (maybe)"; value: 100}
- ListElement {title: "<=300mW (maybe)"; value: 300}
- ListElement {title: "<=1000mW (maybe)"; value: 1000}
- ListElement {title: "<=20000mW (maybe)"; value: 2000}
- }
- function get_model_select_tx_power_index_for_card_chip_type_and_manufacturer(){
- if(m_card_chip_type==0){
- // RTL8812AU
- if(m_card_manufacturer_type==0){
- return model_rtl8812au_manufacturer_asus_txpower;
- }else if(m_card_manufacturer_type==1){
- return model_rtl8812au_manufacturer_aliexpress_hp;
- }
- return model_rtl8812au_manufacturer_generic;
- }else if(m_card_chip_type==1){
- // RTL8812BU
- if(m_card_manufacturer_type==0){
- return model_rtl8812bu_manufacturer_comfast;
- }
- return model_rtl8812bu_manufacturer_generic;
- }
- return plcaeholder_model;
- }
- function get_text_select_card_manufacturer(){
- var ret="";
- ret+="Your chipset: "+get_card_chip_type_as_string()+"\n";
- ret+="Please select your card manufacturer from the list below.";
- if(m_card_chip_type==0){
- ret+="\nWARNING: IF YOU SELECT THE WRONG MANUFACTURER,YOU CAN EASILY DESTROY YOUR CARD - this card doesn't take tx power in mW, but a tx power index value "+
- "in arbitrary unit(s) depending on your manufacturer.";
- }else if(m_card_chip_type==1){
- ret+="\nINFO: If you select any tx power in mW, depending on your manufacturer, your actual tx power will always be <= than the selected value.";
- }
- return ret;
- }
- function get_text_select_tx_power(){
- var ret="";
- ret += "Your chipset: "+get_card_chip_type_as_string()+"\n";
- ret += "Selected manufacturer: "+get_card_manufacturer_type_as_string()+"\n";
- ret+="Please select your wanted TX power applied when:\n"+get_change_armed_as_string()+" state"+"\n";
- return ret;
- }
- cardBody: Rectangle{
- /*height: 340 - 100
- width: 360-10*/
- color: "orange"
- //anchors.centerIn: parent
- anchors.fill: parent
- Item{
- width: parent.width
- height: parent.height
- visible: m_curr_index==0
- Text{
- text: ("WARNING ! Changing TX power while FC is armed is not recommended -\n"+
- " Validate / test your setup while disarmed, then set the apropate tx power for armed / disarmed state. !")
- width: parent.width
- height: parent.height / 2
- leftPadding: 12
- rightPadding: 12
- wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
- }
- }
- ColumnLayout{
- width: parent.width
- height: parent.height
- visible: m_curr_index==1
- Text{
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- leftPadding: 12
- rightPadding: 12
- id: card_select_manufcturer_description
- text: get_text_select_card_manufacturer()
- wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
- }
- ComboBox {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- leftPadding: 12
- rightPadding: 12
- id: comboBoxCardSelectManufacturer
- model: get_model_manufacturer_for_chip_type()
- textRole: "title"
- onCurrentIndexChanged: {
- var manufacturer=comboBoxCardSelectManufacturer.model.get(comboBoxCardSelectManufacturer.currentIndex).value;
- console.log("Selected manufacturerer "+get_card_chip_type_as_string()+" :"+manufacturer);
- m_card_manufacturer_type=manufacturer;
- }
- }
- }
- ColumnLayout{
- width: parent.width
- height: parent.height
- visible: m_curr_index==2
- Text{
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- leftPadding: 12
- rightPadding: 12
- text: ("Do you want to set the TX power in armed / disarmed state ?\n"+
-"NOTE: TX power armed is only applied when the FC is armed, TX power disarmed is applied when the FC is disarmed.")
- wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
- }
- ComboBox {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- leftPadding: 12
- rightPadding: 12
- id: comboBoxSelectedArmedDisarmed
- model: armed_or_disarmed_model
- textRole: "title"
- onCurrentIndexChanged: {
- if(comboBoxSelectedArmedDisarmed.currentIndex==1)m_change_armed=false;
- if(comboBoxSelectedArmedDisarmed.currentIndex==2)m_change_armed=true;
- }
- }
- }
- ColumnLayout{
- width: parent.width
- height: parent.height
- visible: m_curr_index==3
- Text{
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- leftPadding: 12
- rightPadding: 12
- text: get_text_select_tx_power()
- wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
- }
- ComboBox {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- leftPadding: 12
- rightPadding: 12
- id: comboBoxCardSelectTxPower
- model: get_model_select_tx_power_index_for_card_chip_type_and_manufacturer()
- textRole: "title"
- onCurrentIndexChanged: {
- var tx_power=comboBoxCardSelectTxPower.model.get(comboBoxCardSelectTxPower.currentIndex).value;
- tx_power_index_or_mw=tx_power;
- console.log("Selected TX power (mW or index)"+tx_power_index_or_mw);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- hasFooter: true
- cardFooter: Item {
- anchors.fill: parent
- // change though armed
- RowLayout{
- anchors.fill: parent
- visible: m_curr_index==0
- ButtonRed{
- Layout.preferredWidth: 140
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
- Layout.leftMargin: 12
- onClicked: {
- m_curr_index=1
- }
- }
- ButtonGreen{
- Layout.preferredWidth: 140
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
- Layout.rightMargin: 12
- text: "Cancel"
- onClicked: {
- txPowerDialoque.visible=false;
- }
- }
- }
- RowLayout{
- anchors.fill: parent
- visible: m_curr_index==1
- Button{
- Layout.preferredWidth: 140
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
- Layout.leftMargin: 12
- text: "CANCEL"
- onClicked: {
- txPowerDialoque.visible=false;
- }
- }
- Button{
- Layout.preferredWidth: 140
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
- Layout.rightMargin: 12
- text: "CONTINUE"
- onClicked: {
- if(m_card_manufacturer_type<0){
- _qopenhd.show_toast("Please select your card manufacturer",false);
- }else{
- m_curr_index=2;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- RowLayout{
- anchors.fill: parent
- visible: m_curr_index==2
- Button{
- Layout.preferredWidth: 140
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
- Layout.leftMargin: 12
- text: "CANCEL"
- onClicked: {
- txPowerDialoque.visible=false;
- }
- }
- Button{
- Layout.preferredWidth: 140
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
- Layout.rightMargin: 12
- text: "Continue"
- onClicked: {
- if(comboBoxSelectedArmedDisarmed.currentIndex<=0){
- _qopenhd.show_toast("Please specify armed / disarmed",false);
- }else{
- m_curr_index=3;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- RowLayout{
- anchors.fill: parent
- visible: m_curr_index==3
- Button{
- Layout.preferredWidth: 140
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
- Layout.leftMargin: 12
- text: "CANCEL"
- onClicked: {
- txPowerDialoque.visible=false;
- }
- }
- Button{
- Layout.preferredWidth: 140
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
- Layout.rightMargin: 12
- text: "APPLY"
- onClicked: {
- if(tx_power_index_or_mw<0){
- _qopenhd.show_toast("Please select a valid tx power",false);
- return;
- }
- var success=false
- var is_tx_power_index_unit = m_card_chip_type==0;
- success = _wbLinkSettingsHelper.set_param_tx_power(m_is_ground,is_tx_power_index_unit,m_change_armed,tx_power_index_or_mw)
- if(success==true){
- txPowerDialoque.visible=false;
- var message = "Set TX POWER "+get_change_armed_as_string()+" to ";
- if(is_tx_power_index_unit){
- message += ""+tx_power_index_or_mw+" tx power index (unitless)"
- }else{
- message += ""+tx_power_index_or_mw+" mW"
- }
- if(m_change_armed){
- message += "\nNOTE: Only applied once you arm your FC !";
- }
- _messageBoxInstance.set_text_and_show(message, 10);
- }else{
- _qopenhd.show_toast("Cannot change TX power, please try again",true);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/qml/ui/configpopup/openhd_settings/DialoqueStartAnalyzeChannels.qml b/qml/ui/configpopup/openhd_settings/DialoqueStartAnalyzeChannels.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4aa8ce965..000000000
--- a/qml/ui/configpopup/openhd_settings/DialoqueStartAnalyzeChannels.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.12
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.12
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
-import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.0
-import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.12
-import "../../elements"
-// I fucking hate writing UIs in QT
-// Dialoque that initiates a channel/frequency analyze once the user selected everything correctly / passed all the checks
-Card {
- id: dialoqueAnalyzeChannels
- width: 360
- height: 340
- z: 5.0
- anchors.centerIn: parent
- cardName: qsTr("Analyze Channels")
- cardNameColor: "black"
- visible: false
- property int m_index: 0
- function setup_and_show(){
- var is_armed= _fcMavlinkSystem.is_alive && _fcMavlinkSystem.armed
- if(is_armed){
- m_index=0;
- }else{
- m_index=1;
- }
- dialoqueAnalyzeChannels.visible=true;
- }
- property string m_armed_warning: "WARNING ! Analyze channels while armed is not recommended, you'l loose connection for a significant amount of time !"
- property string m_info_string: "Analyze channels for pollution by wifi access points.
-NOTE: This only gives a hint at free channels, using a proper channel analyzer (e.g. on the phone) is recommended.
- cardBody: Item{
- height: 200
- width: 320
- // Dialoque one
- Text {
- visible: m_index==0
- text: m_armed_warning
- width: parent.width
- height: parent.height-100
- leftPadding: 12
- rightPadding: 12
- wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
- }
- // Dialoque two
- Text {
- visible: m_index==1
- text: m_info_string
- width: parent.width
- height: parent.height-100
- leftPadding: 12
- rightPadding: 12
- wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
- }
- }
- hasFooter: true
- cardFooter: Item {
- anchors.fill: parent
- // Dialoque one
- RowLayout{
- anchors.fill: parent
- visible: m_index==0
- ButtonRed{
- Layout.preferredWidth: 140
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
- Layout.leftMargin: 12
- text: qsTr("PROCEED ANYWAY")
- onPressed: {
- m_index=1
- }
- }
- ButtonGreen{
- Layout.preferredWidth: 140
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
- Layout.rightMargin: 12
- text: qsTr("CANCEL")
- onPressed: {
- dialoqueAnalyzeChannels.visible=false;
- }
- }
- }
- // Dialoque 2
- RowLayout{
- anchors.fill: parent
- visible: m_index==1
- Button{
- Layout.preferredWidth: 140
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
- Layout.leftMargin: 12
- text: qsTr("CANCEL")
- onPressed: {
- dialoqueAnalyzeChannels.visible=false;
- }
- }
- Button{
- Layout.preferredWidth: 140
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
- Layout.leftMargin: 12
- text: qsTr("INITIATE")
- onPressed: {
- var result=_wbLinkSettingsHelper.start_analyze_channels()
- if(result!==true){
- _qopenhd.show_toast("Busy,please try again later",true);
- }else{
- dialoqueAnalyzeChannels.visible=false;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/qml/ui/configpopup/openhd_settings/MavlinkOpenHDWBParamPanel2.qml b/qml/ui/configpopup/openhd_settings/MavlinkOpenHDWBParamPanel2.qml
index b14d51b0c..02d9595f2 100644
--- a/qml/ui/configpopup/openhd_settings/MavlinkOpenHDWBParamPanel2.qml
+++ b/qml/ui/configpopup/openhd_settings/MavlinkOpenHDWBParamPanel2.qml
@@ -447,15 +447,15 @@ Rectangle{
- PollutionChartView{
+ PopupAnalyzeChannels{
id: pollution_chart_view
- ChannelScanProgressView{
+ PopupScanChannels{
id: channel_scan_progress_view
- ChangeTxPowerPopup{
+ PopupTxPowerEditor{
id: change_tx_power_popup
diff --git a/qml/ui/configpopup/openhd_settings/PollutionChartView.qml b/qml/ui/configpopup/openhd_settings/PopupAnalyzeChannels.qml
similarity index 100%
rename from qml/ui/configpopup/openhd_settings/PollutionChartView.qml
rename to qml/ui/configpopup/openhd_settings/PopupAnalyzeChannels.qml
diff --git a/qml/ui/configpopup/openhd_settings/ChannelScanProgressView.qml b/qml/ui/configpopup/openhd_settings/PopupScanChannels.qml
similarity index 100%
rename from qml/ui/configpopup/openhd_settings/ChannelScanProgressView.qml
rename to qml/ui/configpopup/openhd_settings/PopupScanChannels.qml
diff --git a/qml/ui/configpopup/openhd_settings/ChangeTxPowerPopup.qml b/qml/ui/configpopup/openhd_settings/PopupTxPowerEditor.qml
similarity index 86%
rename from qml/ui/configpopup/openhd_settings/ChangeTxPowerPopup.qml
rename to qml/ui/configpopup/openhd_settings/PopupTxPowerEditor.qml
index dc3f86fc1..6fff3ba9a 100644
--- a/qml/ui/configpopup/openhd_settings/ChangeTxPowerPopup.qml
+++ b/qml/ui/configpopup/openhd_settings/PopupTxPowerEditor.qml
@@ -240,6 +240,20 @@ Rectangle{
text: "APPLY"
enabled: m_user_selected_card_manufacturer>=0;
+ onClicked: {
+ var tx_power_index_or_mw = combo_box_txpower_disarmed.model.get(combo_box_txpower_disarmed.currentIndex).value;
+ if(tx_power_index_or_mw<0){
+ _qopenhd.show_toast("Please select a valid tx power",false);
+ return;
+ }
+ var is_tx_power_index_unit = get_chipset_type()==0;
+ var success = _wbLinkSettingsHelper.set_param_tx_power(m_is_ground,is_tx_power_index_unit,m_change_armed,tx_power_index_or_mw)
+ if(success==true){
+ _qopenhd.show_toast("SUCCESS");
+ }else{
+ _qopenhd.show_toast("Cannot change TX power, please try again",true);
+ }
+ }
@@ -269,6 +283,20 @@ Rectangle{
text: "APPLY"
enabled: m_user_selected_card_manufacturer>=0;
+ onClicked: {
+ var tx_power_index_or_mw = combo_box_txpower_armed.model.get(combo_box_txpower_armed.currentIndex).value;
+ if(tx_power_index_or_mw<0){
+ _qopenhd.show_toast("Please select a valid tx power",false);
+ return;
+ }
+ var is_tx_power_index_unit = get_chipset_type()==0;
+ var success = _wbLinkSettingsHelper.set_param_tx_power(m_is_ground,is_tx_power_index_unit,m_change_armed,tx_power_index_or_mw)
+ if(success==true){
+ _qopenhd.show_toast("SUCCESS");
+ }else{
+ _qopenhd.show_toast("Cannot change TX power, please try again",true);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/qml/ui/elements/WorkaroundMessageBox.qml b/qml/ui/elements/WorkaroundMessageBox.qml
index 191fcf253..54063cb21 100644
--- a/qml/ui/elements/WorkaroundMessageBox.qml
+++ b/qml/ui/elements/WorkaroundMessageBox.qml
@@ -21,14 +21,18 @@ Card {
cardName: qsTr("QOpenHD")+(_messageBoxInstance.remaining_time_seconds==-1 ? "" : (" "+_messageBoxInstance.remaining_time_seconds+"s"))
cardNameColor: "black"
visible: _messageBoxInstance.visible
- cardBody: Column {
+ cardBody: ScrollView {
+ contentHeight: workaroundMessageBox_text.height
+ contentWidth: workaroundMessageBox_text.width
+ ScrollBar.vertical.interactive: true
height: 200
- width: 320
+ width: 350
+ clip:true
+ anchors.centerIn: parent.Center
Text {
id: workaroundMessageBox_text
+ width: 320
text: _messageBoxInstance.text
- width: parent.width-24
- height:parent.height
leftPadding: 12
rightPadding: 12
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap