This is a WIP as a style guide for an Independent Service. Clones of this file should reference this definition.
For the original style guide please see:
OpenLMIS has adopted the Google Java Styleguide. These checks are mostly encoded in Checkstyle and should be enforced for all contributions.
In most cases, the Hibernate DefaultNamingStrategy follows these conventions. Schemas and table names will however need to be specified.
- Each Independent Service should store it's tables in its own schema. The convention is to use the Service's name as the schema. e.g. The Requistion Service uses the
schema - Tables, Columns, constraints etc should be all lower case.
- Table names should be pluralized. This is to avoid most used words. e.g. orders instead of order
- Table names with multiple words should be snake_case.
- Column names with multiple words should be merged together. e.g.
would map tofirstname
These naming conventions will be applicable for the messages property files.
- Keys for the messages property files should follow a hierarchy. However, since there is no official hierarchy support for property files, keys should follow a naming convention of most to least significant.
- Key hierarchy should be delimited with a period (.).
- The first portion of the key should be the name of the Independent Service.
- The second portion of the key should indicate the type of message; error for error messages, message for anything not an error.
- The third and following portions will further describe the key.
- Keys should use only lowercase characters (NO camelCase).
- If multiple words are necessary, they should be separated with a dash (-).
- an alternative could berequisition.error .product-code.invalid
if code is not a sub-section of product.requisition.message.requisition.created
- requisition successfully created.reference-data.error.facility.not-found
- facility not found.
Note: UI-related keys (labels, buttons, etc.) are not addressed here, as they would be owned by the UI, and not the Independent Service.
Every single test should be independent and isolated. Unit test shouldn't depend on another unit test.
List<Item> list = new ArrayList<>(); @Test public void testListSize1() { Item item = new Item(); list.add(item); assertEquals(1, list.size()); } @Test public void testListSize2() { Item item = new Item(); list.add(item); assertEquals(2, list.size()); }
One behavior should be tested in just one unit test.
@Test public void testIsNotAnAdultIfAgeLessThan18AndIsPersonAbleToRunForPresident() { int age = 17; boolean isAdult = ageService.isAdult(age); assertFalse(isAdult); boolean isAbleToRunForPresident = electionsService.isAbleToRunForPresident(age) assertFalse(isAbleToRunForPresident); }
@Test public void testIsNotAnAdultIfAgeLessThan18() { int age = 17; boolean isAdult = ageService.isAdult(age); assertFalse(isAdult); } @Test public void testIsPersonAbleToRunForPresident() { int age = 17; boolean isAbleToRunForPresident = electionsService.isAbleToRunForPresident(age) assertFalse(isAbleToRunForPresident); }
Every unit test should have at least one assertion.
@Test public void testIsNotAnAdultIfAgeLessThan18() { int age = 17; boolean isAdult = ageService.isAdult(age); }
@Test public void testIsNotAnAdultIfAgeLessThan18() { int age = 17; boolean isAdult = ageService.isAdult(age); assertFalse(isAdult); }
Don't make unnecessary assertions. Don't assert mocked behavior, avoid assertions that check the exact same thing as another unit test.
public void testIsNotAnAdultIfAgeLessThan18() {
int age = 17;
assertEquals(17, age);
boolean isAdult = ageService.isAdult(age);
Unit test has to be independent from external resources (i.e. don't connect with databases or servers)
public void testIsNotAnAdultIfAgeLessThan18() {
String uri = String.format("", HOST, PORT);
HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(uri);
HttpResponse response = getHttpClient().execute(httpPost);
assertEquals(HttpStatus.ORDINAL_200_OK, response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());
Unit test shouldn't test Spring Contexts. Integration tests are better for this purpose.
@ContextConfiguration(locations = {"/services-test-config.xml"})
public class MyServiceTest implements ApplicationContextAware
MyService service;
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext context) throws BeansException
// something with the context here
Test method name should consistently show what is being tested.
@Test public void testIsNotAnAdultIfAgeLessThan18() { ... }
@Test public void firstTests() { ... }
Unit test should be repeatable - each run should yield the same result.
@Test public void testIsNotAnAdultIfAgeLessThan18() { int age = randomGenerator.nextInt(100); boolean isAdult = ageService.isAdult(age); assertFalse(isAdult); }
You should remember about intializing and cleaning each global state between test runs.
@Mock private AgeService ageService; private age; @Before public void init() { age = 18; when(ageService.isAdult(age)).thenReturn(true); } @Test public void testIsNotAnAdultIfAgeLessThan18() { boolean isAdult = ageService.isAdult(age); assertTrue(isAdult); }
Test should run fast. When we have hundreds of tests we just don't want to wait several minutes till all tests pass.
public void testIsNotAnAdultIfAgeLessThan18() {
int age = 17;
boolean isAdult = ageService.isAdult(age);
OpenLMIS is using WireMock for mocking web services. An example integration test can be found here:
The stub mappings which are served by WireMock's HTTP server are placed under src/test/resources/mappings and _src/test/resources/_files For instructions on how to create them please refer to