Add the follwoing script tag to your html page inside the head or body tag.
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<!-- your existing markup -->
<!-- Include the OstWalletSdk script tag -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="" integrity="sha256-ldfK51rkO+hH50K75RHFgotOfkw38PFBcVXJwMKKrs4= sha384-lfvUG7q/D8GFW7kLghrnJgNQXAOwTMEKQ/8gdmEWzT9wSJrQ0c+cUeaFMbzzhnOf" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<!-- Your application js files -->
Install the npm module
npm install @ostdotcom/ost-wallet-sdk-browser --save
Import OstWalletSdk
import OstWalletSdk from '@ostdotcom/ost-wallet-sdk-browser'
Sdk must be initialized before using any-other OstWalletSdk methods.
To initialize the sdk, create the sdk-configuration and invloke the OstWalletSdk.init
You will need following information to initialize the sdk:
- Id of your token.environment
- Ost Platform Environment. Can bemainnet
- Time in seconds (defaults to 3 hours) till when Sdk will check if session has been authorized. If this timeout is reached, the browser sdk shall declare the authorize session workflow as interupted.max_workflow_retention_count
- No. of completed workflows, workflows with statusflowCompleted
that should be retained in browser's DB. Defaults to 50.
const sdkConfig = {
"token_id": "[YOUR_TOKEN_ID]",
let OstWalletSdk.init( sdkConfig );