Workflow History is an extension to FSM Core. It provides server-side API for storing and extracting Business Object lifecycle history.
Install package
npm install --save-prod @opuscapita/fsm-workflow-history
// Run migrations and initiate an instance of FSM Workflow History.
const history = await require('@opuscapita/fsm-workflow-history')(sequelize);
history is JavaScript object with the following structure/interface:
// add history record
async add({
from: <string>,
to: <string>,
event: <string>,
businessObjType: <string>,
businessObjId: <string>,
user: <string>,
workflowName: <string>,
?description: <string>
}) {
return <History Record>;
// search for history record
async search({
?object: {
?businessObjType: <string>, // example: 'invoice'
?businessObjId: <string> // example: 'john.miller'
?user: <string>,
?workflowName: <string>,
?finishedOn: {
?gt: <date>, // example: new Date("2018-03-05T21:00:00.000Z")
?gte: <date>,
?lt: <date>,
?lte: <date>
}, {
?max: <number, 100 by default>,
?offset: <number, 0 by default>
}, {
?by: <string, History Record field name, "finishedOn" by default>, // example: 'user'
?order: <string, "desc" (default) or "asc">
}) {
return [<History Record>, ... ];
// delete history record
async delete({
businessObjType: <string>,
businessObjId: <string>,
}) {
return <deleted records number>;
History Record is JavaScript object with values from DB:
Column | Type | Required | Notes |
id | integer | true | autogenerated id |
from | string | true | |
to | string | true | |
event | string | true | |
businessObjType | string | true | example: 'invoice' |
businessObjId | string | true | example: '123456789' |
user | string | true | user initiated a transition |
workflowName | string | true | unique workflow name, known by workflow machine |
description | string | false | event/object/trsnaition information |
finishedOn | timestamp | true | like in Grailsflow, object finished the transition in 'to' state |
See Express Server Demo for an example of using Workflow History.