Custom medical treatment items and actions. In this document, a "patient" is any person who is receiving medical treatment and a "medic" is any person giving medical treatment, regardless of their individual medical training.
Painkillers are a lightweight pain reliever that are much less effective at reducing pain than morphine but can be taken more often with a lower risk of overdosing.
If enabled, a medic can "reorient" an unconscious, but in a stable condition, patient in an attempt to wake up the patient. The option to reorient a patient will appear regardless of whether the patient has the potential to wake up or not.
The FX-7 Medical Droid is a deployable droid designed to assist medics with treating patients. The droid will slowly treat up to two patients at a time, focusing on the patients with the most number of open wounds first. The FX-7 will first bandage all bleeding wounds, transfer fluids, reduce pain, and then finally applying splints to broken limbs.