- First version of the PAYONE Payment integration for Shopware 6.1
- Corrected encoding of response parameters during PayPal ECS
- Added missing CVC length configs for less used card types
- Fixed a bug where custom fields weren't shown in checkout when using non-default shop languages. We currently support DE and EN and plan to improve this further
- Incorporated best practices for Shopware Code Review
- Add new possibility for partial capture and refund
New Features
- Partial Captures and Refunds are now possible!
- UI improvements in Settings (these are now collapsible)
- You can now choose the authorization method for every payment method!
- New payment method: iDeal
- New payment method: EPS
- fixed PayPal ECS button
- fixed translation bugs during checkout
- Better feedback when verifiyng API credentials without active PAYONE payment methods
- fixed a bug that could occur when migrating from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1
Known Incompatibilities
- Backurlhandling in Shopware 6.2 is currently broken. If a customer gets redirected to their favorite payment method but decides to cancel and choose another one, no PAYONE payment methods are available. We're working on a fix to enable correct handling of this use case.
New Features
- Enables the switch to PAYONE payment methods after ordering
- Multiple PAYONE transactions can now be handled in the administration per order
- New payment method: Prepayment
- New payment method: Paydirekt
- fixed a bug where existing settings like payment method assignments could get lost after a plugin update (thx @boxblinkracer)
- fixed wrong sales channel routing of PayPal Express Payments (thx @boxblinkracer)
- various smaller fixes
- Added compatibility for new status transitions in Shopware 6.2
- Shopware 6.2.x support
- We had to drop support for Shopware <6.2.0
New Features
- new payment method: PAYONE safe invoice
- new payment method: Trustly
- added optional submission of order number in the "narrative_text" parameter. This will show the shopware order number on the customer's bank statement or payment info (depending on payment method). If left out, our internal txid is shown.
- fixed payone_allow_refund and payone_allow_capture custom fields to better reflect the current status of an order. This can help when issuing captures and debits via third party systems
- tested with Shopware
New Features
- compatibility with Shopware 6.4.x
- fixed API Test for paydirekt
- always provide shipping address for paypal payments
- fixed labels for PAYONE status mapping (finally!)
- tested with Shop version
- better error message translations
New Features
- new PAYONE permissions management
- status mapping per payment method possible
- fix for unlock the buy now button
- PayPal Express: telephone number not a mandatory field
- Shopware compatibility
- massive refactoring effort
- Elasticsearch compatibility
- backward compatibility to version <6.4.0
- transaction status transmission of txstatus "paid"
- Shopware compatibility
- We're dropping compatibility with Shopware 6.2.* in a future release of this plugin
New Features
- New payment method: Apple Pay
- Enable forwarding of transaction status to third-party systems
- Various fixes for different languages
- Fixed the bug for Prepayment method
- Compatibility with 0€ orders
- tested with 6.4.1
New Features
- Deactivate payone payment methods on zero amount carts
- Add apple-pay
- Add payment method description
- Fix config loading error
- Fix storefront requests
- Fix missing service
- Fix missing customer parameter on prepayment
- Fix backwards compatibility
- Removed cardtype type discover
- Add dependency to GitHub pipeline
- Add fix for Version
- Customer deletion now possible
- Refund only from not yet refunded items possible
- Adjustment missing dependencies when installing via store
- fix compatibility
- drop support for 6.2
New Features
- New payment method: Open Invoice
- Add checkbox for credit card payments to save or remove payment data
- remove capturemode param if completed
- update ZeroAmountCartValidator
- always set data protection check
- include line items with no tax for capture
- add shipping information to Unzer
Tested with: Shopware
New Features
- New payment method: Bancontact
- Added bankgrouptypes for iDEAL
- Add scheduled task to clean up redirect table
- Add due date for invoice on standard invoice
- added shipping costs to line items
- fixed removal of secure invoice
- Changed renaming of payment methods
- Changed PAYONE Logo
- tested with 6.4.12
New Features
- New payment method: Ratepay Open Invoice
- New payment method: Ratepay Direct Debit
- New payment method: Ratepay Installments
- Integrate a sales landingpage in backend
- Tested with version 6.4.14
New Features
Shopware 6.3 support removed
General code optimizations implemented
Important change: The transaction data of PAYONE payments was previously always stored in the additional fields of the orders. Since the additional fields are stored as JSON in the database, searching the transaction data was not very performant for large amounts of data. Therefore, an entity extension was set up for the transaction data so that the data is stored in an extra database table that can be searched much more performantly. During the plugin update, the old additional fields are migrated to the entity extension and then the additional fields are deleted. If you have used our additional fields in your own code or for example in the synchronization to external systems, you have to adapt this to the new entity extension.
- Remove deletion of saved credit cards
- Remove BIC from debit
- Tested with 6.4.16
$criteria = (new Criteria())
->addFilter(new EqualsFilter(PayonePaymentOrderTransactionExtension::NAME . '.transactionId', $payoneTransactionId));
/** @var null|OrderTransactionEntity $transaction */
$transaction = $this->transactionRepository->search($criteria, $context)->first();
/** @var PayonePaymentOrderTransactionDataEntity $payoneTransactionData */
$payoneTransactionData = $transaction->getExtension(PayonePaymentOrderTransactionExtension::NAME);
'id' => $transaction->getId(),
PayonePaymentOrderTransactionExtension::NAME => [
'id' => $payoneTransactionData->getId(),
'sequenceNumber' => 1,
'transactionState' => 'appointed'
]], $context);
New Features
- New payment method: Klarna Rechnung
- New payment method: Klarna Sofort
- New payment method: Klarna Ratenkauf
- New payment method: P24
- The credit card - card type is now displayed in the backend at the order details
- Fixed redirect routing when using multi-saleschannels - Thanks to @patchee500
- Fixed Unzer B2B
- Fixed Refund with wrong tx_id
- tested with
New Features
- New payment method: PAYONE Secured Invoice
- New payment method: PAYONE Secured Installment
- New payment method: PAYONE Secured Direct Debit
- New payment method: PAYONE WeChat Pay
- New payment method: PAYONE Postfinance Card
- New payment method: PAYONE Postfinance E-Finance
- New payment method: PAYONE AliPay
- Opt-in for automatic capture
- fixed reference problem in paydirekt
- fixed capture problem in iDEAL
- fixed data-type-casting in migration
- fixed support for vouchers
- improve payment filter technology
- removed birthday field from open invoice
- update iDEAL issuer list
- tested with 6.4.20
- Fixed capture for Bancontact
- Fixed typo in dfp snippet for Payla
- Fixed txid in database
- Fixed Klarna event name
- tested with
New Features
- Added support for Shopware 6.5
- Removed support for Shopware 6.4
- General code optimizations implemented
- If you use classes and functions of the plugin in your own plugins or extend code of the plugin, you should check your code for functionality after the update, because some places were adjusted
- Tested with
- 1st run tested with
- 2nd run tested with
New Features
- compatibility with SW 6.6 established
- improved refund handling on order detail page
- new logging function on order detail page
- new payment method: Amazon Pay Express
- new payment method: Amazon Pay
- implement B2B payments for BNPL Secured Invoice
- updated the iDEAL issuer list
- fixed birthday field in Unzer B2B
- updated the hash method
- removed paydirekt and updated giropay
- fixed notification forwarding
- fixed notification logging
- tested with and
- removed old .js file
New Features
- enable line items for all payment methods
- add line item details in order details page
- fixed problems with payment filter
- fixed problems with rights assignment
- fixed problem with Notification Forward Detail Page (Thanks @hgnb99)
- fixed problem with Apple Pay
- add credit card holder
- removed storage of SEPA mandates
- edit composer.json
- tested with
New Features
- new payment method: PayPal v2
- new payment method: PayPal Express v2
- show error notification in backend only in case of an error
- webhooks: add sort-order for handlers to prevent wrong order
- tested with 6.6.9