Are you interested in hosting Paris TypeScript for a meetup at your company? Here you will find all the information necessary for the smooth organization of one of our events!
The first step is to contact the meetup organizers:
- By email:
- On discord (contact admins: Sylvain Pontoreau, Lilian Saget, Terence Moussoki, Paul Souche).
Several important pieces of information need to be considered to ensure a warm welcome for Paris TypeScript:
- The host must provide a room capable of accommodating between 50 and 70 participants. The average attendance at a Paris TypeScript meetup is around 55 people.
- The no-show rate (number of registered people who do not attend the event) ranges from 50% to 60%.
- We can provide you with the list of participants if there is a security-related request. However, please let us know before announcing the meetup, as some Paris TypeScript members use pseudonyms. A request should be added during registration for the person to specify their full name.
- The lineup and speakers are 100% chosen by the meetup organizers.
- The meetup organizers always reserve a slot for a host speaker. If this slot is taken, it is important to choose a topic related to TypeScript and submit it via our repository dedicated to presentation selection.
⚠ We do not accept any commercial or marketing presentations. The slot is reserved for a presentation by a member of your technical teams only (see the next two points).
- During the meetup, we reserve a 5-minute slot during the event introduction for the host. This time can be used to present the company or technical context, for example. The host is free to present whatever they want related to the company. However, we advise against a presentation that is 100% focused on recruitment or commercial aspects. These are generally poorly received by participants who are often more interested in learning about the company culture or technical stack. Ideally, reserve this aspect for networking, as participants will naturally engage with your teams after the presentations 😉.
- A company willing to host Paris TypeScript and proposing a topic with a speaker from their development team will always be favored and prioritized first.
- The meetup is divided into two parts, presentations, and networking. The smooth running of the presentations is the responsibility of Paris TypeScript, while networking is the responsibility of the hosting company. It is necessary to provide beverages and food for this part. The covering of expenses for the networking part is the responsibility of the hosting company.
- We generally have a schedule of 2-3 hosts in advance. Regarding a potential date to host the meetup, we will provide you with the information as soon as possible.
- On the day of the event, ensure the presence of host employees to manage the smooth running of the event (e.g., managing entries/exits, equipment verification, etc.).
- Paris TypeScript is a hybrid event, with online streaming managed by our team with our own setup. Although we appreciate proposals for assistance on this matter, we want to maintain autonomy in this regard, as we cannot adapt to the setup of every company. We have a dedicated and simple setup to implement that uses the Contrast platform.
- The host must adhere to the Code of Conduct of Paris TypeScript.
- A synchronization meeting will be scheduled with the host before the event to review the organization of the meetup and meet the teams present on the day.
- A visit to the premises can be arranged to take into account technical constraints (equipment, building, etc.).
- It is necessary to plan communication about the event on social networks once the announcement is made.