#RESTful Web Services
Retrive all users - GET /users
Create an user - POST /users
Retrive one user - GET /users/{userId} -> /users/1
Delete a user - DELETE /users/{userId} -> /users/1
Retrive all tasks for an user - GET /user/{userid}/tasks -> /user/1/tasks
Create a post for an user - GET /user/{userid}/tasks -> /user/1/tasks
Retrive single task of an user -GET /user/{userid}/tasks/{taskId} -> /user/1/tasks/1
service versioning
exception handling
content negotioation
generate documentation
how to monitor the services
Spring security username/password: awstechguide/awstechguide
Check the APIs of this projects after starting the project browse below urls http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html http://localhost:8080/v2/api-docs
Actuator http://localhost:8080/actuator Health http://localhost:8080/actuator/health
Dynamic Filtering http://localhost:8080/filter/person http://localhost:8080/filter/person/list
Internationalization http://localhost:8080/welcome
Using JPA H2 database GET: http://localhost:8080/users/jpa http://localhost:8080/users/1/jpa