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155 lines (109 loc) · 9.97 KB

File metadata and controls

155 lines (109 loc) · 9.97 KB


1) Created two github repositories.

One repository to store the code and another repository to store the manifest files . The manifest repo is a private repository .

2) Started a Jenkins server at port 8080 and installed some plugins .

Install Plugins

3) Started a sonarqube server at port 9000 .

start sonarqube server

4) Created a token on Sonarqube server ( at adminstration > security > users ).

create token on sonarqube

5) Configure sonarqube server on Jenkins .

Here mentioned the sonarqube server URL and also created a secret text using the token ( created in step 4 ) and added that secret text into the sonarqube server . configure sonarqube server on jenkins

6) Setup Sonarqube scanner on Jenkins .

Here in tools section of manage Jenkins i have configured the sonarqube scanner . Just given the desired version of sonarqube scanner and a name to the scanner . sonarscanner setup on jenkins

7) Setup Quality gate on sonarqube .

On Sonarqube server , at adminstration ? configuration > webhook , added the <jenkins_url>/sonarqube_webhook and a name . quality gate configuration

8) Configure gmail and jenkins integration .

Here i have first created an app password on gmail . created app password on gmail

Then using the app password , created a username and password credential on Jenkins . create id for mail-cred

Then on system of manage jenkins configured the gmail . Here i have mentioned the smtp server and its port as 465 . email configuration on jenkins

9) Integrated dockerhub and Jenkins .

Here created a username and password credential on the Jenkins server . Here i have mentioned my dockerhub account username and the password . Here the username and password can be accessed by using the ID . create dockerhub credentials

10) Integrated Github and Jenkins .

Here first created a personal token on github . created a token on github

Then created a secret text credential by using the github personal token on Jenkins . github credential on jenkins

11) Created a K8s cluster using Kind .

kind: Cluster
- role: control-plane
  - containerPort: 32215
    hostPort: 80
  - containerPort: 32216
    hostPort: 8081
- role: worker
created a cluster

12) ArgoCD setup using the private manifest repository .

Here first created argocd namespace . namespace and argocd configured

Then generated the argocd server password . argocd server password

Then port forward the argocd server access to port 8078 . port-forward to 8078

After connecting the argocd server , i have first updated the argocd password . updated argo password

Then connected the manifest repo file using the github manifest repo url , github username and github personal token . connected to manifest repo

Created an application from the connected github repo . created weather app and also give namespace

After this argocd started deploying the manifest files . argo cd started deploying the images

13) Written the Jenkins pipeline code .

created pipeline

14) Started prometheus at port 9090, grafana at port 3000 and blackbox exporter at port 9115 .

Here i have configured the prometheus.yml inside the prometheus container . Here added the some code which will help to scrape the metrics from the blacbox exported and Jenkins . configure prometheus yaml

Then restarted my prometheus container . After this checked the targets in prometheus server . check the targets on prometheus

Then integrated prometheus and grafana . grafana connected to prometheus

15) Now started the my Jenkins pipeline .

It will build the version 1 of my website .

Jenkins Pipeline result:
pipeline successful
Sonarqube result :
Argo CD deploys the version 1 of website :
argo cd automatically deployed
Received the trivy reports and pipeline status on my gmail .
All the successfull stages is received at email trivy scan reports received

16) Updated the code .

Now the website of version 2 . updated to version 2

Jenkins Pipeline result after website code is updated to version 2 :
version 2 pipeline is successful
Argo CD automatically deploys the version of website .

Uploading argo cd version 2 access.png… argo cd deploying version 2

Received status of pipeline on gmail:
successful stages updated trivy reports

17) Accessed the version 2 of website .

version 2 of website


Manifest files

Here kubernetes secrets is used to store the API_TOKEN . Application runs at port 80 and it is connected to the backend at port 8081 .

Received which stages are failed on gmail while running a demo pipeline .

pipeline failed and their stages

Monitoring results :

Blackbox exporter :

blackbox exporter dashboard 1

Jenkins :

Jenkins dashboard monitoring 1