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321 lines (239 loc) · 12.1 KB

File metadata and controls

321 lines (239 loc) · 12.1 KB



  • Default docker image to alpine linux with JDK 11


  • Default docker base image is now alpine linux with JDK 11; must use gdal maven profile to enable GDAL support

New Features

Removed Features


  • Fixed issue where layer group info objects were not properly resolving workspace info objects



  • Upgrade to GeoServer 2.16.0
  • Upgrade to GeoTools 22.0
  • Upgrade to Spring Boot 2.2.1
  • Upgrade to Spring Cloud Hoxton.RELEASE


New Features

  • Added configuration properties for TransientCache constructor parameters

Removed Features

  • Removed redis discovery configuration


  • Fixed NPE issues in catalog when using isolated workspaces
  • Fixed REST issues with security endpoint controllers
  • Move GeoServerInitializers from RedisGeoServerLoader to BSEInitializer so they get run each startup on all nodes
  • Fixed issue where S3 blobstore settings were not properly being saved
  • Certain properties not being honored in bootstrap.yml were moved to application.yml



  • Public and open-source release
  • Rename from BSE to Stratus


New Features

  • Stratus is now open-source, under the GPLv2 license
  • The project has been renamed from BSE to Stratus. All package, class, and property names have changed accordingly.
  • Stratus docs, integration tests, and deployment configurations have been merged into this repository (previously seperate)

Removed Features

  • Removed Boundless branding from Stratus
  • Removed STAC support from WPS
  • Removed Spatial Statistics from WPS
  • Removed GSR
  • Removed previously deprecated Auth, OAuth2 and Backup-Restore modules


  • Fix WMSInfo SRS list persistance error
  • Modified coverage dimension info to properly store the name only and not the name wrapped in the class name



  • Update to GeoServer 2.15.0 and Spring Boot 2
  • Support Java 11, and use a Java 11 docker image


Version Updates

  • Update to GeoTools 19.0 / GeoServer 2.15.0
  • Update Spring Boot 2.1.3.RELEASE
  • Update to spring-cloud 2.0.4 (Greenwich)
  • Update jedis connector to 2.9.1
  • Update lettuce connector to 5.1.4
  • Update to GSR 0.6.0 (with Java 11 support)
  • Update embedded web seerver to Tomcat 9

New Features

  • Add support for Java 11
  • Use new docker base image with JDK 11 included
  • GWC S3 Blobstores can now be added using the GeoServer BlobStore UI

Removed Features

  • Backup-Restore has been removed


  • Fixed incompatibilies between spatialstatistics and grib/netcdf
  • Fix issues with AttributeTypeInfo (de)serialization
  • Update bootstrap and default application properties to use Spring Boot 2 names
  • Disable spring-cloud auto refresh to fix geoserver startup issues
  • Add programatic Stratus Rest security configuration
  • Exclude spring-jcl in favor of commons-logging for API compatibility with GeoServer
  • Update jedis / lettuce connection factories for Spring Boot 2
  • Add new dispatcher registration bean config to work around servlet path info issue.
  • Remove spring profile from pom.xml (overriding actual profile in bootstrap.yml)
  • Disable Spring Aop Autoconfiguration
  • Move authentication manager config to WebSecurityConfigurer Disable basic and anonymous Spring filters
  • Remove Spring's CSRF protection to get web login working
  • Fixed rest content negotiation for Spring Boot 2 compatibility.
  • Support virtual services in WMTS
  • Fix conflict between Spring Boot and GWC contexts
  • Fix jackson-databind serialization issues
  • Fix style initialization NPE
  • Fix JDK 11 internal API usage violations
  • Removed deprecated and duplicate redis code
  • Update RestConfiguration and fix circular dependency errors
  • Fix GS JSON rest endpoint message conversion
  • Resolve (most) split packages between Stratus and other projects.
  • Resolve Stratus-internal split packages.
  • Add custom redis converter for NetCDFSettingsContainer, fixing startup failure when using netcdfout
  • WPSStorageCleaner should log to its own package
  • Add X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN so OL GetFeatureInfo works
  • Set default timezone for Stratus to GMT to fix oracle connection issues
  • Fix error where OWS Cache preloading will crash and swallow exceptions if there is an error parsing the opening tag of and XML Post request
  • Fix error where JAITools processes did not get registered with JAI resulting in a "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The input argument(s) may not be null." response when running certain WPS processes, such as ras:Contour



  • Update GSR to support GeoTools 20 (Fixes java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/vividsolutions/jts/geom/Point)
  • Set WFS default MaxFeatures to 1000000 (was 0)
  • Upgraded Spring Boot version to 1.5.18.RELEASE
  • Exclude grib and netcdf imageio-ext deps from spatialstatistics, fixing startup failures with Stratus-1.3.0-ALL image



  • Update to GeoTools 20.1, GeoWebCache 1.14.1, GeoServer 2.14.1
  • Added Spatial Statistics WPS processes, and general WPS enhancements.
  • Upgrade GeoServer ServiceInfo configuration persistance, with migration code for Stratus 1.2.0 and older catalogs (enabled by default)


Version Updates

  • Upgraded Spring Cloud version to Edgware.SR5
  • Upgraded Spring Boot version to 1.5.17.RELEASE
  • Update to GeoTools 20.1, GeoWebCache 1.14.1, GeoServer 2.14.1

New Features

  • Added Spatial Statistics WPS processes
  • Added WPS-Builder support
  • Added STAC support for WPS


  • Upgrade GeoServer ServiceInfo configuration persistance
    • Move from java-serialization to redis-data, with seperate implementation for each subtype.
    • Add serialization migration and upgrade code
    • Add 1.2.0 migration parameter (stratus.catalog.redis.enable-stratus-1-2-upgrade) to application properties
  • Improved defaults to OWS Service config
  • Fix global GeoServerInfo globalServices persistance
  • Update default GWC vector tile formats to use application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile
  • Update GWC Demo Openlayers version to 5.3.0
  • Fix Mapbox vector tiles "jitter" when zooming in on point layers
  • stratus-gwc - support blobstore rollback on UnsuitableStorageException



  • Added support for Asyncronous WPS, with status backed by Redis, and supporting output to S3
  • REST API changes and improvements
  • Managed Stratus Auth module
  • Various catalog stability improvements, especially around catalog caching and serialization.


Version Updates

  • Upgraded Spring Cloud version to Edgware.SR3
  • Upgraded Spring Boot version to 1.5.14.RELEASE
  • Update GSR to 0.5.1 - Feature CRUD, Form POSTs

New Features

  • Add support for Asyncronous WPS requests via redis
  • Add Amazon S3 support for WPS file management
  • Add REST endpoint to query WPS Status directly from Redis
  • Added backup-restore module to Stratus + necessary changes in order to make it work
  • Add an NDVI process to Stratus
  • Add Auth module - JWT-based authorization for Managed Stratus
  • Add redis-cli REST endpoint, merge keys and values endpoints into /redis/data
  • Add /catalog/* REST endpoints for looking up Catalog Info directly
  • Add /redis/exec REST endpoint

Removed Features

  • Remove PCF module
  • Removed geofence and geonode modules


  • CachePreloading: Delegating keys should return null if delegate query fails
  • Fix NPE in nested layer groups when using cache preloading
  • Fix layer not found errors for global layer groups
  • Added more detailed logging for s3 read error.
  • Add DEBUG loging for RedisMultiQueryCachingEngine queries Fix bug in CachingEngine with empty-result query responses Fix caching error when there is no default workspace
  • Use 10 retries for WPS S3 file retrieval
  • Fix stackoverflow for ExecutionType clash with ExecutionStatus
  • Handle GWC services in OWSVirtualServiceCallback (fixes 404 errors)
  • Managed Stratus Jenkins build
  • WPS S3 should use local storage by default
  • Move wps s3 configuration to seperate yaml file (off by default)
  • Log failed WPS S3 connection attemps as error; cancel S3 storage cleaner and de-escelate to info after 5 failed attemps.
  • Suport Amazon S3 for WPS file management
  • Catalog anti-corruption - roll back failed catalog changes on add and modify
  • Ensure linearizationTolerance property of FeatureTypeInfo serializes and deserializes from Redis
  • OWS requests should return 404 if an invalid virtual service is provided
  • Support serving static web resources (logos, icons, etc.)
  • Support cache preloading for unprefixed layer names when using virtual workspaces
  • Fixed prefix issue with jndi store configuration
  • getCatalogInfoByName REST endpoint returns layer instead of resource
  • Remove unused autoconfigured beans
  • Managed Stratus Auth - Handle Anonymous user
  • Stricter auth restrictions on REST endpoints by default


  • Change to amazon linux base docker image (from centos)
  • Remove MrSID support



  • Added support for integrated GeoWebCache to Stratus, with configuration backed by Redis

  • Updated to GeoServer 2.13.0

  • Added extensions:

    • GeoServices REST - ArcGIS REST API
    • S3 GeoTiff module
    • WPS (Only synchronous WPS is supported)


Version Updates

  • Upgraded Spring Cloud version to Edgware.SR1
  • Upgraded GeoServer version to 2.13.0, GeoWebCache version to 1.13.0 and GeoTools version to 19.0
  • Upgraded Lettuce version to 4.4.5.Final
  • Upgraded Spring Boot version to 1.5.13.RELEASE

New Features

  • Stratus-GWC Integration, with GWC config backed by redis
  • Add s3-geotiff dependency
  • Add WPS extension to default build
  • Add GSR extension to stratus-application
  • Added redis manager controller reinitialize method
  • Support OWS Virtual Services endpoints
  • Support Isolated Workspaces
  • Added WMTSLayerInfo support to catalog facade
  • Added config pool config for sentinel configurations
  • Added unsupported response for /rest/redis endpoints in cluster/sentinel configurations
  • Added redis info controller endpoint
  • Refactored pcf-sso into separate oauth2 and pcf modules; added externalized sessions for pcf
  • Added pcf-sso module
  • Added lettuce config for pcf


  • Improve catalog cache preloading for WMS virtual workspace.
  • Adjust OWS mappings to allow for operation at path component.
  • Update base docker image - fixes various security vulnerabilities
  • Fix GWC parameter filter (de)serialization
  • Add Stratus branding to GWC homepage
  • Fix GWC rest links so they include '/gwc'
  • Reload global geoserver info across nodes on modification
  • Don't register redis converters as beans, only use CustomConversions (Fixes DimensionInfoImpl conversion errors)
  • Fix error clearing initialization lock before the instance has finished initializing
  • Handle unresolvable resources in RedisCatalogImpl
  • Fixed issues persisting GeoServerTileLayer info objects to redis
  • Added custom tomcat config for specifying relative redirect URIs
  • Fix integrated GWC automatic tile truncation for style changes
  • Added code to prevent servlet containers from appending jsessionid parameters to url
  • Bug fix for using the redis manager controller to view the raw contents of catalog info object hashes in redis
  • Make GWC ServerConfiguration initialization occur only once, on the master node
  • Fix GeoGig module
  • Fix caching configuration and cache deletes
  • Refactored locking provider to use functional interface
  • Added converter for DimensionInfoImpl
  • Added second redis template that does not enable transaction support for catalog/resource store. Modified caching transactional code to close/return pool connections.
  • JNDI should support both tomcat jdbc and dbcp
  • Moved redis session config to stratus-application and made it configurable via properties
  • Excluded bruteForceListener from bean instantiation
  • Added VirtualTable converter class to handle VirtualTable metadata objects
  • Added more info to the redis clients controller endpoint
  • Added all available pool config properties to RedisConfigProps
  • Set default theme to light
  • Added single shared connection for scan operations; updated union/intersection set operations
  • Fixed redis controller to create authenticated connections to redis if necessary
  • Update Stratus logo



Initial stable release