- algorithms docs build bug (c4ed72d)
- ci bug (f6185d6)
- deploy bug (568b663)
- gitalk cannot login; feat: manifest (ee9e237)
- gitalk ignore path for guide; update popup style; README docs link (0335865)
- gitalk not found (747e117)
- husky pre-commit (06f1144)
- math docs menu (3958b99)
- netlify deploy bug (f1830e9)
- plop create code and docs model(plop name bug) (8ef0e62)
- plop docs code path; changelog; feat: editorconfig (27073f0)
- readme selected; package.json husky add test (b228b61)
- remove changelog at pre commit (c49bf26)
- 1 add binaryTree; 2 add binary -> bitNot; fix: 1 tsconfig paths;2 math -> binary readme bug; (1054dc2)
- 1 init project, 2 add jest, typescript; 3 add instanceof (14e4bdc)
- add husky, tslint, commitlint, changelog (ca578ad)
- add singleton-pattern (0faedce)
- algorithm 9 sort(buble, counting, heap, insertion, selection, quick, shell) (db7159a)
- apply, bind; commit-push.sh; move call instanceof new to primitive (f183666)
- arrayMove; update readme: add shields; add coveralls (2292e38)
- call; add jest coverage (1599e55)
- decorator design (11ef72e)
- define type (b582e8c)
- design pattern (c7f30b2)
- docs (09fef61)
- docs; add deploy.sh (891a2eb)
- facade & adapter (85f32d4)
- factorial (dda4362)
- factory pattern (a7ec04b)
- fibonacci; fix: description about test (b16c391)
- find; update badges with docs and something else; (06b0338)
- function -> debounce & throttle (ce83ade)
- isArray; call reademe.md (e31bb0a)
- iterator design (10cfd26)
- lcm (2a32d29)
- lodash base findIndex, find (not implementation) (6240f86)
- math -> binary (7158a67)
- math gcm; update vuepress doc (066bf3c)
- math pow; fix: ci.yml (89be97b)
- navbar add hot repo; auto deploy to gitpages and netlify; update write docs (7e6184d)
- new (e1b1495)
- object.is (437d64a)
- observer pattern (77c78f7)
- plop create code and docs model (2dece76)
- plop new code and docs template (61a936b)
- plop new docs or template set alias; update docs about alias (3722bcc)
- plop new docs or template set alias; update docs about alias (#21) (4334218)
- promise; debugger launch (cc8ad80)
- proxy design (e615f39)
- sort -> bubbleSort(algorithm, readme, test) (36fab7b)
- sort -> bucket, radix; algorithm -> binaryTree; add some types; docs: update readme; fix: tests format, (b1d166c)
- sword means offer: 03 find repeat number; fix: plop template; readme title (cf084d8)
- sword means offer: 64-sum-1-n-nums (9e09cf8)
- update docs -> algorithm: binary tree, sort (5d57bc4)
- update docs -> design pattern function array object math primitive types utils (1690af5)
- update netlify status (013b5ca)
- update readme for plans (b427b96)
- update test.yml -> ci.yml and set command (43b96b6)
- update vdom-diff docs (06590c5)
- update xmind (cb23933)
- update xmind (408ca68)
- update xmind (71317c6)
- update xmind (4256758)
- update: plans; fix: readme bug (d44e559)
- vdom diff algorithm (3b7779d)
- vuepress docs v1.0.0 (785caeb)
- zh-cn and plans (62b460f)