Name | Type | Required | Description |
amount | float | ❌ | Amount of the transaction, in units defined in currency. Decimal, including the correct number of decimal places for the currency exponent, as defined in ISO 2417:2015. Response only. |
auth_code | str | ❌ | Authorization code sent to the merchant. Relevant to authorizations approved by Rapyd. Response only. |
authorization_approved_by | str | ❌ | Approver of the transaction when remote authorization is used. See Remote Authorization. |
bin | str | ❌ | The first 6 digits of the card number. Response only. |
card_authorization | str | ❌ | |
card_id | str | ❌ | ID of the card. String starting with card_. Response only. |
card_program | str | ❌ | ID of the card program that the card is issued from. String starting with cardprog_. Response only. |
created_at | float | ❌ | Time of creation of the transaction object, in Unix time. Response only. |
currency | str | ❌ | |
fx_rate | float | ❌ | The exchange rate. Response only. |
id_ | str | ❌ | ID of the issued card transaction object. String starting with cit_. |
issuing_txn_type | str | ❌ | Type of the transaction. |
last4 | str | ❌ | The last 4 digits of the card number. Response only. |
merchant_category_code | str | ❌ | Four-digit merchant category code (MCC) of the initiator of the transaction, as defined in ISO 18245. Response only. |
merchant_name_location | str | ❌ | Name and location of the merchant. Maximum 40 characters. Response only. |
original_transaction_id | str | ❌ | ID of the original card transaction. Response only. |
original_txn_amount | float | ❌ | Original amount for FX transactions, when currency is different from original_txn_currency. Response only. |
original_txn_currency | str | ❌ | Original currency in FX transaction. Three-letter ISO 4217 code. Response only. |
pos_entry_mode | CardTransactionPosEntryMode | ❌ | The mode of the POS entry. One of the following |
retrieval_reference_number | str | ❌ | Reserved. |
systems_trace_audit_number | str | ❌ | Reserved |
wallet_transaction_id | str | ❌ | ID of the wallet transaction. String starting with wt_. Response only. |
The mode of the POS entry. One of the following
Name | Type | Required | Description |
MAGSTRIPE | str | ✅ | "magstripe" |
MANUALENTERED | str | ✅ | "manual_entered" |
EMV | str | ✅ | "emv" |
EMVSTANDIN | str | ✅ | "emv_standin" |
NFC | str | ✅ | "nfc" |
NETWORKTOKEN | str | ✅ | "network_token" |
ECOMMERCE | str | ✅ | "ecommerce" |
_3DSECOMMERCE | str | ✅ | "3ds_ecommerce" |
ADJUSTMENT | str | ✅ | "adjustment" |