Details of the merchant who is the subject of the query.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
business_category | InlineResponse200_119DataQueryInfoQueriedMerchantBusinessCategory | ❌ | The category of the merchant's business. |
dba_name | str | ❌ | The "doing business as" name of the merchant.<BR>String that starts and ends with any combination of characters, whitespace, a specified range of Latin letters with diacritics, and a specific set of special characters.<BR>Length: 4-60 |
legal_name | str | ❌ | The registered legal name of the merchant. |
address | V1cnlterminationQueryQueriedMerchantPrincipalsAddress | ❌ | Details of the owner's business address. |
phone_numbers | dict | ❌ | Business phone numbers of the merchant.<BR<Array of strings. Maximum - 2. Each string is a phone number in the format +[country code]/[phone number], where the forward slash (/) represents a separator between the country code and the telephone number.<BR>The plus sign before the country code is optional. The country code may only contain digits.<BR>The slash is required and must follow the country code.<BR>The telephone number may include blank spaces and hyphens (-).<BR>For example, in +1/555 555-5555, the country code is 1 and the telephone number is 5555555555.<BR>Length of each phone number: 8-15. |
is_ecommerce | bool | ❌ | Indicates whether the merchant trades through the internet. |
The category of the merchant's business.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
MERCHANT | str | ✅ | "Merchant" |
PAYMENTFACILITATOR | str | ✅ | "Payment Facilitator" |
INDEPENDENTSALESORGANIZATION | str | ✅ | "Independent Sales Organization" |
MARKETPLACE | str | ✅ | "Marketplace" |
STAGEDDIGITALWALLETOPERATOR | str | ✅ | "Staged Digital Wallet Operator" |
SPONSOREDMERCHANT | str | ✅ | "Sponsored Merchant" |