Name | Type | Required | Description |
attempts | ListWebhooksResponseAttempts | ❌ | List of attempts at sending the webhook. Array of objects that contain the following fields: |
created_at | float | ❌ | Timestamp for the creation of the webhook. Unix time. |
data | dict | ❌ | The data section of the webhook itself. |
last_attempt_at | float | ❌ | Timestamp of the last attempt at sending the webhook. Unix time. |
next_attempt_at | float | ❌ | Timestamp of the next attempt at sending the webhook. Unix time. |
status | str | ❌ | Status of the webhook. One of the following: <BR> _ NEW (new) - The webhook was created and has not yet been sent successfully. <BR> _ CLO (closed) - The webhook was sent successfully.<BR> _ ERR (error) - Attempts were made to send the webhook, but the maximum number of retries was reached. The automatic retry process failed. The webhook was not sent. <BR> _ RET (retried) - The webhook was resent. |
token | str | ❌ | ID of the webhook. String starting with wh_. |
type_ | float | ❌ | Internal name of the webhook type. |