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81 lines (74 loc) · 43.8 KB


Collects money from a payment method and deposits it into one or more Rapyd Wallets


Name Type Required Description
address Address1 address associated with this specific Rapyd entity Payment/Customer etc.
amount float The amount received by the recipient, in units of the currency defined in currency. Decimal, including the correct number of decimal places for the currency exponent, as defined in ISO 2417:2015. To verify a card, set to 0.
auth_code str Indicates that the card payment was authorized by the card network.
cancel_reason str Reason for cancellation or reversal of a payment. Response only.
captured bool Indicates whether the payment has been successfully captured. Response only.
complete_payment_url str URL where the customer is redirected for final steps in completing the operation. Provided by the clientRelevant to bank redirect payment methods
country_code str
created_at int Time of creation of the payment, in Unix time. Response only.
currency_code str In transactions without FX, defines the currency of the transaction. Three-letter ISO 4217 code.<BR> In FX transactions:<BR> _ When fixed_side is buy, it is the currency received in the Rapyd wallet.<BR> _ When fixed_side is sell, it is the currency charged to the buyer.
customer_token str ID of the customer who is making the payment. String starting with cus_. When a payment is created without an existing customer, the platform creates an anonymous customer with no payment methods. Response only.
description str Description of the payment
dispute Dispute Describes the fields contained in REST messages and webhooks for disputes of payments.
error_code str Relevant error message (with an underscore between words) and ID number of the error. Response only.
error_payment_url str URL where the customer is redirected in case of an error in the operation. Provided by the client.Relevant to bank redirect payment methods
escrow dict Describes the escrow. Relevant when the payment is created with escrow set to true. Response only.
ewallet_id str ID of the wallet that the money is paid into. String starting with ewallet_. Relevant when the request includes a single wallet. Response only.
ewallets List[PaymentEwallets] Specifies the wallets that the money is collected into. If this is left blank, the money goes into the oldest 'collection'-type client wallet. If there is no 'collection' client wallet, the money goes into the oldest 'general'-type client wallet.
expiration float End of the time allowed for customer to make this payment, in Unix time. Must be after the current time
failure_code str Error code explaining the reason for failure of the payment. Response only.
failure_message str Message to the merchant, explaining the reason for failure of the payment. Response only.
fixed_side str Indicates whether the FX rate is fixed for the buy side (seller) or for the sell side (buyer). _ buy - The currency that the Rapyd Wallet receives for goods or services. Fixed side buy relates to the seller (merchant) funds. For example, a US-based merchant wants to charge 100 USD. The buyer (customer) pays the amount in MXN that converts to 100 USD. This is the default. _ sell - The currency that the buyer is charged for purchasing goods or services. Fixed side sell relates to the buyer (customer) funds. For example, a US-based merchant wants to charge a buyer 2,000 MXN and will accept whatever amount in USD that is converted from 2,000 MXN.
flow_type str Reserved.
fx_rate float Exchange rate for the transaction. When fixed_side is buy, fx_rate is the buy rate. When fixed_side is sell, fx_rate is the sell rate. Decimal number as string. Response only.
group_payment str ID of the group payment. String starting with gp_. Relevant when the payment is part of a group payment.
id_ str ID of the payment. String starting with payment_. Response only
initiation_type str Reason for cancellation or reversal of a payment. Response only.
instructions List[PaymentInstructions] Describes how the customer makes the payment. Read-only. Contains the following fields - _ name - Description of the payment method. _ steps - A steps object containing a list of steps for the customer to take. Each step is named stepN, where N is an integer.
invoice str ID of the invoice that this payment is for. String starting with inv_. Response only.
is_partial bool Indicates whether the payment has been partially paid. When false, indicates that the payment is unpaid or fully paid. Response only.
merchant_reference_id str ID defined by the client. Limited to 255 characters.
merchant_requested_amount str Indicates the amount paid by the payer, in units of the currency defined in merchant_requested_currency. Relevant to payments with FX. Read only.
merchant_requested_currency str Indicates the currency that merchant receives. Three-letter ISO 4217 code. Uppercase. Relevant to payments with FX. Response only.
metadata dict A JSON object defined by the client in the Customer Payment Method object. Response only.
mid str Reserved
next_action NextAction Indicates the next action for completing the payment. Response only. One of the following values are - _ 3d_verification - The next action is 3DS authentication. To simulate 3DS authentication in the sandbox, see Simulating 3DS Authentication. Relevant only to card payments. _ pending_capture - The next action is pending the capture of the amount. Relevant only to card payments when the amount is not zero. _ pending_confirmation - The next action is pending the confirmation for the payment. Relevant to all payment methods excluding card payment. _ not_applicable - The payment has completed or the next action is not relevant.
order str ID of the order that this payment is for. Read-only. Relevant when the payment is for an order.
original_amount float _ Foreign exchange payments - The amount paid by the sender, in units of the currency defined in requested_currency, including gross transaction fees and gross FX fees. _ Payments not involving foreign exchange - The amount of the payment, in units of the currency defined in currency, including gross transaction fees. Response only.
outcome Outcome The outcome object describes the outcome of the Rapyd Protect risk assessment
paid bool Indicates whether the payment has been fully captured. Response only.
paid_at float Time of the last capture, in Unix time. Response only.
payment_fees Fee
payment_method str payment_method ID or object. If not specified in this field, the payment method is the default payment method specified for the customer. Mandatory when there is no default payment method. For a description of the fields in the payment_method object, see Customer Payment Method Object.
payment_method_data dict Details of the payment_method_data object. See Payment Method Data Object. Response only.
payment_method_options dict Object describing additional payment method fields required for the payment. These values are not saved as part of the payment method object. To determine the fields required, run Get Payment Method Required Fields.
payment_method_type str A type of payment method that a customer can use for making payments. The payment method type has a suffix with one of the following values [_bank, _card, _cash, _ewallet]
payment_method_type_category PaymentMethodTypeCategory Category of payment method type. Read-only.
receipt_email str Email address that the receipt for this transaction is sent to
receipt_number str Reserved. Response only
redirect_url str URL where the customer is redirected for additional steps required for the payment. Response only. To simulate 3DS authentication in the sandbox, see Simulating 3DS Authentication
refunded bool Indicates whether there was a refund against this payment. Response only.
refunded_amount float The total amount refunded against this payment, in units of the currency defined in currency. Response only.
refunds PaymentRefunds Refunds object
remitter_information dict Contains the customer name and the associated bank account. This includes - _ name - Name of the customer. _ account_id - ID of the customer's bank account. * bank_code - SWIFT code for the customer's bank. Response only.
save_payment_method bool _ true - Saves the card for future use. This is the default. _ false - Does not save the card. Relevant when payment_method_type_category is card and the "Create Payment" request includes full card details.
statement_descriptor str A text description suitable for a customer's payment statement. Limited to 22 characters. If this field is not specified, Rapyd populates it with the name of the merchant
status PaymentStatus
textual_codes dict A set of text codes for the customer to use to complete the steps described in the instructions field. Response only. The name of the field is the local name of the code, or some other label. For example _ code _ paycode _ pay_code _ payid _ pairing_code _ payment_code * response_code
transaction_id str ID of the associated transaction. Response only
visual_codes dict A set of images for the customer to use to complete the steps described in the instructions field. For example, a QR code or barcode. Response only.


Category of payment method type. Read-only.


Name Type Required Description
BANKTRANSFER str "bank_transfer"
BANKREDIRECT str "bank_redirect"
CARD str "card"
CASH str "cash"
EWALLET str "ewallet"