Name | Type | Required | Description |
amount | float | ❌ | Amount of the payout, in units defined by payout_currency. Decimal, including the correct number of decimal places for the currency exponent, as defined in ISO 2417:2015. Same as payout_amount. Response only. |
beneficiary | Beneficiary | ❌ | |
beneficiary_country | str | ❌ | |
created_at | int | ❌ | Time of creation of the payout, in Unix time. Response only. |
description | str | ❌ | Description of the payout transaction. |
error | str | ❌ | Indicates the error code of the last unsuccessful operation on the Payout object. |
estimated_time_of_arrival | str | ❌ | The estimated time period in which the beneficiary will receive the funds. |
ewallets | List[PayoutEwallets] | ❌ | An array of one object, which contains the following fields: _ ewalletid - The ID of the wallet that the money is transferred from, a string starting with **ewallet**. _ amount - Amount of the transaction in currency units defined in currency. * percent - A decimal number representing a percentage of the total payout. Response only. |
expiration | float | ❌ | Determines the day the payout expires, in Unix time. The payout must be completed before the start of this day. Relevant to cash payout methods where the is_expirable field is true in the response to List Payout Method Types. |
fx_rate | float | ❌ | Currency conversion rate for the payout. Decimal. Response only. |
gc_error_code | str | ❌ | Reserved. Response only. |
id_ | str | ❌ | ID of the payout. String starting with payout_. |
identifier_type | str | ❌ | Reserved. Response only. |
identifier_value | str | ❌ | Reserved. Response only. |
instructions | List[PayoutInstructions] | ❌ | Describes how the customer collects the payout. Contains the following fields: _ name - Short description of the instructions. _ steps - A 'steps' object containing a list of steps for the customer to take. Each step is named stepN, where N is an integer. |
instructions_value | dict | ❌ | Additional information from the merchant. For example, the merchant's instructions and transaction number that must be presented for collecting the payout. |
merchant_reference_id | str | ❌ | ID defined by the client. Limited to 255 characters. |
metadata | dict | ❌ | A JSON object defined by the client. |
paid_amount | float | ❌ | Cumulative amount received by the beneficiary, in units defined by payout_currency. Response only. |
paid_at | str | ❌ | Time of the payout, in Unix time. Response only. |
payout_currency | str | ❌ | |
payout_fees | PayoutFees | ❌ | |
payout_method_type | str | ❌ | The type of payout method. The two-letter prefix must match the beneficiary country computed. |
payout_type | PayoutPayoutType | ❌ | The type of the payout method. |
sender | Sender | ❌ | |
sender_amount | float | ❌ | Amount that the sender is paying in units of the currency defined in sender_currency. This amount remains the same regardless of FX fees. Required when payout_amount is not used. Decimal. |
sender_country | str | ❌ | Country of the beneficiary. Two-letter ISO 3166-1 ALPHA-2 code. The two-letter prefix of the payout method type must match the beneficiary country code. |
sender_currency | str | ❌ | |
statement_descriptor | str | ❌ | A statement that includes the reason for the payout. Limited to 35 characters. |
status | PayoutStatus | ❌ |
The type of the payout method.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
CARD | str | ✅ | "card" |
CASH | str | ✅ | "cash" |
EWALLET | str | ✅ | "ewallet" |
BANK | str | ✅ | "bank" |
RAPYDEWALLET | str | ✅ | "rapyd_ewallet" |