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Name Type Required Description
amount float Amount of the payout, in units defined by payout_currency. Decimal, including the correct number of decimal places for the currency exponent, as defined in ISO 2417:2015. Same as payout_amount. Response only.
beneficiary Beneficiary
beneficiary_country str
created_at int Time of creation of the payout, in Unix time. Response only.
description str Description of the payout transaction.
error str Indicates the error code of the last unsuccessful operation on the Payout object.
estimated_time_of_arrival str The estimated time period in which the beneficiary will receive the funds.
ewallets List[PayoutEwallets] An array of one object, which contains the following fields: _ ewalletid - The ID of the wallet that the money is transferred from, a string starting with **ewallet**. _ amount - Amount of the transaction in currency units defined in currency. * percent - A decimal number representing a percentage of the total payout. Response only.
expiration float Determines the day the payout expires, in Unix time. The payout must be completed before the start of this day. Relevant to cash payout methods where the is_expirable field is true in the response to List Payout Method Types.
fx_rate float Currency conversion rate for the payout. Decimal. Response only.
gc_error_code str Reserved. Response only.
id_ str ID of the payout. String starting with payout_.
identifier_type str Reserved. Response only.
identifier_value str Reserved. Response only.
instructions List[PayoutInstructions] Describes how the customer collects the payout. Contains the following fields: _ name - Short description of the instructions. _ steps - A 'steps' object containing a list of steps for the customer to take. Each step is named stepN, where N is an integer.
instructions_value dict Additional information from the merchant. For example, the merchant's instructions and transaction number that must be presented for collecting the payout.
merchant_reference_id str ID defined by the client. Limited to 255 characters.
metadata dict A JSON object defined by the client.
paid_amount float Cumulative amount received by the beneficiary, in units defined by payout_currency. Response only.
paid_at str Time of the payout, in Unix time. Response only.
payout_currency str
payout_fees PayoutFees
payout_method_type str The type of payout method. The two-letter prefix must match the beneficiary country computed.
payout_type PayoutPayoutType The type of the payout method.
sender Sender
sender_amount float Amount that the sender is paying in units of the currency defined in sender_currency. This amount remains the same regardless of FX fees. Required when payout_amount is not used. Decimal.
sender_country str Country of the beneficiary. Two-letter ISO 3166-1 ALPHA-2 code. The two-letter prefix of the payout method type must match the beneficiary country code.
sender_currency str
statement_descriptor str A statement that includes the reason for the payout. Limited to 35 characters.
status PayoutStatus


The type of the payout method.


Name Type Required Description
CARD str "card"
CASH str "cash"
EWALLET str "ewallet"
BANK str "bank"
RAPYDEWALLET str "rapyd_ewallet"