Name | Type | Required | Description |
activated_at | float | ❌ | Time that the card was activated, in Unix time. |
assigned_at | float | ❌ | Time that the card was assigned to a cardholder, in Unix time. |
blocked_reason | SimulateBlockCardResponseBlockedReason | ❌ | Reason for blocking the card. |
card_id | str | ❌ | ID of the card. String starting with card_. |
country_iso_alpha_2 | str | ❌ | The country where the card is issued. Two-letter ISO 3166-1 ALPHA-2 code. |
created_at | float | ❌ | Time of creation of the issued card object, in Unix time. only. |
ewallet_contact | str | ❌ | Describes the wallet contact that the card is assigned to. String starting with cont_. For details about the fields of the 'contact' object, see 'Add Contact to Wallet'. |
id_ | str | ❌ | ID of the issued card object. String starting with ci_. |
metadata | str | ❌ | A JSON object defined by the client. |
status | SimulateBlockCardResponseStatus | ❌ | Status of the card. One of the following:<BR>_ ACT - Active.<BR> _ BLO - Blocked.<BR>_ IMP - Imported in bulk, but not yet personalized.<BR>_ INA - Inactive.<BR> |
Reason for blocking the card.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
BLOCKEDREVERSIBLE | str | ✅ | "blocked_reversible" |
CANCELED | str | ✅ | "canceled" |
COMPLIANCE | str | ✅ | "compliance" |
LOCKEDINCORRECTPIN | str | ✅ | "locked_incorrect_pin" |
MIGRATED | str | ✅ | "migrated" |
NONE | str | ✅ | "none" |
OTHER | str | ✅ | "other" |
REISSUED | str | ✅ | "reissued" |
SUSPECTEDFRAUD | str | ✅ | "suspected_fraud" |
Status of the card. One of the following:<BR>_ ACT - Active.<BR> _ BLO - Blocked.<BR>_ IMP - Imported in bulk, but not yet personalized.<BR>_ INA - Inactive.<BR>
Name | Type | Required | Description |
ACT | str | ✅ | "ACT" |
BLO | str | ✅ | "BLO" |
IMP | str | ✅ | "IMP" |
INA | str | ✅ | "INA" |