Details of the owner's business address.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
address_line_1 | str | ❌ | Line 1 of the address, such as a building number and street name.<BR>String with letters, numbers, numeric letters, and spaces. Applicable street details in this order: building number/name, street number and name, shop number, floor number.<BR>Length: 1-60 |
address_line_2 | str | ❌ | Line 2 of the address, such as a building number and street name.<BR>String with letters, numbers, numeric letters, and spaces.<BR>Length: 1-60 |
city | str | ❌ | City portion of the address.<BR>String with letters, numbers, and spaces.<BR>Length: 1-20 |
country | str | ❌ | Code for the country.<BR>The two-letter ISO 3166-1 ALPHA-2 country code.<BR>Length: 2 |
postal_code | str | ❌ | Postal code portion of the address.<BR>String with letters, numbers, and spaces.<BR>Length: 1-10 |