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Add Metadata to search results and facets

Michael J. Giarlo edited this page Apr 22, 2018 · 12 revisions

Metadata Part 3 Goals:

Add field to search results

One of the requirements of our ticket is to add our new metadata field to the search results screen.

Write a feature spec for our search

You might be able to guess by now, the first thing we'll do is write a feature spec.

  1. Copy this search_work_spec.rb file from github to spec/features
  2. Run your test suite. Everything should pass. This feature spec describes the search functionality as it currently exists.
  3. Edit search_work_spec.rb and add a line to check for your new metadata field, like this:
  expect(page).to have_content work.year.first
  1. Run your test suite again. That test should now fail with the message Failure/Error: expect(page).to have_content work.year.first

Add our metadata field to Blacklight config

Because our search behavior is inherited from Blacklight, in order to change what fields are being displayed in the search results, we have to update the application's Blacklight config.

  1. Edit app/controllers/catalog_controller.rb and look for the section including add_index_field statements. Add the following:
  config.add_index_field solr_name("year", :stored_searchable), label: "Year"
  1. Run your test suite again, and your search feature should now pass.

Make a field facetable

Edit the search feature spec

This time, we're not just going to look for whether our year field shows up in the search results, we're going to make it a facetable field, and make it appear in the left hand facets menu.

  1. Add these lines to the end of your search feature spec:
expect(page).to have_xpath("//h3", text: "Creator")
expect(page).to have_link(work.creator.first, class: "facet_select")
  1. Run your test suite (rails ci). Everything should pass. These lines describe functionality that already exists on your search results page.
  2. Now add a test for new behavior that doesn't exist yet:
expect(page).to have_xpath("//h3", text: "Year")
expect(page).to have_link(work.year.first, class: "facet_select")
  1. Run your test suite again and your search feature will fail

Index the metadata field as facetable

  1. Edit app/models/work.rb. Change the way year is indexed to include :facetable:
  property :year, predicate: "" do |index| :stored_searchable, :facetable
  1. Edit app/controllers/catalog_controller.rb and around line 46 add this line, right under the Creator facet:
config.add_facet_field solr_name("year", :facetable), label: "Year", limit: 5
  1. Run your test suite again and it should pass.

Note: You can see the changes we made in this section on github.

Pair exercise

We made one field into a facet. Choose either extent or references and add a second metadata field. Or, define your own metadata field, as long as you pick something that can be a simple string.