Solution for a challenge from
Hi! I'm Rolando. My experience making my take on this challenge was fun!, I already knew a bit about front end development but, I've started to learn React and wanted to practice, ngl I preferred this challenge instead of the ones I had where I'm learning. Anyways, I refreshed my CSS and HTML knowledge and applied the things I've learned about React; making this fully responsive page. I'm looking forward to making more complex web apps and websites and I'm excited to build them with React.
This application/site was created as a submission to a DevChallenges challenge. The challenge was to build an application to complete the given user stories.
- Steps to replicate a design with only HTML and CSS
- Node.js
- Marked - a markdown parser
- People from the Stack Overflow comunity
- Guide on responsive responsive web design basics
- GitHub @RolandoCornejo
- Twitter @RolanCT