This page describes the enviroment settings the application accepts. You can find the API configuration here.
You can configure the following settings in the application with environment variables:
The project uses Lumberjack for the log rotation of the ffmpeg transcoding processes.
Default: true
Type: boolean
Description: Turns on / off the cleanup mechanism which stops inactive streams
Default: 2m0s
Type: string
Description: Time period for the cleanup process that removes inactive streams. Info on format here
Default: ./videos
Type: string
Description: Sub directory to store the video chunks
Default: true
Type: boolean
Description: Indicates if transcoding will also include audio or not
Default: false
Type: bool
Description: Option to keep the chunks for the stream being transcoded
Default: false
Type: bool
Description: Indicates if logging of transcoding ffmpeg processes is enabled or not
Default: /var/log/rtsp-stream
Type: string
Description: Describes the directory where ffmpeg process logs are stored
Default: 500
Type: integer
Description: Maximum size of each log file in megabytes for retention
Default: 7
Type: integer
Description: Maximum number of days that we store a given log file
Default: 3
Type: integer
Description: Maximum number of old log files to retain for each ffmpeg process
Default: true
Type: bool
Description: Option to compress the rotated log file or not
Default: 8080
Type: integer
Description: Port where the application listens
Default: false
Type: bool
Description: Turns on / off debug features
Default: true
Type: bool
Description: Option to turn on / off blacklist that can filter requests with unloadable streams
Default: 25
Type: int
Description: Determines how many times a given URI can be tried to start. After this amount the given URI is getting blacklisted
Default: 1h
Type: string
Description: Time period which after a blacklisted stream can be removed from the list Info on format here
By default all origin is allowed to make requests to the server, but you might want to configure it for security reasons.
Default: false
Type: bool
Description: Indicates if cors should be handled as configured or as default (everything allowed)
Type: []string
Description: A list of origins a cross-domain request can be executed from
Default: false
Type: bool
Description: Indicates whether the request can include user credentials like cookies, HTTP authentication or client side SSL certificates
Default: 0
Type: integer
Description: Indicates how long (in seconds) the results of a preflight request can be cached