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Send Claudio an email with project name, project/Github URL or what the project is about, and whether you are the project initiator, and what name and email address you'd like to have published if not those from your "From" address ASAP; Claudio will add it here, so that interested collaborators can inform themselves in advance, and will go through the list at the start of the event asking where you are, so that it is easy for them to find you. (Alternatively add it yourself, see Github.)
Rust Week Bot project, by Francesco Uliana.
Siren, by Alessio Biancalana, your tiny friendly rusty neighborhood monitoring CLI tool, featuring Nagios/Sensu-compatible checks.
Sala-Cinema-Rust, by Domenico Salvatore, an attempt to rewrite "Sala-Cinema" in Rust with tokio and MongoDB.
streaming-stampede by Giorgio Pomettini, an attempt in learning Rust by making a game.
See Project ideas for more ideas which may not have any takers yet.
rust-mailer by Enrico Risa
RustTv by member Claudio Capobianco
RustIntro by member Claudio Capobianco