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Docker Instructions

Docker Deployment

Deploying the Stremio Real Debrid Addon with Docker Compose is straightforward. The following instructions walk you through the entire process, including optional steps for public exposure via Cloudflare Tunnel.


  • Docker Ensure Docker is installed on your system. If not, follow the official Docker installation guide.

  • Docker Compose Verify Docker Compose is installed by running:

    docker compose --version

If you are using Docker Desktop, Docker Compose should already be included.

Steps to Deploy

Clone the Repository

If you have not cloned the repository yet, do so with the following commands:

git clone
cd Stremio-Real-Debrid-Addon

Build and Start the Docker Containers

Build the Docker image and start your containers in detached mode:

docker compose up -d --build --remove-orphans


  • up creates and starts containers.
  • -d runs containers in detached mode (in the background).
  • --build forces a rebuild of the Docker image to incorporate any changes.
  • --remove-orphans removes containers that are no longer defined in the Docker Compose file.

Verify the Container is Running

Check the status of your containers:

docker compose ps

Expected Output:

Name                     Command               State               Ports
realdebrid-addon npm start   Up>62316/tcp

Access the Application

Open your browser and go to:


If you are deploying on a remote server, replace localhost with the server’s IP address.

Optional: Expose the Application Publicly Using Cloudflare Tunnel

If you want to make your addon accessible over the internet without exposing specific ports or using a custom domain, consider Cloudflare Tunnel.

Install Cloudflare Tunnel (cloudflared)

Refer to the Cloudflare official guide to install cloudflared.

Authenticate cloudflared with Your Cloudflare Account

cloudflared login

This command opens a browser window where you can log in and authorize cloudflared.

Create and Run the Tunnel

cloudflared tunnel create stremio-realdebrid-addon

Route the Tunnel:

cloudflared tunnel route dns stremio-realdebrid-addon

Replace with the subdomain you wish to use. If you do not have a custom domain, Cloudflare can provide a free * domain.

Run the Tunnel to Point to Your Docker Container

cloudflared tunnel run stremio-realdebrid-addon

Make sure the tunnel points to the correct internal port (62316) used by your Docker container.

Access the Application Publicly

Open your browser and go to:

Replace the above with the actual subdomain provided by Cloudflare.

Managing the Docker Containers

  • View Logs To see the application logs in real time:

    docker compose logs -f realdebrid-addon
  • Stop the Containers Gracefully stop running containers:

    docker compose down --remove-orphans
  • Restart the Containers If you need to restart your containers:

    docker compose restart realdebrid-addon
  • Rebuild After Code Changes If any application code or dependencies change, rebuild and restart:

    docker compose up -d --build --remove-orphans