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Module 3 :-: Network

File metadata and controls

105 lines (100 loc) · 6.71 KB


- TCP and UDP (Transmission Control Protocol and User Datagram Protocol) are communications protocol that facilitate the exchange of message (in form of Packets) between computer devices in a network. These protocols decide how packet will reach the destination. 65535
	TCP								UDP
- Connection Oriented Protocol					- Connection Less protocol
- Provides Error checking					- No Error Checking Mechanism
- Guarantees Delivery of Data					- No Guarantees of Data Delivery
- Slower and less efficient for fast transmission		- Faster Transmission
- All Packets follow the same path				- Packets can follow any path to reach destination
- Automimic Retransmission possible  				- Retransmission is not possible in case of Packets loss

TCP Flags:

- SYN : Sync flag is used to Initiate 3 way handshake between hosts.
- ACK : Acknowledgment flag is used to acknowledge the successful receipt of a packet.
- FIN : The Finished flag means there is no more data from the sender.  1GB --> 50000 --> 1,2,3,4,5,6,.........50000 (FIN)
- URG : The Urgent flag is used to notify the receiver to process the urgent packets before processing all other packets.
- PSH : The Push flag is somewhat similar to the URG flag and tells the receiver to process these packets as they are received instead of buffering them.
- RST : Reset a Connection

TCP 3 Way Handshake:

|    Client	|   Direction 	|   Server  |
|    SYN    	| ---->     	|           |
|		|     	  <----	|  SYN+ACK  |
|    ACK 	| ---->     	|           |

OSI Model

| Layer ||       Name         ||		Description			||  Example protocols	|	
|   7   || Application layer  || Human Computer Interaction Layer.		|| 	HTTP, SNMP	|
|   6   || Presentation layer || Ensure Data Usability Format		    	||	MIME, ASCII	|
|   5   || Session layer      || Maintain Con. and control Ports and Session	||	SOCKS, NetBIOS 	|
|   4   || Transport layer    || Data Transmission by TCP or UDP		||	TCP, UDP       	|
|   3   || Network layer      || Decide Physical Path for Transmission		||   	IP, ICMP      	|
|   2   || Data link layer    || Read MAC Address from data packet		||	MAC, ARP	|
|   1   || Physical layer     || Physical connection				||	Ethernet, Wi-Fi	|

TCP/IP Model

| Layer |       Name         | Example protocols |
|   4   | Application layer  |    HTTP, SNMP     |
|   3   | Transport layer    |    TCP, UDP       |
|   2   | Internet layer     |    IP, ICMP       |
|   1   | Link layer         |    ARP, MAC       |

Practical Part

Main Objectives

k1. Scan live host
k2. Open Ports and Running Services
k3. OS and Architecture info
k4. Security Implemented (Firewall, IDS, IPS) Detection and evasion

k1. Live hosts

arp-scan --local
nmap -sn <network>/<cidr>					-sn specify NO-Port Ping Scan
ping <ip>
netdiscover -r <network address>/<cidr>

Nmap Port Scan Status

Open - If No response is received by Nmap, it means Port is Open for connection.
Closed - If response is received by nmap with RST or SYN flag, it means ports are closed.
Filtered - May be some kind of firewall is implemented on client side.
Open/Filtered - Nmap is confused, either port is open or filtered.
Closed/Filtered - Nmap is confused, either port is closed or filtered

k2. Open Ports and Running Services Scan

	nmap <ip>				Simple Port Scan
	nmap -v <ip>				Port Scan with increase verbosity. (-vv is more powerful)
	nmap <ip> <ip> <ip>			Scan Multiple host in single go
	nmap <>			Scan IP Range from 2 to 200
	nmap <network>/cidr			Scan Entire Subnet
	nmap -p 1-65535 <ip>			-p specify Port Numbers to scan.
	nmap -p U:<port>,T:<port> <ip>		Scan specified TCP and UDP ports. use "" for all.
	nmap -sU <ip>				Scan 1000 Common UDP Ports
	nmap -T<0-5> <ip>			-T specify intensity of scan to time taken by scan. 5 is fastest and 0 is slowest. Default Speed is 3(-T3).
	nmap -sT <ip>				TCP Connect Scan
	nmap -iL list.txt			Scan ip written in list.txt file (Separate IP by Space, Tab or New Line). --exclude file list.txt (to exclude ip from search)
	nmap -A <ip>				Aggressive Scan (it use -O -sC --traceroute -sV) options
	nmap -O <ip>				-O is used for OS Detection
	nmap -sC <ip>				-sC is used to run Default NSE Scripts  --- --script
	nmap -sV <ip>				-sv is used for Service Version Detection
	nmap -6 <ip>				IPv6 Scan
	nmap -sS <ip>				Sync Scan/Ping. Helpful in case where ICMP pings are blocked.
	nmap -sA <ip>				ACK Scan/Ping. Helpful in case where ICMP pings are blocked. Null Scan
	nmap --scanflags SYNACKFIN <ip>		We can set flags using --scanflags option.
	nmap -Pn <ip>				Don't Ping Scan (When Firewall block Ping Packets)
	nmap -sR <ip>				Scan for RPC (Remote Procedure Call) Service
	hping3 --icmp <ip> --verbose		Ping Scan in Verbose
	hping3 --scan <ports> <ip>		Scan for Open Ports on IP (--ack, --syn, --fin, --urg)
	hping3 --udp <ip> --verbose		UDP port Scan in Verbose

k3. Security Implemented (Firewall, IDS, IPS) Detection and evasion

nmap -f <ip>				-f will fragment packets in 8-byte packets. Helpful when attempting to evade some older or improperly configured firewall or we can specify packet fragment size using --mtu <size>" option. Size should be multiple of 8
nmap -D RND:<val> <ip>			-D Decoy option is used to mask an Nmap scan by using one or more decoys. Decoy is used to hide identity. RND is Number of Decoy Address to be used. We can also specify Addresses by our own. as nmap -D decoy1,decoy2,decoy3,etc <ip>
nmap -sX <ip>				Nmap XMas Scan (if Firewall is enable you get (all thousand ports are closed/filtered), if Firewall is disable you get (Closed). Xmas Scan use PSH+URG+FIN flag or All flag for packets and create abnormal situation for client for which client either respond with RST Flag or some relevant info.

We can also use Zenmap