Welcome to the world of Java programming! Java is a versatile and powerful object-oriented programming language used widely across industries for building scalable and robust applications. This syllabus will guide you through a structured learning path covering core Java concepts, hands-on projects, and advanced features.
An introduction to Java programming and its structure.
- Lesson: Hello World
- Quiz: Hello World
- Article: Java Program Structure
- Project: Planting a Tree
- Additional Reading: What Is an IDE?
Learn about Java datatypes and variables, and practice creating and manipulating them.
- Lessons:
- Learn Java: Variables
- Learn Java: Manipulating Variables
- Quizzes:
- Java Variables Quiz
- Java Variable Manipulation Quiz
- Projects:
- Mad Libs
- Math Magic
Dive into object-oriented programming, understanding classes, objects, and methods.
- Video: Classes and Objects
- Lessons:
- Java: Introduction to Classes
- Learn Java: Methods
- Quizzes:
- Intro to Java Classes
- Java Methods Quiz
- Projects:
- A Basic Calculator
- Build A Droid
Master conditionals and control flow for decision-making in Java programs.
- Lessons:
- Conditionals and Control Flow
- Conditional Operators
- Quiz: Conditionals and Control Flow
- Projects:
- Simple Car Loan Payment Calculator
- Continents and Cities
Build and manipulate collections of data using arrays and ArrayLists in Java.
- Lessons:
- Learn Java: Arrays
- Learn Java: ArrayLists
- Quizzes:
- Java Arrays Quiz
- Java ArrayList Quiz
- Project: Desert Island Playlist
Use loops to iterate through lists and repeat code efficiently.
- Lesson: Learn Java: Loops
- Quiz: Learn Java: Loops Quiz
- Projects:
- Fizz Buzz
- The Prime Directive
Explore the Java String class and perform advanced string operations and data manipulation.
- Lesson: String Methods
- Quiz: String Methods
- Project: DNA Sequencing
Dive deeper into classes and learn about encapsulation, access control, and static methods.
- Lessons:
- Access, Encapsulation, and Scope
- Static Variables and Methods
- Quizzes:
- Access, Encapsulation, and Scope Quiz
- Static Variables and Methods Quiz
- Article: Static Methods of the Math Class
Expand your object-oriented skills by understanding inheritance and polymorphism.
- Lesson: Inheritance and Polymorphism
- Quiz: Inheritance and Polymorphism Quiz
- Project: Language Families
Learn to identify and fix different types of errors in Java programs.
- Lesson: Debugging
- Quiz: Debugging
- Project: Bug Detective
Take your understanding of arrays and loops to the next level with 2D arrays.
- Lesson: 2D Arrays in Java
- Quiz: 2D Arrays Quiz
- Project: Image Manipulation
- Cheatsheets: Quick reference for all key concepts.
- Practice Modules: Interactive exercises to solidify learning.
- Projects: Real-world scenarios to apply and test your skills.
Start your Java programming journey and build the foundation for a successful coding career! 🚀