Logger to any NodeJS project
The intention behind this repository is to always maintain a Logger
package to any NodeJS project.
npm install @secjs/logger
First you need to create the configuration file logging in the config folder on project root path. Is extremely important to use export default in these configurations.
import { Env } from '@secjs/env'
import { Path } from '@secjs/utils'
export default {
| Default Log Channel
| This option defines the default log channel that gets used when writing
| messages to the logs. The name specified in this option should match
| one of the channels defined in the "channels" configuration object.
default: Env('LOGGING_CHANNEL', 'application'),
| Log Channels
| Here you may configure the log channels for your application.
| Available Drivers: "console", "debug", "file".
| Available Formatters: "context", "debug", "json", "log".
channels: {
application: {
driver: 'console',
context: 'Logger',
formatter: 'context',
debug: {
driver: 'debug',
context: 'Debugger',
formatter: 'context',
namespace: 'api:main',
file: {
driver: 'file',
context: 'Logger',
formatter: 'log',
filePath: Path.noBuild().logs('secjs.log'),
With the config/logging file created you can use Log and Logger classes to start logging.
import { Log, Logger, Color } from '@secjs/logger'
// Log and Logger will always use the default values of channel inside config/logging, the default channel in here is "application".
Log.log('Hello World!')
// [SecJS] - PID: 38114 - dd/mm/yyyy, hh:mm:ss PM [Logger] Hello World! +0ms
const logger = new Logger()
logger.success('Hello World!')
// [SecJS] - PID: 38114 - dd/mm/yyyy, hh:mm:ss PM [Logger] Hello World! +0ms
// You can pass options to formatters and drivers as second parameter
logger.warn('Hello World!', { color: Color.purple, context: 'LogController' })
// [SecJS] - PID: 38114 - dd/mm/yyyy, hh:mm:ss PM [LogController] Hello World! +0ms
You can use any channel that you configure inside config/logging, SecJS has default channels inside the template file.
Log.channel('debug').log('Hello debug world!', { namespace: 'api:example' })
// api:example [SecJS] - PID: 38114 - dd/mm/yyyy, hh:mm:ss PM [Debugger] Hello debug world! +0ms
Nowadays, @secjs/logger has only FileDriver, DebugDriver and ConsoleDriver support, but you can extend the drivers for Logger class if you implement DriverContract interface.
import { DriverContract, FormatterContract, format } from '@secjs/logger'
interface CustomDriverOpts {}
class CustomDriver implements DriverContract {
private readonly _level: string
private readonly _context: string
private readonly _formatter: string
constructor(channel: string) {
const config = Config.get(`logging.channels.${channel}`)
this._level = config.level || 'INFO'
this._context = config.context || 'CustomDriver'
this._formatter = config.formatter || 'context'
transport(message: string, options?: CustomDriverOpts): void {
options = Object.assign(
level: this._level,
context: this._context,
streamType: this._streamType,
message = format(this._formatter, message, options)
Same to extend formatters
class CustomFormatter implements FormatterContract {
// all the methods implemented from FormatterContract...
Constructor is extremely important in your CustomDriver class, it's the constructor that will use the values from config/logging channels to manipulate your CustomDriver using channel and channels method from logger. So if you are building a CustomDriver, and you want to use it, you can create a new channel inside config/logging channels or change the driver from an existing channel.
// extending channels
// config/logging file
export default {
// default etc...
channels: {
mychannel: {
driver: 'custom',
level: 'INFO',
formatter: 'context',
context: 'Logger',
// ... other disks
Now you can build your new driver using Logger class
const driverName = 'custom'
const formatterName = 'custom'
const driver = CustomDriver
const formatter = CustomFormatter
Logger.buildDriver(driverName, driver)
Logger.buildFormatter(formatterName, CustomFormatter)
console.log(Logger.drivers) // ['console', 'debug', 'file', 'custom']
console.log(Logger.formatters) // ['context', 'debug', 'json', 'log', 'custom']
Now, if you have implemented your channel in config/logging, you can use him inside logger
// options of your driver and formatter
const options = {}
// Will use CustomDriver to handle the log actions
logger.channel('mychannel').success('Hello World!!', options)
Made with 🖤 by jlenon7 👋