A Java Implementation of classic Tank Fighter game
Scaffolding for the project has been generated using maven quickstart archetype
mvn archetype:generate \
-DgroupId=in.shabhushan.tankfighter \
-DartifactId=tank-fighter \
There are multiple ways to run the game.
First, we need to compile the game and then we could run it on terminal
mvn compile && mvn exec:java -D exec.mainClass="in.shabhushan.tankfighter.game.TankFighter"
Here, in.shabhushan.tankfighter.game.TankFighter
is the Main class.
run mvn install
to run game with install phase.
run mvn compile -P run-game
to run game via maven profile.
This will start a new window, where game could be started using New Game
- Java-8
The player is on bottom left corner.
Enemy Player tanks have a health bar on top and are moving towards the player tank.
Contributions are wholehearted welcome. Please provide a brief description of the change along with Contributions. :) Enjoy.