Today I am taking up the #100DaysOfCodeChallenge and From tomorrow I will be coding daily for atleast an hours. 📢
Today I have prepared the repo to log my progress, set up the rules I will be following, and I have made a public statement of my challenge. ✍️
I will be making my progress public to keep myself motivated to keep going. I will give my very best to complete the challenge without any obstacles. Even though the rule states only 1 Hour of code daily to be necessary for the challenge, but I will try to give atleast 2-3 hrs most of the days. 😄
Today I learned about different layouts in Android which included Constraint Layout, Linear Layout, Relative Layout, and Table Layout.📖
Then I started working on an app in which I applied what I was taught today to create an app similar to link-tree. I used constraint layout, linear vertical layout, and Table layout. While coding the app, I also learned how to create image buttons and how to use card view to display a circular image. 💻
Today I worked for a total of around 2 hrs 30 mins. Out of which 1hr went towards learning and 1hr 30mins went toward coding the app.🕐
Link to today's work : Day1 Work
Today I learned about Scroll Views and their uses and implementation in Android Development. As well as how they can be nested and how linear layouts are used in scroll view.📖
After that I started working on an app in which I applied what I learned to create a Git CheatSheet Android app which uses nested scroll views(hprizontal and vertical) and linear layouts. While coding the app I also learned about divider view and used it in my app.💻
Today I worked for a total of around 2 hrs. Out of which 40 mins went towards learning and 1 hr 20 min towards coding the app.🕐
Link to today's work : Day2 Work
Today has been a big day for my app development learning journey as I learned many new concepts. Today I learned about how to create multi screen apps , which included the concepts of BackStack, Intents , difference between Explicit and Implicit Intents, different types of Implicit Intents, and Sending data cross activity using Intents.📖
Then I resumed my work on the MySocial app as I have now gained the necesarry topics to continue the project. I created a 2nd activity to open all my social medias using the concepts I learned today, on top of that, while coding I got to learn about WebView in Android as well as Email Intent. I implemented webView on a separate activity which opens the social media websties based on which one the user clicks , and Email Intent is used to make it easier for the user to access the host's email from the app. While working on adding all the new features , I also put all the previous layout in a scroll view to make it more accessable for smaller devices.💻
Today I have worked for more than 6 Hours out of which around 2 hours went towards learning the new topics and the remaining 4hrs went towards working on the app.🕐
// I've really been hooked on coding today. 😁
Link to today's work : Day3 Work
Today , I took a little break from Android Development and Practiced some C programms. Because it has been a while since I last coded in C, I reviewed the concepts and practiced a bit so that I wouldn't forget them. Todays work Include some practice questions on the topics array, string, and structures that I solved as well as two basic games i made in C.✍️
In Array Practice set, I solved 4 practice questions which are: program to sort array, program to search for an element in array(using binary search), program to reverse a given array, and program to count number of occurance of each element of an array.
In String Practice set, I solved 3 practice questions which are: a function to check if a character is in string or not, a function to count the occurance of a character in string, and a function to perform slicing of string.
For Structures practice , I solved 1 question which was to implement vectors (including all vector operations) using structure.📖
Other than that , I created 2 basic games in C, which are: 'Guess The Number' and 'Rock Paper Scissor'💻
Today I have worked for 2 hrs out of which 1 hr went toward coding the games and the remaining 1hr toward doing the practice problems. 🕐 // I took it easy today after yesterday's intense work. 😄
Link to Today's Work : Day4 Work
Today, I am back to learning android development and started learning about List views which included Adapters,creating list view with package adapters and creating custom adapters.✍️
Then using what I learned today, I started working on a Contacts app which stores phone numbers, names and email of people and makes user able to make email and call directly from the app, The app is not ready to use yet and still have some issues to fix, but I made good progress today💻
Today I have worked for 6 hours out of which 2 hrs went towards learning the concepts and 4 hrs went towards working on the app.🕐 //I will be doing more bug fixing tonight after 12, but the day is about to end , so I had to push my unfinished progress to github for the sake of challenge.😅
Link to Today's Work : Day5 Work
Today, I continued my work on the app which I was working on yesterday which is myContacts app, first I started by fixing all the bugs and issues that were there in the previous commit. Then I started making some progress completing more features which included the dp, button to make call, button to make email, I also reworked on the listview's adapter layout to Improve it and fix all the inconsistencies.💻
Today I worked for 3 hours all of which went towards working on the app.🕐 //Today I didn't spend any time learning new topics because I wanted to complete the app upto a certain point(upto where I can complete with my current knowledge) before taking up new topics.✍️
Link to Today's Work : Day6 Work
Today, I started by learning about how to add click listners to inbuilt adapters using onItemClickListners and creating click listners custom adapters.✍️
Then I continued working on MyCOntacts app , I added the view contact page , created the layout for the view contact activity and finished the read and delete fungtionality of it. Also added Call and Email functionality to the view contact layout.💻
Today I worked for 3 hours out of which 40 mins went towards learning and rest towards working on the app.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day7 Work
Today, I learned about how to create pop up dialogues using AlertDialogue in Android , how to take input from Alertdialogues and how to set buttons on alertdialogues.✍️
Then I continued working on MyContacts app using what I learned today to add the edit name , edit phone number and edit email id features on view contact page. I also fixed the issue of mainactivity not refreshing after making updates or deleting contacts from contactview page. I also added the upload Profile pic feature which as of today is still a work in progress. The upload part is completed but the display part is facing some issues yet to be fixed.💻
Today I worked for 2 hrs 30 mins out of which 30 mins went towards learning the new topics and 2 hrs towards working on the app.🕐 // Taking it a bit easy on Saturday to get some rest from a week full of college work.😮💨
Link to Today's Work : Day8 Work
Today I learned about how to do implementations on Gradle and using that I implemented a RoundImage view de.hdodenhof:circleimageview:3.1.0, Other than that I also learned about get content intent, image capture intent, and how to take user permission on runtime.✍️
Using what I learned today I continued my work on the app, I added the feature of setting dp by uploading image or clicking image with camera, I also added a feature to take runtime permission from user for camera and storage access. I also changed the profile pictures from being cardview foreground to circular image view for bitmap compatibility for which i had to add implementation of de.hdodenhof:circleimageview:3.1.0 in gradle. However an issue still remains which is the Intent is not adding the image file to Frag_List at the moment. I'll be working on a fix for this issue in the coming days.💻
Today I worked for 3 hours out of which 1 hr went toward learning and the remaining 2 hr towards working on the app.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day9 Work
Today, I have worked on a project for MLH Local Hack Build day-1 , I worked on a password managing system , I took some reference from my old work because of lack of time as I joined very late. But I managed to submit it just on time.✍️
Other than that I have started working on a new exciting android project. It is going to be a Birthday surprise for my friend which will be an app which contains all our birthday wishes but locked behind games and puzzles. I have managed to finish the layout of home page. Will be working on this app for the next 4-5 days 😄
Today I worked for 4 hrs out of which 3 hours went toward coding for MLH Local Hack Build and 1 hr toward working on my app.🕐 // I also had a club meeting tpday so couldn't work for more hours 🙃
Link to Today's Work : Day10 Work-Personal_Project , Day10 Work-MLH
Today, I have worked on a Rock Paper Scissor android game for the MLH Local Hack Build day-2, The game is made interactive and is really great for a quick stress relief in between work. Along with it Today's challenge was to write an indepth readme , so I wrote the readme of this app on github as Indepth as I could even including the rules of how to play rock paper scissors.✍️
Other than that, I continued my work on my personal project i.e. the birthday app for my friend's birthday. I made some major progress today including designing the UX and UI and created the logic of locked levels and added the first game in level-1.💻
Today I worked for 6 hours out of which around 3 hrs went toward codng the app for MLH (Rock paper scissor) and 3 hrs went towards working on my personal project.🕐
Link to Today's Works : Day11 Work-Personal_Project , Day11 Work-MLH
Today, I made a Flappy Bird game in python for MLH Local Hack Day-3 , the challenge was to make a one button game. And what better one button game to make then the classic Flappy Bird. It is a very simple and easy to make yet very fun to play game.😄
Other than That, I continued my work on my personal project , the android app for my friends birthday. Today I completed two more levels , one of which has a puzzle as the game and the other has Hand Cricket as its game. I got to implement the classic Hand Cricket game we used to play as kids on an Android app , It has been really fun to work on this project so far, I am really enjoying the new challenges I am facing every day as well as implementing all the games from our childhood is a trip down memory lane.😌
Today, I worked for 5 hrs and 30 mins out of which 2 hrs went toward coding flappy bird game and the remaining 3 hrs 30 mins toward coding the android app.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day12 Work-Personal_Project , Day12 Work-MLH
Today I learned about how to store data using shared preferences in android✍️
I completed my contacts app (for now, more features might be added in future). Now It can store contacts, make calls, sms, and emails. I have completed the database connectivity of the app. And I have submitted it as my MLH LHD Week long project. It has been a fun as well as a challenging project to work on.😄 Also to be transparent, I have dropped the profile picture feature, I will add it back when I have more knowledge on bitmap, for now, It is too complicated for a beginner like me and I think I should take it in step by step rather than bighting off more than I can chew😅
Other than that, I have continued working on my personal project i.e. The app for my friends birthday. I have updated the app to add data storage feature so that the progress we made in solving challenges isn't lost upon closing the app. Also fixed some minor issues from the last commit of the app.💻
Today, I worked for 4 hours out of which, 30 minutes went towards learning about shared preferences , 2 hrs went towards working on my contacts app and remaining 1.5 hrs went towards working on the birthday present app.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day13_Work-personal_project , Day12_myContacts_App
Today I worked on a very useless and inefficient HelloWorld code, as one of today's MLH Local hack Day7 challenges was to create a useless invention hack. Hello, World is already a bit useless program whose only use is being the first line of code of most of the programmers, so I made it significantly worse. It prints hello world in a very inefficient way. It has a list of all characters out of which it chooses randomly and matches with another list which has the hello world characters one by one, then prints each stage of the process, the cherry on top, it does it 1000 times(prints only once) and finds the average no. of turns it takes to print hello world using this method. I don't know if anyone needs to know this information, It's Useless. Wait, there is more, it also instead of adding the turns on a variable and deciding by 1000, it writes each value of the number of turns in a text file and then reads it back while calculating the average.😶
Other than that I continued working on my personal project i.e. The app for my friends birthday. I added 3 more levels today which included implementing the classic guess the number game with a twist, if you can't guess within 5 turns, you will have to restart, and I made sure to not make it terminal based like we have been making for years and have a decent UI💻
Today was a fun day, I really enjoyed working on the useless app , it was a fun challenge to take on, other than that, I am really enjoying the entire process of working on the birthday app, This project is mostly completed, it might 2 more days and then it will be finished😄
Today I worked for 5hrs out of which 1 hour went toward coding the MLH project and the remaining 4 hrs went towards working on the birthday app. 🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day14_Work-personal_project , Day12_MHL_project
Today, I created a mockup app for the MLH LHD Day7 Challenge, I decided not to post it on GitHub as it is a mockup and has only the layout part to it. The challenge required me to submit a screenshot so I did not create a Repo for it.✍️
Other than That I spent most of my time today working on the birthday app, as tomorrow is the last day to work on it and we will be presenting it to the Birthday boy tomorrow at midnigt 12 o'clock. So, I am trying to wrap things up as fast as I can on this app. Today I fixed some issues found by my friends while testing the app, other than that I created 2 more levels, one of which included implementing the Hand Wrestling game, which was farely complicated and took some time to get figured out, I created a flowchart to figure out the flow of processes before jumping into the code for this one. This app will be finished by tomorrow and I will continue to learn new topics.💻
Today I worked for 4 hours out of which 1 hour went towards working on the app mockup and remaining 3 hours went towards working on the birthday app.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day15 Work
Today, I spent all my time working on my personal project i.e. The birthday app for my friend's birthday, As today is the last day of working on the app, the deadline i.e. Birthday is tomorrow, we will be surprising him at 12AM.😄
Today's Work Included Implementing the last level as well as the secret level and patching all the bugs found while testing.💻
I also learned about video view in android and how to implement gifs into an android app today while working on the app.✍️
This app has been one of the most fun projects of my life, I enjoyed working on this app a ton, and got to learn a lot of new things while working on the app. I also experienced working on an app with a deadline for the first time and It pushed me every day. The Quote "Work Expands" is very true and I confirmed it from my experience of working on this app.😄 From Tomorrow I will be back to learning new concepts of android studio and will make more such apps much better than this one in the future.✍️
Today I worked for 5 hrs all of which went toward working on the Birthday app.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day16 Work
Today, I learned about the Recycler view in Java, the difference between the recycler view and list view, In which ways are recycler views are better than list views, and how to implement recycler views using custom adapter.✍️
Then I coded an app just to practice what I learned today, It is a very basic app that displays the content of an array using a recycler view. I will try to change my previous project myContacts app from listview to recycle view in the near future for some more practice of the concept and improved performance of the app.💻
Today I worked for 1 hr 40 min out of which 50mins went towards learning the new topics and the remaining 50 mins towards working on the app.🕐
// I know today I have worked much fewer hours as compared to other days, that is because I have exams from 19th, that is this Wednesday, so I am busy studying for most of the time.🙃
Link to Today's Work : Day17 Work
Today, I solved some python practice question to revice the concepts of python. As My Exams are starting from tomorrow , I couldn't put much of my time towards coding , hence, instead of starting new topics , I will be practicing the older topics for the next 5 days. I won't be able to put much time on coding for the coming 5 days but I will make sure to cover up by doing extra time once my exams are over.🙃
Today I worked for 1 hour, all of which went towards solving the practice problems.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day18 Work
Today, I solved more python practice questions to revice the concepts of binary files, OOPs , Stacks and lists. As stated earlier , my exams are going on so I am not coding for too long for a few days. The reason I am practicing python over other languages is that I am doing my android development projects in Java , and I recently practiced C for a day solving many questions, which leaves python not practiced since many days. I will practice more of OOPs in python tomorrow to fresh up the concepts.✍️
Today I worked for 1 hour all of which was spent practicing coding problems.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day19 Work
Today, I solved more python practice questions on topics like csv and dictionaries, revised all the concepts of OOPs in python, and solved some questions from stackOverflow.💻
The practicing old topics is still going on and will go on for one more day, that is sunday, as my next exam after tomorrow is on monday. From Tomorrow I plan to start learning android development again to keep the flow going and I will do another practicing old topic day on sunday.✍️
Today I worked for 2 hours out of which , around 1 hour went towards practicing oops and remaining time went towards solving the stack overflow problems.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day20 Work
Today I completed my python practice for now by working on a tkinter based calculator application.💻
I planned on starting a new topic today, but at the end decided to complete the practice properly. I also had to attend 2 club meetings today. I will start newer android topics from tomorrow. Other than that , I also solved some StackOverflow questions.✍️
Today I worked for 2 hours all of which went towards working on the application.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day21 Work
Today, I learned how to apply recycler view in android apps using custom adapters and learned how to create custom adapters for recycler view.✍️
Then, I started working on an app based on what I learned Today. I started working on a PokeDex app, which uses recycler view to list the original 151 pokemon. While working on the app, I also learned how to change the imageview image using drawable resource from java code to allocate the image of each pokemon based on their dex number dynamically.💻
Today I worked for 5 hours Out of which 1 hour went towards learning the new topics, 3 hours went towards coding and 1 hour went towards gathering app resources.🕐
// I had to download 151 images , make arrays of all 151 pokemons names and typing , which was tedious and took around 1 hour 😮💨
Link to Today's Work : Day22 Work
Today I learned about how to add onclick listners on recycler view items in custom adapter using custom interface implementation.✍️
Then I applied what I learned today to finish the app that I started today which was the PokeDex app, which now responds to clicks on any pokemon in the recycler view and opens their pokedex entry in a new web view acticity.💻
Today, I worked for 1 hour 20 mins out of which around 40 mins went towards learning the concept and 40 minutes towards applying it to the app.🕐
// I have my last exam tomorrow after 2 days of weekend break, hence I spent less time coding today so that I can make time for studying for tomorrow.📖
Link to Today's Work : Day23 Work
Today, I learned about how to play media in android studio, and how to use MediaPlayer class.✍️
Using what I learned today, I worked on an app that playes a video and may or maynot be a rickroll 👀 Other than That, I started Working on a fitness app for the upcoming hackathron (finished the home page), and lastly, I made some minor fixes and improvements in the PokeDex App.💻
Today I worked for 5 hours out of which around 30 mins went towards learning the new topic , 1 hr 30 mins toward working on the rickroll app, 2 hrs 30 mins working on the fitness app and around 30 mins on Pokedex app.🕐
//Looks Like I covered many different topics at once today, after exams finally being over (for now) I tried to cover up as much as I could in a day.😄
Link to Today's Work : Day24 definately not rickroll app work , Day24 fitness app work , Day24 PokeDex app work
Today, I learned how to add menu to android apps in android studio.✍️
I have been working on our hackathron project (Android app), I Revamped the homepage from yesterday, Added two of the 8 pages, made a BMI and BMU calculator to the app, changed the theme colour, and added menu to the app.💻
Today I have worked for around 5 hours all of which went towards coding for hackathron.🕐
// I was workd much more hours today, but most of it was discussing ideas and meetings so I didn't count that as coding hours.🙃
Link to Today's Work : Day25 Work
Today, I learned how to create a step tracker in android studio using custom interfaces for the hackathron project.✍️
Other than that, I have been working on the hackathron project, added many new features and pages, work still going on with full pace. added the contact us page with intents to make it easy for user to directly contact us, added a step counter and fixed some issues from last commit.💻
Today I worked for 5 hours 30 mins out of which 40mins went towards learning and the remaining towards working on the hackathron app.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day26 Work
First of all, I was 2 minutes late to upload my code and hence , according to data , I lost my streak of daily uploads😓 , But I did code for the entire day. The reason I forgot to upload on time is because I was busy coding for the hackathron project and hence was paying to attention to time😓
Today, I learned about how to use time ticks in android activity for the hackathron project.✍️
Other then that, I have been mostly working on my hackathron project , added many more pages and added a meditation timer that progressively increases the timer as you complete previous timers.💻
Today I worked for 6 hours 10 mins out of which 40mins went towards learning and the remaining towards working on the hackathron app.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day27 Work
Today, I learned how to make a custom calender with clickable dates in android using custom interfaces.✍️
Then I worked on the hackathron app for the most of the day, added more pages including a calender that can store data for each day also fixed some issues from last commit too.💻
Today I worked for 4 hrs and 20 mins out of which around 1 hour went towards working on the app and remaining time towards working on the hackathron app.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day28 Work
Today, I spent most of my day working on the hackathron project, as the submission date is aproaching closer, we are almost finished with the app and now are adding the details and finishing touches.💻
Today I worked for 5 hours all of which went towards working on the hackathron app.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day29 Work 1 , Day29 Work 2
Took a break today due to high fever, constant sneezing and eye iritation and bad health due to alergic reaction. Hopefully will recover and get going again from tomorrow.🙃
Today, I learned about more methods in media player, also learned about the seakbar widget and how to use it with media player in android.✍️
Then, Based on what I learned today, I made a dummy music player app which as of now only playes 5 musics stored in it (can't access media from device for now) with all basic features of a music player such as seekbar, play/pause button, next button and previous button.💻
Today I worked for around 4 hours out of which around 1 hour went towards learning the new concepts and remaining 3 hours towards working on the app.🕐
// Also , My university practicals for 1st sem have started from today, so I can't put in much time in coding for the next 2 days. I will make sure to coverup for that once the practicals are over by doing extra time, although the rules say 1 hours of coding, doing just 1 hour feels cheaty to me.🙃
Link to Today's Work : Day30 Work
Today, I learned about SurfaceView and its uses. I also learned how it is used with mediaplayer.✍️
Based on what I learned today, I made a basic dummy video player app which as of now only plays 4 videos stored in it (can't access media from device for now) with all basic features of a video player such as seekbar, play/pause button, next button, previous button, and a video display. Although I have made apps in the past that play videos, this time I have implemented it from scratch using mediaplayer class and surface view instead of just using videoview.💻
Today I worked for about 2 hours and 30 mins out of which around 1 hour went towards learning the new concepts and the remaining 1.5 hours towards working on the app.🕐
// I was supposed to study English today for tomorrow's exam, but here I am making dummy apps. 🙃 didn't take the less time today, hopefully, I will be able to complete English on time.🙃
Link to Today's Work : Day31 Work
Today, I learned about SQLite Database and its connectivity and usage with Android apps.✍️
To practice the concepts I learned, I made a test app to test out database connectivity, I used 3 classes, one is the main activity, one that does the database connection, and one that handles the data from the database. and tested the output in app logs with some sample data.💻
Today I worked for about 1 hour 30 mins out of which about 50 mins went towards learning the concepts and the remaining towards making the app.🕐
// Today, I had to take it a bit shorter as tomorrow I have BEEE Practicals. Had to study a bit for that. 🙃
Link to Today's Work : Day32 Work
Today, I learned how to access device directory and take runtime permission to access said directories in Android.✍️
to practice what I learned today, I started working on a music player which this time will play users stored songs from the device I completed the file accessing and displaying part today, and plan to finish the app by tomorrow.💻
Today I worked for about 3 hours out of which around 1 hour 30 minutes went towards learning the topic and remaining went towards working on the app.🕐
Link to Today's Wrok : Day33 Work
Today, I learned to work with handlers in android and how to play media from Uri.✍️
I continued my work on the music player app and finished it as planned yesterday. Added the player activity to play the fetched files. Added all the essential features like play, pause, next, previous, etc. Added support to Android API 29 and above. Added some finishing touches like background and icon.💻
Today I worked for about 3 hours out of which about 30mins went towards learning new concepts and the remaining 2hrs 30 mins towards working on and finishing up the app.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day34 Work
App Link, Downoad .apk file to try out.
Today, I practiced the topics of OOPs in Java and solved some practice questions in java related to OOPs.💻
I have decided that I will resume my Java course and start with learning advanced java topics before I move further with Android development, as I have recently found myself in situations where my knowledge of basic java is not enough anymore and I am moving towards adding a bit more complex features into my apps. Hence revising the old topics would help me get a better grasp of the new ones.✍️
Today, I worked for 4 hours practicing OOPs and solving problems related to OOPs in Java.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day35 Work
Today, I resumed learning java by starting the advanced topics of java. I started with the topic of multithreading today, learned the basics about what is multithreading, what is a thread, life cycle of a thread, what is difference between multithreading and multiprocessing, difference between concurrency and parallelism, hot to create a thread in Java using Thread class or Runnable interface and lastly about how to add constructor to a thread.✍️
I solved 3 practice problems today to practice the topics I learned today.💻
// Today , the coding part is small , as it is the start of a new topic, much time was spent learning the basics. Also the amount of code will be less now compared to Android , as I am learning the topics of advanced java, I am listening to lectures and making notes which take up time.📖
Today I worked for 3 hours out of which around 2 hours 20 mins went towards learning new topics and remaining time towards solving the practice coding questions.🕐
Link to Today's Work(Coding part) : Day36 Work
Today, I learned about Thread Priorities and Thread Methods in Java.✍️
Then, I solved a practice set of thread which had 3 coding questions and 2 non coding questions.💻 With this, I have completed the topic of thread for now, I need to have knowlegde of OS to continue further with thread, For now, Ill be moving on to the next topic of the java course which is exception handling , this is a small topic and I already have some idea of this topic, so I hope to complete that quickly.📖
Today I worked for 2 hours out of which around 45 mins went towards learning new topics and remaining time towards solving the practice coding questions and practice set.🕐
// Also, my grandma (mother's mausi) passed away today, so have been busy all day, that is why I worked for only 2 hours. May she Rest in Peace 🙏. I'll try to cover for it tomorrow.🙃
Link to Today's Work(Coding part) : Day37 Work
Today, I started the next chapter which is exceptions and exception handling, completed the topics like about errors and exceptions, common exceptions, try catch block, handeling specific exceptions, custom exceptions using exception class, and throws key word and its uses.✍️
I solved 1 practice question from each topic I completed today.💻 The chapter is almost over and I expect to finish it by tomorrow.📖
Today I worked for 1 hour 40 mins out of which around 50 mins went towards learning the topic and making notes and the remaining went towards coding the practice problems.🕐
// I was supposed to cover up for yesterdays low time today, but tomorrow we have a club competition, so I was working on that for most of the day. The days are getting busy, but I will coverup for sure whenever I get time. eventhough I am not breaking any rules since I coded for more than 1 hour, but I personally like keeping the time above or around 3 hour mark on non exam days.
Link to Today's Work(Coding part) : Day38 Work
Today, I finished the exception handling chapter, completed topics of throws , throw vs throws, finally block.✍️
In coding part, did all the practice problems from each topic and solved the practice set of the chapter.💻 Next chapter I will start is collection framework.📖
Today I worked for 1 hour 30 mins out of which around 40 mins went towards learning the topic and making notes and the remaining went towards coding the practice problems.🕐
// The days are going to be busy from now on, the semister exams are starting in a few days. I will have to prepare and attend the model exams.
Link to Today's Work(Coding part) : Day39 Work
Today, I started the new topic Collections Framework, completed the topics introduction to Collections Framework, its applications, some commonly used collections, Collections higherarchy chart, ArrayList.✍️
Then, I solved the practice questions from the ArrayList topic.💻 Again, since today was the first day of the new topic , so most of it was learning the basics and less coding today, there will be more coding part from tomorrow.📖
Today I worked for 1 hour 25 mins out of which around 55 mins went towards learning the topic and making notes and the remaining went towards coding the practice problems.🕐
Link to Today's Work(Coding part) : Day40 Work
Today, I continued the Collections Framework chapter, completed topics LinkedList, LinkedList vs ArrayList, ArrayDeque, and Basics of Hashing Technique.✍️
Solved practice problem of LinkedList and Deque.💻 Just got to learn about the very basics of Hashing technique , hence no practice set on that topic today.📖
Today I worked for 1 hour 35 mins out of which around 1 hour went towards learning the topic and making notes and the remaining went towards coding the practice problems.🕐
Link to Today's Work(Coding part) : Day41 Work
Today, I completed the chapter of Collections Framework, completed the remaining topics of Hashing techniques and HashSet. Then, Started the new Chapter which is Date & Time in Java, completed topics Introduction, How Java calculates time, CurrentTimeMilli methods and operations on it.✍️
Solved practice problems, from HashSet and DateTime topics.💻 Made the notes for all basics of the new chapter and concepts of the previous chapters as well.📖
Today I worked for around 1 hour 30 mins out of which around 1 hour went towards learning the topic and making notes and the remaining went towards coding the practice problems.🕐
//Work time is lower than usual these days as my sem exams are going on, I am managing studies and coding at once. I might take a few days off for the exams in the near future.
Link to Today's Work(Coding part) : Day42 Work
Today, I continued the chapter of Date & Time in java, completed the topics Date Class, Calendar Class, GrigorianCalendar Class, and Time API.✍️
Also solved practice problem from each topic of today.💻 Made the notes for all the new concepts learned today.📖
Today I worked for around 1 hour 40 mins out of which around 1 hour went towards learning the topic and making notes and the remaining went towards coding the practice problems.🕐
// Again, work time is low because of exams, I will be at it will full force once again after the exams are over.
Link to Today's Work(Coding part) : Day43 Work
Break to study for Sem Exams.
Finally, The Sem Exams are over and I am back to coding again. Feels like I am back home 😌 It was a 14 Days long leave, I will cover for the 14 days I left, as well as I will be covering 14 additional days after the 100 Days are over according to Rules
Today, I completed the chapter of Date and Time in Java, Completed the topic of DateTimeFormatter ✍️
Did the practice problem of the topic and Solved a practice problem which makes use of all topics learned so far.💻 Also made notes of today's topics.📖
Today I worked for around 1 hour 30 mins out of which around 45 mins went towards learning the topic and making notes and the remaining went towards coding the practice problems.🕐
Link to Today's Work(Coding part) : Day44 Work
Today, I started a new chapter which is JavaDocs. Learned about what is javadocs, how to use javadocs to generate java documentation for my code, how to add description in javadocs and how to use tags and html in javadocs.✍️
Generated javadocs of my entire package of advanced java so far, and created a javadoc of a custom java class i created today using descriptions tags and html.💻 Also made notes of today's topics.📖
Today I worked for around 2 hour 20 mins out of which around 1 hour went towards learning the topic and making notes and the remaining went towards coding the practice problems.🕐
Link to Today's Work(Coding part) : Day45 Work
Today, I learned how to document multiple classes in a single file in javadocs and how to specify exceptions in javadocs.✍️
Solved a practice project, the statement was to create a queue class using arraylist and use proper custom exception handling in it and document it properly. This mini project required the use of most of the topics I have learned so far in this course.💻 Also made notes of today's topics.📖
Today I worked for around 3 hour out of which around 1 hour went towards learning the topic and making notes and the remaining went towards coding the practice problems.🕐
Link to Today's Work(Coding part) : Day46 Work (JavaClass part) , Day46 Work (documentation part)
Today I completed 4 chapters of my advanced java cource, which were Anotations, Anonymous classes and Lambda expressions, Java generics, File handling. With that I have Completed the Advanced java course and java course as a whole.✍️
solved practice problems from each topic I learned today.💻 Also made notes of today's topics.📖
Today I worked for around 4 hour 30 mins out of which around 2 hour 20 mins went towards learning the topic and making notes and the remaining went towards coding the practice problems.🕐
//I have decided to start learning the C++ language next so that I can advance with some DS Algo, but I will also learn any skill which I might need for tacleing a project. and take the C++ course slowly with all that.📢
Link to Today's Work(Coding part) : Day47 Work
Today, I have started a new course to learn C++. I have started the 1st chapter and completed the topics Introduction to C++, basic C++ program structure, namespace, variables.✍️
solved practice problems from each topic I learned today.💻 Also made notes of today's topics.📖
Today was the 1st day of the cource, hence most of it was theoritical part and less coding part. There will be more coding part as I progress further into the course.📖
Today I worked for around 1 hour 20 mins out of which around 1 hour went towards learning the topic and making notes and the remaining went towards coding the practice problems.🕐
Link to Today's Work(Coding part) : Day48 Work
Today, I have continued the C++ course , completed the topics : Variable Scope, Basic IO, Operators, Types of Operators, Accessing Global Variables, Reference Variables, Type Casting.✍️
solved practice problems from each topic I learned today.💻 Also made notes of today's topics.📖
Today I worked for around 1 hour 40 mins out of which around 1 hour went towards learning the topic and making notes and the remaining went towards coding the practice problems.🕐
Link to Today's Work(Coding part) : Day49 Work
🥳 50 Days Completed 🥳
Today, I have continued the C++ course , completed the topics : Constants, Manipulators, Operator presidence, Control Structures, Types of Control Structures, If else if else, switch cases.✍️
solved practice problems from each topic I learned today.💻 Also made notes of today's topics.📖
Today I worked for around 1 hour 35 mins out of which around 1 hour went towards learning the topic and making notes and the remaining went towards coding the practice problems.🕐
Link to Today's Work(Coding part) : Day50 Work
Today, I have continued the C++ course , completed the topics : For Loop, While loop, Do while loop, and Pointers✍️
solved practice problems from each topic I learned today, on top of that, solved a practice problem of making a prime number determining program.💻 Also made notes of today's topics.📖
Today I worked for around 1 hour 40 mins out of which around 1 hour went towards learning the topic and making notes and the remaining went towards coding the practice problems.🕐
Link to Today's Work(Coding part) : Day51 Work
Today, I have continued the C++ course , completed the topics : Arrays, array operations using loops, pointer aritmnatic, Structures, typedef, Unions, Enum.✍️
solved practice problems from each topic I learned today.💻 Also made notes of today's topics.📖
Today I worked for around 1 hour 45 mins out of which around 1 hour went towards learning the topic and making notes and the remaining went towards coding the practice problems.🕐
Link to Today's Work(Coding part) : Day52 Work
Today, I have continued the C++ course , completed the topics : Introduction to functions, function Prototyping, Function Call by reference and Reference Variables, Returning reference from a function, Static variables in function, Inline Functions, Default Arguements.✍️
solved practice problems from each topic I learned today.💻 Also made notes of today's topics.📖
Today I worked for around 2 hours out of which around 1 hour 20 mins went towards learning the topic and making notes and the remaining went towards coding the practice problems.🕐
Link to Today's Work(Coding part) : Day53 Work
// Also, renamed and organised my codes a bit, so ignore all the file renamed no change on the top of code part.
Today, I have continued the C++ course , completed the topics : Recursion and Function Overloading.✍️
solved practice problems from each topic I learned today, on top of that, solved some practice set questions of recursion and array (sorting array, factorial using recursion, fibonacci series using recursion, fibonacci term using recursion).💻 Also made notes of today's topics.📖
Today I worked for around 1 hours 30 mins out of which around 45 mins went towards learning the topic and making notes and the remaining went towards coding the practice problems.🕐
Link to Today's Work(Coding part) : Day54 Work
I took a break as I was not feeling well, and desperately needed some rest. Feeling much better today and I am back to coding.
Today, I solved the practice set of C++, solved practice questions on all topics covered so far in c++, like sorting array, binary searching an array, checking if string is pelindrome, star pattern problems, checking for most occuring number in array.💻
From tomorrow, I will start Object Oriented Programming topics in C++ as I have completed all the basic topics.✍️
Today I worked for around 2 hours solving the practice problems.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day55 Work
Today, I started OOPs chapter in C++, completed the topics : Introduction to OOPs, OOP vs POP, basic components of OOPs, Classes and objects, structure vs classes, private and public, and Nesting of member functions.✍️
solved practice problems from each topic I learned today.💻 Also made notes of today's topics, notes part was more today as its the first class of this chapter.📖
Today I worked for around 2 hrs out of which around 1 hour 15 mins went towards learning the topic and making notes and the remaining went towards coding the practice problems.🕐
Link to Today's Work(Coding part) : Day56 Work
Today, I continued OOPs chapter in C++, completed the topics : Array in Classes, Static Variables in Classes, Static functions in Classes, Array of objects of a class, Objects as function arguements.✍️
solved practice problems from each topic I learned today.💻 Also made notes of today's topics.📖
Today I worked for around 2 hours out of which around 1 hour went towards learning the topic and making notes and the remaining went towards coding the practice problems.🕐
Link to Today's Work(Coding part) : Day57 Work
Today, I took a day break from C++ course, as our college gave us a new website to practice our programming skills by solving problems, It has a college wide ranking system and leaderboard. so, I completed the 1st topic of C in it. In total, solved 10 questions , out of which 3 are not accepted due to complexions not reached.💻
I have copied the code from the website to VScode , so that I can keep record of the programs and link it in challenge. however, the problem statement couldn't be copied, so statements of the programs are not included in the code part.
I spent approximately 1.5 hours completing the problems.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day58 Work
// This website features questions from basic topics of C, but is a good practice , also it has a similar ui and system like most CP websites like leetcode , hackerrank etc. So, doing this could make me a bit familiar to how to get going with those at the beginning when I start doing CP. FROM TOMORROW, I WILL RESUME MY C++ COURSE AGAIN.
Today, I continued OOPs chapter in C++, completed the topics : Friend Functions, Properties of Friend Functions, Friend Member functions of external class, Friend class.✍️
solved practice problems from each topic I learned today.💻 Also made notes of today's topics.📖
Today I worked for around 1 hours 15mins out of which around 40 mins went towards learning the topic and making notes and the remaining went towards coding the practice problems.🕐
Link to Today's Work(Coding part) : Day59 Work
Today, I continued OOPs chapter in C++, completed the topics : Friend class Function Friends to multiple classes, Class pvt data manipulation from friend function, Constructors, Default and Parameterized Constructors, Constructor Overloading.✍️
solved practice problems from each topic I learned today.💻 Also made notes of today's topics.📖
Today I worked for around 2 hours 10 mins out of which around 1 hour went towards learning the topic and making notes and the remaining went towards coding the practice problems.🕐
Link to Today's Work(Coding part) : Day60 Work
Today, I continued OOPs chapter in C++, completed the topics : Default args in Constructor, Dynamic Initialization of object using constructors., Copy constructors.✍️
solved practice problems from each topic I learned today.💻 Also made notes of today's topics.📖
Today I worked for around 1 hours 15 mins out of which around 35 mins went towards learning the topic and making notes and the remaining went towards coding the practice problems.🕐
Link to Today's Work(Coding part) : Day61 Work
Today, I continued OOPs chapter in C++, completed the topics : Destructor, Inheritance, Types of Inheritance(Single Inheritance, Multiple Inheritance, Hierarchial Inheritance, Multilevel Inheritance, Hybrid Inheritance), Visibility mode of Inheritance.✍️
solved practice problems from each topic I learned today.💻 Also made notes of today's topics.📖
Today I worked for around 1 hours 10 mins out of which around 40 mins went towards learning the topic and making notes and the remaining went towards coding the practice problems.🕐
//Today's Topics were theory heavy, so the quantity of code is a bit less compared to other days.
Link to Today's Work(Coding part) : Day62 Work
Today, I continued OOPs chapter in C++, completed the topics : Private and Public Inheritance, Single Inheritance, Protected access Modifier, Protected Inheritance.✍️
solved practice problems from each topic I learned today.💻 Also made notes of today's topics.📖
Today I worked for around 1 hours 25 mins out of which around 45 mins went towards learning the topic and making notes and the remaining went towards coding the practice problems.🕐
//Today's Topics were concept heavy(hence heavily commented code), so the quantity of code is a bit less compared to other days.
Link to Today's Work(Coding part) : Day63 Work
Today, I took a day off from learning and solved some Leetcode questions on basic C++ for revising every topic in C++ I have covered so far. I always prefer to step back from learning and taking a good look on what I covered so far to prevent me from forgetting older topics as I take on newer ones.💻
I have copied the statement and code from LeeatCode to upload and keep it documented for future reference as well as the challenge.✍️
Today I worked for around 1 hours 45 mins solving the coding problems problems.🕐
I am very new to Leetcode , and I have no prior knowledge of DS and Algo. So I might have spent more time than what is usually needed to solve such problems. I hope to change it in the near future.
Link to Today's Work : Day64 Work
Today, I continued OOPs chapter in C++, completed the topics : Multiple Inheritance and Multilevel Inheritance.✍️
solved practice problems from each topic I learned today and solved some C problems from eLab.💻 Also made notes of today's topics.📖
Today I worked for around 2 hours 30 mins out of which around 45 mins went towards learning the topic and making notes and the remaining went towards coding the practice problems.🕐
Link to Today's Work (coding part) : Day65 Work C++ , Day65 Work C eLab
Today, I solved a practice exercise on C++ OOPs on topic of Inheritance, other than that I have solved some C problems from eLab.💻
As I am moving from my home to chennai for offline college next week, I am busy preparing and shopping for the move, Hence I am not able to code as much as I would like to.
Today I worked for around 1 hour 15 mins coding the practice problems of C and C++.🕐
Link to Today's Work (coding part) : Day66 Work C++ , Day66 Work C eLab
Today, I continued OOPs chapter in C++, completed the topics : Ambiguity resolution in Inheritance, Overriding methods in Inheritance.✍️
solved practice problems from each topic I learned today and solved some C problems from eLab.💻 Also made notes of today's topics.📖
Today I worked for around 1 hours 5 mins out of which around 25 mins went towards learning the topic and making notes and the remaining went towards coding the practice problems.🕐
Link to Today's Work (coding part) : Day67 Work C++ , Day67 Work C eLab
Today, I continued OOPs chapter in C++, completed the topic Virtual Base class.✍️
solved practice problems from each topic I learned today, solved a Exercise problem of OOPs in C++ and solved some C problems from eLab.💻 Also made notes of today's topics.📖
Today I worked for around 2 hrs 10 mins out of which around 35 mins went towards learning the topic and making notes and the remaining went towards coding the practice problems.🕐
Link to Today's Work (coding part) : Day68 Work C++ , Day68 Work C eLab
I am moving to hostel on 30th Marc, which is 4 days from now, hence I am busy with packing and preping, and I also want to spend some time with my family in my last few days of staying home. I will start posting code again when I have setteled in the new city. This is a big part of my life as I am moving out of home for the first time, I think I deserve a few days of leave. I will cover up for that by doing double the days later.
It is nice to be back at coding, I have finally settled in my hostel in chennai and from today I will continue the challenge as usual, I will cover up for the missed days by doing twice the days as per the rules.✍️
Solved some problems from C in elab, Couldn't learn any new topic because I still don't have access to hostel wifi.💻
Today I worked for around 1 hour 10 mins solving the C problems.🕐
Link to Today's Work (coding part) : Day69 Work
We just moved into college and we already have our CT1 exams😣 But since I have recently taken a long break, I will try my best to complete the exams without taking breaks. It is much harder for me to manage time in offline mode as compared to online, but that won't stop me from completing the challenge, I will do my best adapt and overcome thr problem.
Solved some problems from C in elab.💻
Today I worked for around 1 hour solving the C problems.🕐
Link to Today's Work (coding part) : Day70 Work
Started working on a personal android app project. I am making an app to show my class timetable and messfood chart day wise with clock to keep track of what period it is.💻 I hope to finish the app within 1-2 more days. It has been a while since my last android project, so it is a good time to revice, also The app will provide convenience to my day to day life.✍️
Today I worked for around 2 hours on the app.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day71 Work
Continued my work on the personal android app, created the time table part today, only the mess food chart part is remainig.💻
I will finish the app by tomorrow and move on to the next project/topic.✍️
Today I worked for around 2 hours 30 mins on the app.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day72 Work
Finished the first version of the app, and distributed the finished app to my classmates to use.💻
Also, from monday, I have my exams, so I might be coding for less time , but I will try my best not to miss any day. I will most likely do practice problems as those tend to take less amount of time.✍️
Today I worked for around 3 hours on the app.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day73 Work
Today, I continued OOPs chapter in C++, completed the topic constructors in multiple Inheritance & initialization list in constructor.✍️
solved practice problems from each topic I learned today and some general practice problems.💻 Also made notes of today's topics.📖
Today I worked for around 1 hr out of which around 25 mins went towards learning the topic and making notes and the remaining went towards coding the practice problems.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day74 Work
Today, I solved some practice elab quetions of C.💻
I coded for 1 hours solving the problems.🕐
Today, I am only coding for 1 hour because my exams are going on, as well as classes, and it is very hard for me to give much time to coding today. I will cover up by doing more time after the exam.✍️
Link to Today's Work : Day75 Work
Today, I Worked on an update of the timetable app based on feedback from the users, Now it shows the current ongoing period and the theme of mess food section is updated.💻
I haven't coded much today, as today I had exams and classes whole day as well as I have exam tomorrow.✍️
I coded for 1 hours solving the problems.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day76 Work
I had to take a mental health break. It has been hard to adapt to the new city away from the comfort of home and It has been stressful at times. I am back stronger than before now and hope to complete the challenge without much more breaks.
Solved some leetcode questions in C++ 💻
Reviced the theory part of C++ OOPs ✍️
I have my exams going on, so I am coding less to give more time to my studies. I will be coding more once the exam ends.
I coded for 1 hours solving the problems.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day77 Work
Solved some leetcode questions in C++ 💻
I have my exams going on, so I am coding less to give more time to my studies. I will be coding more once the exam ends.
I coded for 1 hours solving the problems.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day78 Work
Solved some leetcode questions in C++ and solved some practice questions of C from Elab💻
I still have my exams going on, so I am coding less to give more time to my studies. I will be coding more once the exam ends.
I coded for 1 hours solving the problems.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day79 Work C++ , Day79 Work C
Solved some leetcode questions in C++ 💻
Reviced the arrays topic for practicals in college and some CSS.✍️
I coded for 1 hours 30 mins solving the problems.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day80 Work
Today, I taught my friends the basics of Android Studio, and while doing so, I created a simple pelindrome checker app to give them the walkthrough of how to make android apps.💻
I coded for 2 hours 20 mins making the app and explaining the concepts.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day81 Work
Today, I continued the C++ course, completed the topic new & delete keyword in pointers, array using pointers, pointer to objects, array of objects and this pointer
Solved Practice problems from each topics of today.💻
I worked for 2 hours out of which around 1 hour went toward studying the topics and making notes and the rest towards solving the problems.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day82 Work
I was unable to code as I was travelling from one city to another on train. I will cover up by coding more the next day.
Today, I started learning web development with my friends. Completed some basic HTML and JS problems and created a basic palindrome checker web page.✍️
I coded for 3 hours 45 mins solving the practice problems and working on the simple webpage.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day83 Work
Today, I continued the C++ Course, Completed the topics Polymorphism and its types which was completely theoritical in todays portion.✍️
Since today's topic was very theoritical, I solved some leetcode questions to complete my dailt coding quota.💻
Today I worked for around 1 hour 40 mins out of which around 1 hour went towards learning the topic and making notes and the remaining went towards coding the practice problems.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day84 Work
Today, I worked on a web development project.✍️
I created a simple webpage using HTML , CSS and JS which is a web calculator that performs basic arithmatic calculations. It was a great practice of the concepts of web development I have been learning recently.💻
I coded for 2 hours 20mins working on the simple webpage.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day85 Work
Today, I continued the C++ course, completed the topics of Runtime polymorphism, Pointer to derived class and Virtual Functions.✍️
Solved some example problems from each topic and made detailed notes (Topics were concept heavy).💻
Today I worked for around 1 hour 40 mins out of which 50 mins went towards coding and the remaining towards understanding the concepts and making notes.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day86 Work
Taking 2 days break as I was attending/voulentering in the event Google For Namma Worker organised by GDSC SRM Ramapuram and WTC.
Today, I started the Google Cloud ready Program, completed 2 quests and read about the basucs of cloud.✍️
Practiced Web development and learnt about responsive websites.💻
I coded for 3 hours 30mins out of which 2 hours went towards Google Cloud Ready Program and remaining time went towards practicing web development.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day87 Work
Continued with google cloud ready program and continued the C++ cource , completing the topics Rules for Virtual Functions, Array of different base class objects.✍️
Coded an example program implementing today's topics and made some progress in cloud quests.💻
I coded for 2 hours 10 mins out of which 40 mins went towards coding in C++ , 30 mins went towards studying the topics and making notes and the rest went towards cloud quests.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day88 Work
Continued with google cloud ready program , completed the entire quest today and earned myself my first badge, also practiced some basic Javascript problems.✍️
I coded for 2 hours 30 mins out of which 2 hours went towards gcloud quests and remaining went towards practiing javascript.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day89 Work
Started working on my next web development project which is my personal portfolio website, made a good start on the project and layed the foundations of the website, apart from that, made some progress in google cloud ready quests.✍️
I coded for 3 hours 20 mins out of which 2 hours went towards gcloud quests and remaining went towards working on the portfolio website.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day90 Work
Continued working on my personal portfolio website, made some progress and some changes, however, I am still not fully sold on the design and there might be major design changes in the future.💻
I coded for 2 hours Working on the portfolio website.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day91 Work
I had to take a study leave to catch up with my college studies as tests are about to come and my notes needed to be completed.
Today, I continued my C++ course, completed the topics of pure virtual functions, do-nothing functions and abstract base classes. And with that I have completed the Object Oriented Programming in C++. Next I will continue to File IO in C++.✍️
Coded the exercise problems from today's topics and also made notes, also practiced some leetcode questions.💻
I coded for 2 hours 10 mins out of which 45 mins went towards understanding the concept and making notes and rest towards coding the exercise problem.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day92 Work
Today, I continued my C++ course, completed the topics of File I/O (Read,Write,open,close,eol) and fstream.✍️
Coded the exercise problems from today's topics and also made notes.💻
I coded for 1 hours 10 mins out of which 35 mins went towards understanding the concept and making notes and rest towards coding the exercise problem.🕐
Link to Today's Work : Day93 Work
Had to take a break to catch up with college , had to write some lab record observations and some assignments.
Today, I continued my C++ course, Started the topic of Templates, completed the introduction and basic syntax part and wrote my first code using templates with classes. Also made notes on the topic.✍️
I am restructuring and redesigning my portfolio, hence I made a new layout for the portfolio using HTML and CSS.💻
I coded for 2 hours out of which around 30 mins went towards understanding the concept and making notes , around 30 mins rest towards coding the exercise problem and the remaining towards working on the portfolio website.🕐
Link to Today's Works : Day94 Work (C++) , Day94 Work (Portfolio)
Today, I worked on the redesigned portfolio website, made some significant progress and learnt a lot new things while working on the CSS part of the portfolio. This time, I started by laying out a basic layout before starting to put in elements, and this approach worked out great for me, This time, I am happy with the outcomes so far and am continuing my work on it, hopefully it will be finished soon.✍️
I Worked for 4 hours 15 mis on the portfolio website including the time taken to learn new topics.🕐
Link to Today's Works : Day95 Work
Today, I continued my work on the portfolio website, made more significant progress and the website is now nearing completion, however, as of now the website is non responsive and I will be working on making it responsive in the near future. Also, While Working on the webpage, I got to explore many new things about CSS and JavaScript.✍️
Other than that, studied some JavaScript, studied about the For in, For of, and For each loops in JS.💻
I Worked for 5 hours 10 mis on the portfolio website including the time taken to learn new topics and studying JavaScript.🕐
Link to Today's Works : Day96 Work
Today, I continued my work on the portfolio website, and after a final stretch of coding, The website is finished for now, I have added all the things I intended to add to it, however there is a lot more things to do with this website, like making it responsive and adding more content, I am concluding it as of now but I will continue adding stuff to the page as we go and I will make it responsive after I have learnt more of web development.💻
Also, I am not very good at designing, so I might keep making design changes based on suggestions from people.✍️
I Worked for 4 hours 25 mis on the portfolio website including the time taken to learn new topics.🕐
Link to Today's Works : Day97 Work
Today, I continued the C++ course, completed the topics Templates with multiple parameter, defalt parameter of Templates, Template to Functions, Templates to member functions, Template function Overloading.✍️
Coded the example and practice questions, and also made notes of todays topics.💻
I Worked for 2 hours 10 mis Coding , learning and making notes of today's topics.🕐
Link to Today's Works : Day98 Work
Today, I continued the C++ course, started the New chapter STL, completed the topics STL intro, Components of STL (containers, algorithms, iterators), Containers & its types(Sequential container, Associative Container, Derived Container), Vectors.✍️
Today's topics were mostly theoritical and focused on getting the basics of STL clear, however, I coded the problems and examples of Vectors.💻
I Worked for 2 hours Coding , Understanding and making notes of today's topics.🕐
Link to Today's Works : Day99 Work
Finally the day has come, Today I have completed the 100DaysofCode challenge🥳
Today is a special day, so instead of continuing the cources as usual, I worked on a special fun project today, I created a simple clone of the famous chrome dino game using HTML,CSS and JS.💻
Even though the challenge is officially over, I still have to do the extra coverup days for taking breakes during the challenge, so from today I will be doing all the panality days and will be updating it here as usual.✍️
I Worked for 3 hours Working on todays project.🕐
Link to Today's Works : Day100 Work
Try out the game here : Dino Game
The Challange has pushed me a lot, helped me improve my consistancy and left a very positive impact on me, Even though the challenge is over, I will still keep up the consistancy and coad daily, I will also keep updating my work on a new log after the extra coverup days are over.🙂
Links : work 1 , work 2
Desc : Worked on my portfolio, made some changes.
Other Work : Studied about STL in C++ (Theory part)
Time : 1 hour
Links : work
Desc : Made a new web project that reverses string as user types it usinh HTML, CSS and JS.
Time : 2 hour 40 mins
Link : work
Desc : Updated my Portfolio , made some major changes, implemented particle js.
Time : 3 hrs 50 mins
Link : work
Desc : Finished all the updates to my portfolio and completed the redesign based on feedbacks.
Time : 3 hours
Link : work
Desc : Worked on and completed a mini project which is RockPaperScissors web game using HTML,CSS and JS.
Time : 5 hours.
Link : Work (name is Day10 but is Day106, sorry for the typo)
Desc : Started Work on another mini project which is a password generator websitem, completed the Design part today. Made using HTML,CSS and JS.
Time : 4 hours.
Link : work
Desc : Comtinued and completed the mini project I started yesterday, tackled the main Password generator coding part today , added some finishing touches to the website before deploying.
Time : 2 hrs 40 mins.
Link : work
Desc : Started working on a new mini project using HTML, CSS and JS which is tik-tak-toe game, completed the design part.
Time : 2 hrs 30 mins.
Link : work
Desc : Almost completed the tik-tak-toe project, game is now functional and playable, yet some finishing touches and effects are yet to be implemented. Hopefully will be completed tomorrow.
Time : 3 hrs 20 mins.
Link : work
Desc : Completed the tik-tak-toe game and fixed many bugs from yesterdays version. The game is now available to play here: TRY THE GAME OUT however further playtesting might reveal more bugs, So I will be looking for feedback to improve the game or fix any bugs if found.
Time : 2 hrs 40 mins.
Link : work
Desc : Started working on anither mini web project, this time I am making the classic guess the number game. Completed the design part today, the script part will be completed by tomorrow.
Time : 3 hrs 10 mins.
Link : work-GuessTheNumber , work-EncryptorDecryptor
Desc : Completed the project GuessTheNumber which I started yesterday, started and completed another web project which is encryptor-decryptor which encrypts and decrytpts text with a key taken from user.
Time : 6 hrs.
Try Out : Guess The Number Game , Encryptor-Decryptor
Link : work
Desc : Practiced some JavaScript questions.
Time : 1 hour 35 mins.