using PyTorch and NLTK
- Tokenize
- lower + stem
- exlude punctuation characters
- generate bag of words
- for training the neural network: (this should be done at first time)
- for chatting:
or you can use jupyter notebook
- about pytorch modules
- The Porter stemming algorithm (or ‘Porter stemmer’) is a process for removing the commoner morphological and inflexional endings from words in English. more info
- Punkt Sentence Tokenizer: This tokenizer divides a text into a list of sentences by using an unsupervised algorithm to build a model for abbreviation words, collocations, and words that start sentences.
- nltk tokenize: split sentence into array of words/tokens a token can be a word or punctuation character, or number
- nltk stem: stemming = find the root form of the word examples:
words = ["organize", "organizes", "organizing"]
words = [stem(w) for w in words]
# return: ["organ", "organ", "organ"]
- bag of word: return bag of words array: 1 for each known word that exists in the sentence, 0 otherwise example:
sentence = ["hello", "how", "are", "you"]
words = ["hi", "hello", "I", "you", "bye", "thank", "cool"]
bag = [ 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0]
- Pytorch Dataset: map-style dataset: "represents a map from (possibly non-integral) indices/keys to data samples."
- Pytorch
:more info - Adam Algorithm: "for first-order gradient-based optimization of stochastic objective functions, based on adaptive estimates of lower-order moments." more info