ChampSim is a trace-based simulator for microarchitecture studies.
Ensure your Linux system is updated and has essential build tools installed. Run the following commands:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install build-essential
Clone this repository or download and extract the source code:
git clone
Download the following trace: 403.gcc-16B.champsimtrace.xz
Alternatively, browse other traces on the SPEC traces page.
After downloading, create a folder named dpc3_traces
and move the downloaded trace archieve there.
(Or perform in single step using ./scripts/
Navigate to the main directory and build ChampSim using the following command:
$ ./ bimodal no no no no lru 1
Single-core simulation: Run simulation with
$ ./ bimodal-no-no-no-no-lru-1core 1 10 403.gcc-16B.champsimtrace.xz
${BINARY}: ChampSim binary compiled by "" (bimodal-no-no-lru-1core)
${N_WARM}: number of instructions for warmup (1 million)
${N_SIM}: number of instructinos for detailed simulation (10 million)
${TRACE}: trace name (403.gcc-16B.champsimtrace.xz)
${OPTION}: extra option for "-low_bandwidth" (src/
Simulation results will be stored under "results_${N_SIM}M" as a form of "TRACE-BINARY-OPTION.txt".
- Refer to this Youtube video
- Refer to the original README file.