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60 lines (44 loc) · 4.11 KB

File metadata and controls

60 lines (44 loc) · 4.11 KB

Note: sz refers to the size of an area. <addr>-sz is used when <addr> refers to the end of an area rather than the start of it (when sz is unknown/variable).


Start addr Size Condition Notes
03003750 0x268 - In area where ARM funcs get copied. Unreferenced functions.
03003B48 0xBC - Untested. In area where ARM funcs get copied. Unreferenced function.
03003F48 0x208 - Untested. In area where ARM funcs get copied. Past end of meaningful data.
0300428C 0x6D4 - Untested. In area where Interrupt handler gets copied. Past end of meaningful data.
030067A8 - ? Untested. End of static IWRAM. May collide with stack.
02026AD0 0x360 Using IconRework/CIconDisplay Used by vanilla icon display system.
02026E30 0x2028 Not Using debug printing Unused unless digging up leftover debug stuff.
02040000-sz ~0xC00 - End of EWRAM. May collide with unit loading buffer (sizes of 0xC00 and less should leave enough room for 50+ units).

Note that 02026AD0+360 = 02026E30, which is the start of another free block. Which means that 02026AD0 can be considered as being a single 0x2388 bytes long free block.

Smaller free areas

There exist a few more instances of free blocks that are used by unused/unreferenced functions (I only added in the big one which is the debug printing stuff).

For example, there is 0x20 free bytes at 030005B0, which is normally used to build up a proc script in RAM by unreferenced function at 0800D4D4.

Free bytes from alignment padding

There exists numerous instances of small 1 or 2 byte blocks of free space that was caused by alignment requirements of certain objects.

For example, at 03000006 are 2 free bytes, being after a 3 short array (6 bytes), but before a word that needed to be 4-aligned.


Start addr Size When not free Notes
02020188-sz ? During battle animations -
0203AAA4 0x1B80 During link arena May be only in real link games, in which case it may as well be considered always free.
0203EFB8 0x1048 During unit loading Up to the end of EWRAM

TODO: more of this


Used this thread as reference, as well as my own knowledge of existing hacks.

Hack name Start addr Size Notes
Mode 7 style stuff (CHAX) 03003750 0x208+ 0x140 + size of ram func (currently 0xC8)
Improved Sound Mixer 03006CB0 0x860 ram func (may free 0x400 bytes at 03002C60?)
Improved Sound Mixer 03007510 0x380 new mixing buffer
AutoNewline 02026E30 variable string buffer
FE8 Battle Transform 0203AABE 2 unknown when used.
Battle Buffer ext (SkillSystem) 0203AAC0 0xF8+ frees 0x1C bytes at 0203A5EC
ArenaLimits 0203AAC0 variable string buffer
HpBars (SkillSystem) 0203AE00 0xC8 Warning cache. Uses 2, then indexes byte array by unit id (0xC6 is past the last unit id).
7743's unit select sfx 0203B1F0 0x10 unknown when used.
break_save 0203B200 0x400 probably repointed convoy? (which would free 0xC8 bytes at 0203A81C)
Debuffs 'fix' (SkillSystem) 0203ED40(!!) variable This conflicts with a bunch of things! (Including chapter completion stats).
Gaiden-style Magic 0203F080 4 Probably not used during unit loading so that's safe.
Debuffs (SkillSystem) 0203F100(!) 0x900 array of 8 byte entries indexed by unit id leaves a bunch of holes.
Debuffs (VBA/make) 0203FBB8 0x448 -