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Upscale Nodes

Akatsuzi edited this page Dec 3, 2023 · 21 revisions

CR Upscale Image

Input Parameters

Parameter Description Type Options
image Input image to be upscaled. IMAGE -
upscale_model List of upscale models. COMBO -
mode Mode of operation. COMBO rescale resize
rescale_factor Factor by which the image should be rescaled. FLOAT default: 2, min: 0.01, max: 16.0, step: 0.01
resize_width Width to resize the image. INT default: 1024, min: 1, max: 48000, step: 1
resampling_method Resampling method for image processing. COMBO lanczos nearest bilinear bicubic
supersample Boolean indicating whether to supersample the image. COMBO true false
rounding_modulus Modulus used for rounding during the upscale process. INT default: 8, min: 8, max: 1024, step: 8


CR Multi Upscale Stack

Input Parameters

Parameter Description Type Options
switch_1 Switch for option 1. COMBO On Off
upscale_model_1 Upscale model for option 1. COMBO -
rescale_factor_1 Rescale factor for option 1. FLOAT default: 2, min: 0.01, max: 16.0, step: 0.01
switch_2 Switch for option 2. COMBO On Off
upscale_model_2 Upscale model for option 2. COMBO -
rescale_factor_2 Rescale factor for option 2. FLOAT default: 2, min: 0.01, max: 16.0, step: 0.01
switch_3 Switch for option 3. COMBO On Off
upscale_model_3 Upscale model for option 3. COMBO -
rescale_factor_3 Rescale factor for option 3. FLOAT default: 2, min: 0.01, max: 16.0, step: 0.01

CR Apply Multi Upscale

Input Parameters

Parameter Description Type Arguments
image Input image to be upscaled. IMAGE -
resampling_method Resampling method for image processing. List lanczos nearest bilinear bicubic
supersample Boolean indicating whether to supersample the image. COMBO true false
rounding_modulus Modulus used for rounding during the upscale process. INT default: 8, min: 8, max: 1024, step: 8
upscale_stack Upscale stack for upscaling. UPSCALE_STACK -
