This version was written and tested on Python 3.9.6
- Returned parameter "old_return" with improved back-compatibility
- Setted default value "False" for parameter "old_return"
This version was written and tested on Python 3.9.6
- Added support for edgedriver ARM version on Windows
- Speeded up getting latest version of safaridriver
This version was written and tested on Python 3.9.6
- Added killing of browser if its getting updated
- Added full updating of opera browser on Windows (full installation instead of browser update command)
- Fixed an issue with incorrect default path detecting if library was ran in console mode
This version was written and tested on Python 3.9.6
- Added full updating of edge browser on MacOS (full installation instead of browser update command)
This version was written and tested on Python 3.9.6
- Added full updating of firefox and chrome browser on MacOS (full installation instead of browser update command)
- Partial fixed of getting latest version of edge browser
- Removed parameter "old_return" for returning old variables like "result and message"
This version was written and tested on Python 3.9.6
- Added full updating of opera browser on MacOS (full installation instead of browser update command)
This version was written and tested on Python 3.9.6
- Added alternative usage in command line (now supports selenium-driver-updater reference)
- Improved updating command of chrome browser
- Removed unused imports
- Removed unnecessary return after except statement
This version was written and tested on Python 3.9.6
- Added base class for all driver classes
- Added support for safaridriver (not updating or downloading)
- Added properly exiting driver with context managers instead of driver.quit()
- Improved getting current version of chrome browser on MacOS (added additional path)
- Fixed an issue with incorrect getting current version of opera browser
This version was written and tested on Python 3.9.6
- Added command line control
- Added alternative method of getting needed data via github if github api limit is restricted (not all methods, but many necessary)
- Fixed an issue if multiply identical drivers and different OS's names were given and later was incorrect filename extension checking
This version was written and tested on Python 3.9.6
- Added firsts custom user-defined exceptions
- Added parameter "old_return" for returning old variables like "result and message"
- Improved driver version validating if specific version was given
- Fixed an issue with incorrect operadriver downloading
- Removed error handling pattern everywhere
This version was written and tested on Python 3.9.6
- Added custom logger (No need to override root logger now)
- Simplified driver classes initialization
- Simplified checking for correct driver_name