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GrafDimenzio edited this page Oct 31, 2020 · 5 revisions


If you want to create a Command then you can do it simply by creating a new class which inherit from ISynapseCommand and has the Attribute CommandInformations. In the Method Execute can then put your code for your Command


using System.Linq;

namespace CommandPlugin
        Name = "hello", // The Main name and parameter for your command
        Aliases = new string[] {"helloworld"}, // Aliases you can use instead of main command
        Description = "A Hello World Command", // A Description for the Commad
        Permission = "commandplugin.hello", // The Permission which the Player needs to execute the Command
        Platforms = new[] {Platform.RemoteAdmin,Platform.ServerConsole}, // The Platforms the Command can be used
        Usage = "just type hello or helloworld in the console!" // A Mesage how to use the Command
    public class HelloWorldCommand : ISynapseCommand
        public CommandResult Execute(CommandContext context)
            var result = new CommandResult();

            if (!context.Player.HasPermission("commandplugin.hello"))
                result.Message = "You dont have permission to execute this command!";
                result.State = CommandResultState.NoPermission;
                return result;

            result.Message = "Hello World";
            result.State = CommandResultState.Ok;

            return result;
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