- Install docker manually
in combination with homebrew
brew install docker
brew install virtualbox
docker-machine create --driver virtualbox default
docker-machine env default
eval "$(docker-machine env default)"
- alternatively you can download docker desktop from the official website for your OS and just install it. All configuration will be done by the installer automatically
Create a environment config file
similar to the one used for testingbackend/.env.test
Start docker with the following comand:
docker run -p 7474:7474 -p 7687:7687 -d -e NEO4J_AUTH=neo4j/NEO4J neo4j
Navigate to
to verify Neo4j is indeed running -
Seed the database
npm run db:clean
npm run db:seed
- Start the application
npm install
npm run dev
- Navigate the browser to
- Install neo4j by following the installation guidelines for your respective OS.
in combination with homebrew, you can just run
brew install neo4j
if you want to run on Windows, you can follow this instruction
- Once the installation has finished, you can launch neo4j via
neo4j start
Navigate to
to verify Neo4j is indeed running -
create a environment config file
similar to the one used for testingbackend/.env.test
Seed the database
npm run db:clean
npm run db:seed
- Start the application
npm install
npm run dev
Navigate the browser to
Once done, the database can be stopped via
neo4j stop