Markdown preview
Single-instance language service
- Way to pass configuration variables downwards to plugins
Completion: When pressing 'enter' on an item that has multiple selections, like .last (.lastIndexOf), completion window pops back up on enter. Should identify that case (same base/prefix as last completed item?) and not popup
Completion: Sometimes full word is not completed (leaves a prefix of word) - need to isolate a repro
- Use 'OniExecute'
- Next error / previous error
- Plugin handle commands - 'git merge' for example
Expand to multiple displays
- require("electron").screen.getALDisplays
- Get minimum X coordinate
- Get maximum X coordinate + size
- Get minimum Y coordinate bounds
- Set size: require('electron').remote.getCurrentWindow().setPosition(x, y) require("electron").remote.getCurrentWindow().setSize(.., ..)
- require("electron").screen.getALDisplays
Refactoring: Refactor common promise completion logic in Oni.ts
Refactoring: Consolidate overlay strategies
- Fix window management issues
- Persist overlays for buffer
- Create a 'marker' host that can render based on a common interface
Create scrollbars
For Menu/AutoComplete, need to fix viewport const viewPortReducer = viewportReducer(NEXT_ACTION, PREVIOUS_ACTION) Object.assign({}, s, { viewport: viewportReducer(action, viewportSize, itemCount, currentViewport) })
viewport: viewStartIndex selectedIndex
- Start moving reducers out
Syntax highlighting -
- only update if item changed
Syntax highlighting - why don't method parameters show?
Scrollbar: Handle mouse events
Animation/Performance: Optimistic Typing
Animation: Cursor velocity
- Create variable
- Refactor cursor to component
- Use 'particle style' animation
LiveEvaluation: Use border color to signify process
- Green: Done
- Yellow: Evaluating
- Red: Error
Performance - Investigate latency in completion
- Setting to enable/disable scrollbar
LiveEvaluation: Evaluate on initial enter of buffer, without needing the buffer-update event
Performance: Scrolling
Signature completion: Show number of alternate completions available
Signature completion: Cycle through available completions
- Objects - get by highlighted variable name
- Overflow - long output
- Errors
- Output
Good README example: - TSLint by Palantir
Use JS to apply changes to an entire file
- Remove all semicolons
Preview mode
- Markdown
- React
Easy: Move 'ROADMAP.md'
Issue: QuickInfo opening too high
Issue: AutoComplete opening too low
Issue: Argument on signature help
Issue: Update binaries
Documentation: Configuration
- Where configuration files are stored
- Using init.vim
- Check and see if init.vim is actually being picked up
- Configuration variables
Tasks provider
- QuickOpen - Ctrl-SHIFT-P mode
- npm tasks
- allow plugins to call Oni.editor.registerTask(id, label, detail, fileScope, () => { ... })
- allow plugins to call Oni.editor.executeShellCommand(..)
- QuickOpen.registerTask(plugin, label, detail, fileScope)
- callback to pluginmanage
- output window
- rightbelow 20new -20new = number of lines
- set nomodifiable
- create as scratch buffer: http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Vim_buffer_FAQ
- Include tasks in QuickOpen
Left gutter
- Git status
- Marks
- Investigate bringing in signs to expand left gutter
- Create test plugin to exercise this functionality
- Launch command: editor.launch
- Use find-parent-dir module to search upward
- Implement this functionality in a plugin
- Oni.registerCommand("editor.launch", () => { Oni.editor.executeShellCommand(...) })
- Use mapping to bind to editor.launch
- F5 launch .oni/launch.json
- F5 -> editor.launch
- GetLaunchOptions(..)
- Launch(launchOption)
Sample language service plugin
- Refactor the common prefix-resolution to a helper method in Oni
- F5 Launch
- Documentation - generate from Oni.d.ts
Update app menu
- Open keybindings
- Open config file
working in insert mode
- Render popupmenu
Find usages
Syntax highlighting - optimize syntax highlighter
- Make it a 'pull' so it can be enabled via config file
- Only highlight appropriate lines
- Make sure to not continuously redefine - only define new entries
- Update syntax when going back to normal mode
- Use document highlights in insert mode while typing
Language Service: Rename
REPL support
- Can map back to sourcemap using this: https://github.com/evanw/node-source-map-support
- Some interesting stuff here too: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3919134/is-there-a-way-to-wrap-all-javascript-methods-with-a-function
- REPL.watch(val)
- Decorators - @run(..)
- ts.transpileModule(source, { compilerOptions: { } }
- Add 'REPL' service
- Show UI for 'transpilation' region
- Send transpilation region from client -> plugin
- Gutter UI: Show result / rich image
- UI to show overlays in gutter
- One off as well as proof of concept
- live-eval-file
Add command to easily edit config file
Errors + Quick Info
Add field for errors in quick info
Factor current error state management from overlay to service
When opening QuickInfo, check if there is an error at current position, and add
Remove slide out error detail
editor.errors.next/editor.errors.prev <- ErrorManager
]e - OniExecute("editor.errors.next")
Config file
- Watch for changes
- Implement command to edit
- Add menu item for edit command
Improved terminal
- create Terminal service
- create terminal entry window
- shelljs: https://www.npmjs.com/package/shelljs
- node-shell-quote: https://github.com/substack/node-shell-quote
Animation: QuickOpen - blur
Formatting: Add option to remove multiple blank lines in row
Performance: Scrolling
Background image
- Edges not being rendered
- Canvas hiding on resize
Ease-of-use / fun
- Katas
- Achievements
- VimTutor enhancements
- Konami code / game
Multiple Oni instances
- Force single instance
- Proper routing of messages in main
- Show context menu in bottom right to open different sessions
- Quick switch between them
- Good exercises here: https://github.com/steveshogren/10-minute-vim-exercises/blob/master/book_sample_delimited_edits.md
NeoVim as window component
- Just use for text boxes for the short-term
- Start insert mode
- Standalone instances of neovim
- Manage splits externally
- Use 'cabbrev' to override sp/vsp/rightbelow/etc
- Simplifies overlay management, because there is only ever one buffer per window
- Concern: Performance when opening, multiple neovim processes
- Reuse pluginmanager between instances
- Rename 'NeovimInstance' to 'NeovimProcess'
- Move index to be 'Neovim'
- Window Management
- Editor.activeWindow.neovim
- Introduce 'activeWindow' concept without multiple windows
- Direct input to activeWindow
- Formalize layers
- Move canvas inside 'neovim-container'
- Move background behind neovim-container
- Move overlay-ui on top
- Factor to react component
- Just use for text boxes for the short-term
Load time for window splits, if using standalone instance of neovim?
Animation: Background video?
Better error message when starting with vim error
- Neovim bug: neovim/neovim#3901
- Simulate error
- Event on error
- Check node client for that
Overlay concept
- Host in webview vs browser window?
- What would API look like for this?
- Git changes
- Handling error messages
- Minimap
- Scrollbar
- Filetype overlay
Markdown preview mode
- Side-by-side? Pane view?
Welcome page
- Overlay plugin
- Assumptions around sizing / positions
File explorer
- Fast nav hook up?
Allow multiple language services / completion providers
Fast nav through chrome
Broken keys
- VolumeUp/VolumeDown
- ScrollLock
Type signature help
Scroll bar
- Minimap
- git changes
- errors
CTRL+Shift+P - command palette
Preview window
REPL support
- Run functions locally
- How to hook up to build?Meta
General pane integration
- Host plugins as webview browserwindow
File explorer integration
- Webview pane?
- DOM Renderer
Enhanced syntax highlighting
further work
Git detection
- Handle case when git is not available, fallback to readdir approach
Scrollbar / integration with C-n
Extending pinned concept - use time or ordering to remove from MRU
Update metadata
- Dictionary instead of array
- capabilities: { completionProvider: { resolveProvider: true, } }, signatureHelpProvider: { triggerCharacters: [(] }
Can we stabilize the language service by waiting to write?
- Is the process actually crashing?
- Ability to add logging: https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/wiki/Standalone-Server-%28tsserver%29
- Logging here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/34881343/node-js-detect-a-child-process-exit
Fix UI for completion
Start hooking up TypeScript language service - bring over typescript completion plugin
Continue investigating performance
Bound commands
- KeyBindings
- Get bound command (key press)
- CommandManager
- Pluginmanager - subscribeToCommand("editor.gotoDefinition")
- KeyBindings
Plugin manifest
- engine property: "oni": "^0.0.1"
- oni "typescript": { "subscriptions": [ "buffer-update" ], "languageService": [ "quick-info": true, "goto-definition": true, "completion-provider": true, ] }
- activationEvents
- contributes
- language service
- quick info
- goto definition
- completion
- syntax highlighting
- debugger
- unit test mapping
- relevant tests for a code block
- execute highlighted code
- execute general code
- 'Notebook' view
- Show components live
- code coverage
- language service
- Cycle open windows
- CTRL-p open window
Implement single main but multiple browser windows, for quick re-open
Performance: Start-up time: Minification of bundle.js
Add function to map text edits based on previously applied edits
Overlay fixes
- Config variable to show overlay
- Find repro for the overlay to shift
- Better way to get windows:
- window.neovim._neovim.getWindows(function() { console.dir(arguments) })
- window.neovim._neovim.winGetPosition(window.derp, function() { console.dir(arguments) })
AutoComplete: fuzzy matching