Critical business systems should be deployed as highly available applications—that is, applications remain operational even when some components fail. To achieve high availability in Amazon Web Services (AWS), we recommend that you run services across multiple Availability Zones.
Inspect a provided virtual private cloud (VPC): which we created using Cloud formation or you can check these below before starting this project
NOTE: Please You must have done the above projects before doing this one
Create an Application Load Balancer
Create an Auto Scaling group
Test the application for high availability
This project begins with an environment that is already deployed via AWS CloudFormation. It includes:
Public and private subnets in two Availability Zones
An internet gateway (not shown) that is associated with the public subnets
A Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway in one of the public subnets
An Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) instance in one of the private subnets
In this task, we will review the configuration of the VPC that was created for this project. On the AWS Management Console, on the Services menu, choose VPC. In the left navigation pane, under Filter by VPC, choose the Select a VPC box and select Your VPC, I mostly use the name Lab VPC.
This setting will limit the console to only show resources that are associated with the Lab VPC. In the left navigation pane, choose Your VPCs.
Here, you can access information about the Lab VPC that was created. Choose Lab VPC.
In the Details tab, notice that the IPv4 CIDR field has a value of, which means that this VPC includes all IP addresses that start with 10.0.x.x. In the left navigation pane, choose Subnets.
Here, you can access information about Public Subnet 1. In the list of subnets view:
The VPC column for Public Subnet 1 shows that this subnet exists inside of Lab VPC.
The IPv4 CIDR column has a value of, which means that this subnet includes the 256 IP addresses between and Five of these addresses are reserved and unusable.
The Availability Zone column lists the Availability Zone where this subnet resides. To reveal more details select Public Subnet 1.
Tip: To adjust the size of the lower window pane, you can drag the divider. In the lower half of the page, choose the Route table tab.
This tab includes details about the routing for this subnet:
The first entry specifies that traffic destined within the Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) range for the VPC ( will be routed within the VPC (local).
The second entry specifies that any traffic destined for the internet ( is routed to the internet gateway (igw-) that exists in Lab VPC. This setting makes the subnet a public subnet. Choose the Network ACL tab.
This tab has information about the network access control list (network ACL) that is associated with the subnet. The rules are currently set to the default settings. They permit all traffic to flow in and out of the subnet, but the rules can be further restricted by using security groups. In the left navigation pane, choose Internet gateways.
Notice that an internet gateway with the name Lab IGW is already attached to Lab VPC. In the left navigation pane, choose Security groups. Select Inventory-DB.
This security group controls incoming traffic to the database. In the lower half of the page, choose the Inbound rules tab.
The rule defined in this security group permits inbound MySQL or Aurora traffic (port 3306) from anywhere in the VPC ( You will later modify this setting so it only accepts traffic from the application servers. Choose the Outbound rules tab.
By default, security groups allow all outbound traffic. However, these settings can be modified as needed.
To build a highly available application, it is a best practice to launch resources in multiple Availability Zones. Availability Zones are physically separate data centers (or groups of data centers) in the same Region. If you run your applications across multiple Availability Zones, you can provide greater availability if a data center experiences a failure.
Because the application runs on multiple application servers, you will need a way to distribute traffic amongst those servers. You can accomplish this goal by using a load balancer. This load balancer will also perform health checks on instances and only send requests to healthy instances.
On the Services menu, choose EC2. In the left navigation pane, choose Load Balancers (you might need to scroll down to find it). Choose Create load balancer
Several types of load balancers are displayed. Read the descriptions of each type to understand their capabilities. Under Application Load Balancer, choose Create. For Load balancer name, enter: Inventory-LB Scroll down to the Network mapping section, then for VPC, select Lab VPC.
Important: Be sure to choose Lab VPC. It is likely not the default selection.
You will now specify which subnets the load balancer should use. It will be a public load balancer, so you will select both public subnets. Under Mappings, choose the first Availability Zone, then choose the Public Subnet that displays. Choose the second Availability Zone, then choose the Public Subnet that displays.
You should now have selected two subnets: Public Subnet 1 and Public Subnet 2. (If not, go back and try the configuration again.) In the Security groups section, select the Create a new security group hyperlink. This opens a new browser tab. Configure the new security group settings:
Security group name: Inventory-LB
Description: Enable web access to load balancer
VPC: Remove the default VPC by choosing the X to the right of it. Then select Lab VPC. Under Inbound rules, choose Add rule and configure as described:
Type: HTTP
Source: Anywhere-IPv4 Still under Inbound rules, choose Add rule again and configure:
Source: Anywhere-IPv4 Choose Create security group. Assign the security group to the load balancer:
Return to the browser tab where you are still configuring the load balancer.
In the Security groups area and choose the refresh icon.
For Security groups, select the Inventory-LB security group you just created.
Next, below the Security groups dropdown menu, select the X next to the default security group so that Inventory-LB is now the only security group chosen. In the Listeners and routing section, choose Create target group.
A new browser tab will open.
Analysis: Target groups define where to send traffic that comes into the load balancer. The Application Load Balancer can send traffic to multiple target groups based upon the URL of the incoming request, such as having requests from mobile apps going to a different set of servers. Your web application will use only one target group. Configure the target group as described here:
Choose a target type: Instances
Target group name: Inventory-App
VPC: Ensure that Lab VPC is chosen.
Scroll down and expand Advanced health check settings.
Note: The Application Load Balancer automatically performs health checks on all instances to ensure that they are responding to requests. The default settings are recommended, but you will make them slightly faster for use in this lab.
Healthy threshold: 2
Interval: 10 (seconds)
The configurations you have chosen will result in the health check being performed every 10 seconds, and if the instance responds correctly twice in a row, it will be considered healthy.
Choose Next. The Register targets screen appears.
Note: Targets are the individual instances that will respond to requests from the load balancer.
You do not have any web application instances yet, so you can skip this step.
Review the settings and choose Create target group. Return to the browser tab where you already started defining the load balancer. In the Listeners and routing section, choose the refresh icon. For the Listener HTTP:80 row, set the Default action to forward to the Inventory-App target group you just created. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and choose Create load balancer.
The load balancer is successfully created.
Choose View load balancer.
EC2 instances automatically based on user-defined policies, schedules, and health checks. It also automatically distributes instances across multiple Availability Zones to make applications highly available.
In this task, you will create an Auto Scaling group that deploys EC2 instances across your private subnets, which is a security best practice for application deployment. Instances in a private subnet cannot be accessed from the internet. Instead, users send requests to the load balancer, which forwards the requests to EC2 instances in the private subnets.
Create an AMI for Auto Scaling
You will create an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) from the existing Web Server 1. This will save the contents of the root volume of the web server so that new instances can be launched with an identically configure guest operating system. In the AWS Management Console, on the Services menu, choose EC2. In the left navigation pane, choose Instances.
First, you will confirm that the instance you created before beginning this project is running.
Check this : Wait until the Status check for Web Server 1 displays 2/2 checks passed. Choose refresh to update.
You will now create an AMI based upon this instance. Select Web Server 1. In the Actions menu, choose Image and templates > Create image, then configure:
Image name: Web Server AMI
Image description: Lab AMI for Web Server Choose Create image
A banner at the top of the screen displays the AMI ID for your new AMI.
You will use this AMI when launching the Auto Scaling group later.
You will first create a launch template. A launch template is a template that an Auto Scaling group uses to launch EC2 instances. When you create a launch template, you specify information for the instances such as the AMI, the instance type, a key pair, and security group. In the left navigation pane, choose Launch Templates. Choose Create launch template Configure the launch template settings and create it:
Launch template name: Inventory-LT
Under Auto Scaling guidance, select Provide guidance to help me set up a template that I can use with EC2 Auto Scaling
In the Application and OS Images (Amazon Machine Image) area, choose My AMIs.
Amazon Machine Image (AMI): choose Web Server AMI
Instance type: choose t2.micro
Key pair name: choose vockey
Firewall (security groups): choose Select existing security group
Security groups: choose Inventory-App
Scroll down to the Advanced details area and expand it.
IAM instance profile: choose Inventory-App-Role or you can create a new IAM Role for the Inventory App ( Check IAM Role Documentation to do this)
Scroll down to the Detailed CloudWatch monitoring setting. Select Enable Note: This will allow Auto Scaling to react quickly to changing utilization.
Under User data, paste in the script below:
#!/bin/bash # Install Apache Web Server and PHP yum install -y httpd mysql amazon-linux-extras install -y php7.2 # Download Lab files wget unzip -d /var/www/html/ # Download and install the AWS SDK for PHP wget unzip aws -d /var/www/html # Turn on web server chkconfig httpd on service httpd start
Choose Create launch template
Next, you will create an Auto Scaling group that uses this launch template. The Auto Scaling group defines where to launch the EC2 instances. In the Success dialog, choose the Inventory-LT launch template. From the Actions menu, choose Create Auto Scaling group Configure the details in Step 1 (Choose launch template or configuration):
Auto Scaling group name: Inventory-ASG (ASG stands for Auto Scaling group)
Launch template: confirm that the Inventory-LT template you just created is selected.
Choose Next Configure the details in Step 2 (Choose instance launch options):
VPC: choose Lab VPC
Availability Zones and subnets: Choose Private Subnet 1 and then choose Private Subnet 2. This will launch EC2 instances in private subnets across both Availability Zones.
Choose Next Configure the details in Step 3 (Configure advanced options):
In the Load balancing panel:
Choose Attach to an existing load balancer
Existing load balancer target groups: select Inventory-App.
In the Health checks panel:
Health check grace period: 90 seconds
In the Additional settings panel:
Select Enable group metrics collection within CloudWatch
This will capture metrics at 1-minute intervals, which allows Auto Scaling to react quickly to changing usage patterns.
Choose Next Configure the details in Step 4 (Configure group size and scaling policies - optional):
Under Group size, configure:
Desired capacity: 2
Minimum capacity: 2
Maximum capacity: 2
This will allow Auto Scaling to automatically add/remove instances, always keeping between 2 and 6 instances running.
Under Scaling policies, choose None
For this project, you will maintain two instances at all times to ensure high availability. If the application is expected to receive varying loads of traffic, you can also create scaling policies that define when to launch or terminate instances. However, you do not need to create scaling policies for the Inventory application.
Choose Next Configure the details in Step 5 (Add notifications - optional):
You do not need to configure any of these settings.
Choose Next Configure the details in Step 6 (Add tags - optional):
Choose Add tag and Configure the following:
Key: Name
Value: Inventory-App
These settings will tag the Auto Scaling group with a Name, which will also appear on the EC2 instances that are launched by the Auto Scaling group. You can use tags to identify which Amazon EC2 instances are associated with which application. You could also add tags such as Cost Center to assign application costs in the billing files.
Choose Next Configure the details in Step 6 (Review):
Review the details of your Auto Scaling group
At the bottom of the page, choose Create Auto Scaling group
Your Auto Scaling group will initially show an instance count of zero, but new instances will be launched to reach the Desired count of 2 instances.
The Inventory-ASG will appear in the console
The review shows that:
The group currently has no instances, but the Status column indicates Updating capacity.
The Desired quantity is 2 instances. Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling will attempt to launch two instances to reach the desired quantity.
The Min and Max are also set to 2 instances. Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling will try to always provide two instances, even if failure occurs.
Your application will soon run across two Availability Zones. Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling will maintain that configuration even if an instance or Availability Zone fails.
After a minute, choose the refresh icon to update the display. It should show that 2 instances are running.
The application you deployed is a three-tier architecture. You will now configure the security groups to enforce these tiers:
Load balancer security group
You already configured the load balancer security group when you created the load balancer. It accepts all incoming HTTP and HTTPS traffic.
The load balancer has been configured to forward incoming requests to a target group. When Auto Scaling launches new instances, it will automatically add those instances to the target group.
Application security group
The application security group was provided as part of the default setup. You will now configure it to only accept incoming traffic from the load balancer. In the left navigation pane, choose Security Groups. Select Inventory-App. In the lower half of the page, choose the Inbound rules tab.
The security group is currently empty. You will now add a rule to accept incoming HTTP traffic from the load balancer. You do not need to configure HTTPS traffic because the load balancer was configured to forward HTTPS requests via HTTP. This practice offloads security to the load balancer, reducing the amount of work that is required by the individual application servers. Choose Edit inbound rules. On the Edit inbound rules page, choose Add rule and configure these settings:
Type: HTTP
Choose the search box to the right of Custom
Delete the current contents
Enter sg
From the list that appears, select Inventory-LB
Description: Traffic from load balancer
Choose Save rules
The application servers can now receive traffic from the load balancer. This includes health checks that the load balancer performs automatically.
Database security group
You will now configure the database security group to only accept incoming traffic from the application servers. In the Security groups list, choose Inventory-DB (and make sure that no other security groups are selected).
The existing rule permits traffic on port 3306 (used by MySQL) from any IP address within the VPC. This is a good rule, but security can be restricted further. In the Inbound rules tab, choose Edit inbound rules and configure these settings:
Delete the existing rule.
Choose Add rule.
For Type, choose MYSQL/Aurora
Choose the search box to the right of Custom
Enter sg
From the list that appears, select Inventory-App
Description: Traffic from application servers
Choose Save rules
You have now configured three-tier security. Each element in the tier only accepts traffic from the tier above.
In addition, the use of private subnets means that you have two security barriers between the internet and your application resources. This architecture follows the best practice of applying multiple layers of security.
Your application is now ready for testing.
In this task, you will confirm that your web application is running. You will also test that it is highly available. In the left navigation pane, choose Target Groups. Select Inventory-App. In the lower half of the page, choose the Targets tab.
This tab should show two registered targets. The Health status column shows the results of the load balancer health check that is performed against the instances. In the Registered targets area, occasionally choose the refresh icon until the Status for both instances appears as healthy.
If the status does not eventually change to healthy, ask me for help with diagnosing the configuration.
You will test the application by connecting to the load balancer, which will then send your request to one of the EC2 instances. You will first need to retrieve the Domain Name System (DNS) name of the load balancer. In the left navigation pane, choose Load Balancers and then choose Inventory-LB. In the Details tab in the lower half of the window, copy the DNS name to your clipboard.
It should be similar to: Open a new web browser tab, paste the DNS name from your clipboard and press ENTER.
The load balancer forwarded your request to one of the EC2 instances. The instance ID and Availability Zone are shown at the bottom of the webpage. Reload the page in your web browser. You should notice that the instance ID and Availability Zone sometimes toggles between the two instances.
When this web application displays, the flow of data over the network is:
You sent the request to the load balancer, which resides in the public subnets that are connected to the internet.
The load balancer chose one of the EC2 instances that reside in the private subnets and forwarded the request to it.
The EC2 instance then returned the webpage content to the load balancer, which returned it to your web browser.
Your application was configured to be highly available. You can prove the application's high availability by terminating one of the EC2 instances. Return to the EC2 console tab in your web browser (but do not close the web application tab—you will return to it soon). In the left navigation pane, choose Instances.
You will now terminate one of the web application instances to simulate a failure. Select one of the Inventory-App instances (it does not matter which one you select). Choose Instance State > Terminate instance. Choose Terminate.
In a short time, the load balancer health checks will notice that the instance is not responding. The load balancer will automatically route all requests to the remaining instance. Return to the web application tab in your web browser and reload the page several times.
You should notice that the Availability Zone that is shown at the bottom of the page stays the same. Though an instance failed, your application remains available.
After a few minutes, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling will also notice the instance failure. It was configured to keep two instances running, so Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling will automatically launch a replacement instance. Return to the EC2 console tab where you have the instances list displayed. In the top-right area, choose the refresh icon every 30 seconds or so until a new EC2 instance appears.
After a few minutes, the health check for the new instance should become healthy. The load balancer will resume sending traffic between the two Availability Zones. You can reload your web application tab to see this happen.
This task demonstrates that your application is now highly available.
This task is optional. You can work on this task if you have remaining time.
The application architecture is now highly available. However, the Amazon RDS database operates from only one database instance.
In this optional task, you will make the database highly available by configuring it to run across multiple Availability Zones (that is, in a Multi-AZ deployment).
On the Services menu, choose RDS. In the left navigation pane, choose Databases. Choose the link for the name of the inventory-db instance.
Feel free to explore the information about the database. Choose Modify Scroll down to the Availability & durability section. For Multi-AZ deployment, select Create a standby instance.
Analysis: You only need to reconfigure this one setting to convert the database to run across multiple data centers (Availability Zones).
This option does not mean that the database is distributed across multiple instances. Instead, one instance is the primary instance, which handles all requests. Another instance will be launched as the standby instance, which takes over if the primary instance fails. Your application continues to use the same DNS name for the database. However, the connections will automatically redirect to the currently active database server.
You can scale an EC2 instance by changing attributes, and you can also scale an RDS database this way. You will now scale up the database. Scroll back up and for DB instance class, select db.t3.small.
This action doubles the size of the instance. For Allocated storage, enter: 10
This action doubles the amount of space that is allocated to the database.
Feel free to explore the other options on the page, but do not change any other settings. At the bottom of the page, choose Continue
Database performance will be impacted by these changes. Therefore, these changes can be scheduled during a defined maintenance window, or they can be run immediately. Under Schedule modifications, select Apply immediately. Choose Modify DB instance
The database enters a modifying state while it applies the changes. You do not need to wait for it to complete.
This task is optional. You can also work on this task if you have remaining time.
The application servers run in a private subnet. If the servers must access the internet (for example, to download data), the requests must be redirected through a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway. (The NAT gateway must be located in a public subnet).
The current architecture has only one NAT gateway in Public Subnet 1. Thus, if Availability Zone 1 fails, the application servers will not be able to communicate with the internet.
In this optional task, you will make the NAT gateway highly available by launching another NAT gateway in the other Availability Zone. The resulting architecture will be highly available:
On the Services menu, choose VPC. In the left navigation pane, choose NAT gateways.
The existing NAT gateway displays. You will now create a NAT gateway for the other Availability Zone. Choose Create NAT gateway and configure these settings:
Subnet: Public Subnet 2
Choose Allocate Elastic IP
Choose Create NAT gateway
You will now create a new route table for Private Subnet 2. This route table will redirect traffic to the new NAT gateway. In the left navigation pane, choose Route tables.
Choose Create route table and configure these settings:
Name: Private Route Table 2
Choose Create route table. Observe the settings in the Routes tab.
Currently, one route directs all traffic locally. You will now add a route to send internet-bound traffic through the new NAT gateway. Choose Edit routes and then configure these settings:
Choose Add route
Target: Select NAT Gateway, then select the nat- entry that is not the entry for _NATGateway1
Tip: To discover which nat- entry is NOT the one to select, choose the Details button above these instructions and then select Show. the name of NATGateway1 is displayed. Return to the VPC console and select the Target that is NOT NATGateway1.
Choose Save changes Choose the Subnet associations tab. Choose Edit subnet associations Select Private Subnet 2. Choose Save associations
This action now sends internet-bound traffic from Private Subnet 2 to the NAT gateway that is in the same Availability Zone.
Your NAT gateways are now highly available. A failure in one Availability Zone will not impact traffic in the other Availability Zone.