If there are not fotokilof in your language, you are able to do it. Example steps for Hungarian:
cd src/locale
mkdir -p $NEWLANG
cp fotokilof.pot $NEWLANG/fotokilof.po
[vim|poedit] fotokilof.po
msgfmt -o fotokilof.mo fotokilof
add your name into Last-Translator: field
to check changes from sources, change entry like this:
"X-Poedit-Basepath: ../../\n"
cd ../../../
python3 __main__.py
- b - button
- rb - radiobutton
- cb - checkbutton
- co - combobox
- e - entry
- l - label
- lb - listbox
- t - text
- pb - progressbar
- pi - PhotoImage
- f, frame - frame or labelframe
numbering widgets with the same fuction
name of frame, which contains this widget
function of widget, eg. run, show, etc.
numbering widgets with the same fuction or numbering function