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172 lines (153 loc) · 12.3 KB



  • 32-bit
  • 16 32-bit general purpose registers
  • Big-endian
  • 32-bit ALU
  • On Reset, execution always starts at 0x00000000
  • 8 assignable interrupts

Address Map

  • 0x00000 to 0x17FFF: Program ROM
  • 0x18000 to 0x1FFFF: Program RAM
  • 0x20000 to 0x2FFFF: CPU registers
  • 0x30000 to 0x3FFFF: Game console registers
  • 0x40000 to 0x4FFFF: Microcontroller registers
  • 0x50000 to 0x5FFFF: APU registers


Consists of 32bit words. The input is an address which gets decoded to the index of the right memory word. In the address, the last two bits specify which byte in the mem word to read. However, since we can't read individual bytes within each mem word, we don't use the last two bits.

Program Registers

All program registers can be controlled completely by the program, but some have specific purposes.

  • R0 - R13: General purpose
  • R14 (FP): The frame pointer
  • R15 (SP): The stack pointer

Special Registers

Special registers aren't directly accessible by the program and can only be modified using special instructions.

  • PC: 32-bit Program Counter that points to the current instruction being executed.
  • F: The status register.
  • IE: The Interrupt Enable register. ($20000)
  • IF: The Interrupt Flags register. ($20004)

Status Flags

  • Z: The Zero flag.
  • C: The Carry flag. Set if an unsigned carry took place in a previous instruction.
  • N: The Negative flag. Set if the MSB was set in the result of a previous instruction.
  • V: The overflow flag. Set if a signed overflow took place in a previous instruction.
  • I: The Interrupt enable flag. Globally enables interrupts.


  • INT0 (Reset): This is a non-maskable interrupt that resets the computer.
  • INT1 (Except): This is a non-maskable interrupt that is called when an exception occurs.
  • INT2 - INT7: Configurable interrupts

CPU Memory Mapped Registers

  • 0x20000: Interrupt Enable (IE)
  • 0x20004: Interrupt Flags (IF)

Addressing Modes


No parameters are required. Example: NOP


A 32-bit immediate is read directly following the instruction as a parameter. Example: LDR #1234

Register and Immediate

A register and a 32-bit immediate are used in an operation and the result is stored in the register. Format: (23-20) Register, (19-16) Unused Example: ADD R0, #123

Register and Register

A source register and an operand register are used in an operation and the result is stored in the source register. Format: (23-20) Source register, (19-16) Operand register Example: XOR R0, R1


A 32-bit value is read from the absolute memory location specified. Format: (23-20) Register, (19-16) Unused Example: LDR R0, $ABCD


Indexed addressing allows using a register as the address for an instruction with an optional pre/post increment or decrement. Format: (23-20) Register, (19-16) Index register, (15) Pre/Post, (14) Increment, (13) Decrement Example: STR R0, R1+


Relative addressing allows for accessing an address at a 32-bit signed immediate offset from a register. This is especially useful for stack frame operations. Format: (23-20) Register, (3-0) Unused Example: STR R0, R1, 4


Branch instructions take a signed 32-bit immediate offset and add it to the PC if the condition is true. Example: BNE #-63

Register to Register

One register is treated as an input and another is treated as the output of an operation. Format: (7-4) Source register, (3-0) Destination register Example: MOV R0, R1


Mnemonic Function Opcode Flags Type Operation Index
NOP No operation $00 $** Misc
BEQ rel Branch if equal $01 $** Z==1 Flow 0
BNE rel Branch if not equal $02 $** Z==0 Flow 1
BHS rel Branch if unsigned higher or same $03 $** C==1 Flow 2
BLO rel Branch if unsigned lower $04 $** C==0 Flow 3
BMI rel Branch if minus $05 $** N==1 Flow 4
BPL rel Branch if plus $06 $** N==0 Flow 5
BVS rel Branch if overflow set $07 $** V==1 Flow 6
BVC rel Branch if overflow clear $08 $** V==0 Flow 7
BHI rel Branch if unsigned higher $09 $** C & ~Z Flow 8
BLS rel Branch if unsigned lower or same $0A $** ~C | Z Flow 9
BGE rel Branch if signed greater or equal $0B $** N==V Flow 10
BLT rel Branch if signed less $0C $** N≠V Flow 11
BGT rel Branch if signed greater $0D $** ~Z & N==V Flow 12
BLE rel Branch if signed less or equal $0E $** Z | N≠V Flow 13
BRA rel Branch always $0F $** Flow 14
LDR r, imm Load immediate into register $12 $** Z Memory
LDB r, addr Load byte from absolute address $13 $r* Z Memory
LDW r, addr Load word from absolute address $14 $r* Z Memory
LDR r, addr Load from absolute address $15 $r* Z Memory
LDB r, +index- Load byte from indexed address $16 $rr %pid Z Memory
LDW r, +index- Load word from indexed address $17 $rr %pid Z Memory
LDR r, +index- Load from indexed address $18 $rr %pid Z Memory
LDB r, r, rel Load byte from relative address $19 $rr Z Memory
LDW r, r, rel Load word from relative address $1A $rr Z Memory
LDR r, r, rel Load from relative address $1B $rr Z Memory
STB r, addr Store byte into absolute address $1C $r* Memory
STW r, addr Store word into absolute address $1D $r* Memory
STR r, addr Store into absolute address $1E $r* Memory
STB r, +index- Store byte into indexed address $1F $rr %pid Memory
STW r, +index- Store word into indexed address $20 $rr %pid Memory
STR r, +index- Store into indexed address $21 $rr %pid Memory
STB r, r, rel Store byte into relative address $22 $rr Memory
STW r, r, rel Store word into relative address $23 $rr Memory
STR r, r, rel Store into relative address $24 $rr Memory
TFR r, r Transfer one register to another $25 $rr Misc
MUL r, imm Multiply register by immediate $26 $r* Z ALU 0
MUL r, r Multiply register by register $27 $rr Z ALU 0
ADD r, imm Add immediate to register $28 $r* ZCNV ALU 1
ADD r, r Add register to register $29 $rr ZCNV ALU 1
ADC r, imm Add immediate and carry to register $2A $r* ZCNV ALU 2
ADC r, r Add register and carry to register $2B $rr ZCNV ALU 2
SUB r, imm Subtract immediate from register $2C $r* ZCNV ALU 3
SUB r, r Subtract register from register $2D $rr ZCNV ALU 3
SBC r, imm Subtract immediate and borrow $2E $r* ZCNV ALU 4
SBC r, r Subtract register and borrow $2F $rr ZCNV ALU 4
AND r, imm AND register with immediate $30 $r* Z ALU 5
AND r, r AND register with register $31 $rr Z ALU 5
OR r, imm OR register with immediate $32 $r* Z ALU 6
OR r, r OR register with register $33 $rr Z ALU 6
XOR r, imm XOR register with immediate $34 $r* Z ALU 7
XOR r, r XOR register with register $35 $rr Z ALU 7
LSL r, imm Logical shift left by immediate $36 $r* ZC ALU 8
LSL r, r Logical shift left by register $37 $rr ZC ALU 8
LSR r, imm Logical shift right by immediate $38 $r* ZC ALU 9
LSR r, r Logical shift right by register $39 $rr ZC ALU 9
ASR r, imm Arithmetic shift right by immediate $3A $r* ZC ALU 10
ASR r, r Arithmetic shift right by register $3B $rr ZC ALU 10
CMP r, imm Compare register with immediate $3C $r* ZCNV ALU 3
CMP r, r Compare register with register $3D $rr ZCNV ALU 3
INC r Increment register $3E $r* ZCNV ALU 1
DEC r Decrement register $3F $rr ZCNV ALU 3
SEI Set interrupt enable flag $40 $** I Flags
CLI Clear interrupt enable flag $41 $** I Flags
SEC Set carry flag $42 $** C Flags
CLC Clear carry flag $43 $** C Flags
PUSH r Push register to stack $44 $r* Stack
POP r Pop register from stack $45 $r* Stack
JMP addr Jump to absolute address $46 $** Flow
JMP r Jump to address in register $47 $r* Flow
JSR addr Jump to subroutine $48 $** Flow
RET Return from subroutine $49 $** Flow
INT imm Trigger interrupt $4A $** I Flow
RTI Return from interrupt $4B $** I Flow
HALT Halt CPU execution $4C $** Misc