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Appcelerator Platform SDK

This is a Node module that will allow you to make API requests to the Appcelerator Platform.

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$ npm install appc-platform-sdk


var Appc = require('appc-platform-sdk');

// login
Appc.Auth.login(username, password, function (err,session) {
	// we got an error, oops
	if (err) {
		return console.error(err);
	// print out some information about our logged in user

	// when you're done, logout


Authentication API used for gaining access to the platform.


Login to the Platform. Will validate the user and create a user session which will allow you to make subsequent API calls to the platform while the session is valid.

Appc.Auth.login(username, password, function (err, session) {
	// logged in, check err


Switch the active session user's logged in / active organization.

Appc.Auth.switchLoggedInOrg(session, '4567', function (err) {});


Logout of the Platform session. Will invalidate the session object.

Appc.Auth.logout(session, function () {
	// logged out


A new Session instance is created on a succesful login. The following properties / functions are available:

Property Type Description
isValid function returns true if session is valid
invalidate function invalid (and logout) session
user property user instance
orgs property user member orgs

You cannot create a session and a session is immutable. Once you invalidate a session, it is no longer valid and must not be used again.


User API for interacting with users of the platform.


Find a specific user details.

Appc.User.find(session, '1234', function (err, user) {});


Organization API for interacting with organizations that a user is a member.


Find all the organizations that the current user has visibility.

Appc.Org.find(session, function (err, orgs) {});


Return the current organization object for user session.



Return a specific organization by the org_id.

Appc.Org.getById(session, org_id);


Return a specific organization by the name.

Appc.Org.getByName(session, 'Org Name');


App API for interacting with applications registered with the platform.


Find all the apps that the current user has access to

// find all apps for current active organization
Appc.App.findAll(session, function (err, apps) {});

// find all apps for the org_id
Appc.App.findAll(session, 'org_id', function (err, apps) {});


Find a specific app by app_guid

// find a specific app
Appc.App.find(session, 'app_guid', function (err, app) {});


Update an app details.

// update an app
app.app_name = 'my new app name';
Appc.App.update(session, app, function (err, result) {
	console.log(err, result.app_name === app.app_name); // null, true

this API is dangerous. please be cautious in using this API as changes are irreversible.


Notification API for handling platform notification events.


Find all notifications for the logged in user:

// get all notifications
Appc.Notification.findAll(session, function (err, results) {});


Feed API for handling platform feed events.


Find all feed events for the logged in user:

// get all feeds
Appc.Feed.findAll(session, function (err, results) {});

// get all feeds for app_guid
Appc.Feed.findAll(session, { app_guid: '123' }, function (err, results) {});

// get feeds by limit
Appc.Feed.findAll(session, { limit: 10 }, function (err, results) {});

The following are options that can be passed to the second parameter of findAll:

  • org_id: The ID of the org that the messages were sent to
  • app_guid: The guid of the app that the messages were sent to
  • limit: A number of records to limit the result to
  • since: A unix timestamp to get new messages from
  • before: A unix timestamp to get old messages from before


API for accessing Appcelerator Cloud Services (ACS).


Create a new pre-built ACS application (mBaaS).

// create a new app
Appc.Cloud.createApp(session, 'foo', function (err, app) {});

Required parameters:

  • session: logged in session object
  • name: specify the name of the application to create
  • callback: function to invoke when completed

Returns a JSON object with the application details such as:

{ id: '987w498908098asdfasdfasdf',
  name: 'foo',
  status: 0,
  created_at: '2014-09-29T19:11:40+0000',
  updated_at: '2014-09-29T19:11:40+0000',
  key: 'sdfasdfasdf0989890889asdf89asdf',
  oauth_key: 'asdfasdf08s09d8f09as8df098asdf098',
  oauth_secret: 'sfhjasdhfausdhf8878as87fdasd78f',
  group_id: '9890s8df908as09d8f08asdf88188',
  type: 1 }


This code is Confidential and Proprietary to Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This code MUST not be modified, copied or otherwise redistributed without express written permission of Appcelerator. This file is licensed as part of the Appcelerator Platform and governed under the terms of the Appcelerator license agreement. Your right to use this software terminates when you terminate your Appcelerator subscription.

Distribution through the NPM package system located at is expressly granted if the package you are downloading is from the official Appcelerator account at