If you already know C# and coded a bit in Unity you should be finde. If not, this could be a furstrating place to start learning.
Skul itself is made with Unity. So most of the Unity C# API is also available to the modder: Unity Monobehaviour
The Mod uses BepInEx which is build on top of Harmony. They have a lot of documentation on how the stuff works and how it can be used.
The build requires 2 special things:
- Skul game files
- BepInEx dependencies
The Skul.Mod.csproj
has a SkulDirectory
The required gamefiles will be obtained from there and the build output of the mod will be copied there.
If you change the entry, you may have to restart your IDE
The required NuGets are inside the "Package"-directory of this repository. The original source for these NuGets is: https://nuget.bepinex.dev/v3/index.json
The Build tries to get the NuGets from the "Package"-directory if possible, so you don't have to add the NuGets source manually.
First, consider the docs for Unity, BepInEx and Harmony.
If that is not enough: This mod was only possible with help from the smart and motivated people from the BepInEx Discord. If you need help on Unity-Modding, that would be a good place to start.