Update go.mod for submodules to depend on the new release which will happen in the next step.
Run the pre-release script. It creates a branch
pre_release_<new tag>
that will contain all release changes../pre_release.sh -t <new tag>
Update CHANGELOG.md with new the new release.
Push the changes to upstream and create a Pull Request on GitHub.
Once the Pull Request with all the version changes has been approved and merged it is time to tag the merged commit.
IMPORTANT: It is critical you use the same tag that you used in the Pre-Release step! Failure to do so will leave things in a broken state.
IMPORTANT: There is currently no way to remove an incorrectly tagged version of a Go module. It is critical you make sure the version you push upstream is correct. Failure to do so will lead to minor emergencies and tough to work around.
Run on the main branch and specify the commit for the merged Pull Request.
make add-tag tag=<new tag> commit=<commit>
Push tags to the upstream remote (not your fork):
.make push-tag tag=<new tag> remote=upstream
Create a Release for the new <new tag>
on GitHub.
The release body should include all the release notes
for this release taken from CHANGELOG.md.