Scrapes for cinema schedules and allows annotating movies with interest level. Notifies about new movies coming out.
Run npm start
to run the scraper script (runs in GitHub Actions).
Run npx serve .
to serve the contents of the repository directory.
Access http://localhost:5000 to visit the old app (HTML).
Run npm start
in cra
in addition (to keep serving docs
for the proxy) and
access http://localhost:3000 to visit the new app (React).
(including deletions) so the local storage doesn't just grow indefinitely.
if I can come up with a useful and good looking one.
clicking opens a list / a map in a modal and each cinema shows the number of movies.
Where movies can be searched for, watched/deleted can be enabled to be displayed and a release year may be selected (maybe a check for "recent movies only" [this and last year]).
with an undo button (not for probably and maybe as those do not hide when tagged).
for cinemas which have online ticket sales.
(index gets refreshed daily so in the evening some times might have already passed), cut them off 10 minutes after movie start (in case you show up just on time to buy tickets skipping the ads, you should still see the movie in the app).
Also add a badge along the lines of "Ends soon" or something if just a few days.
to avoid the problem where closing the movie popup by clearing the hash scrolls the page up (as well as general history pollution).
(probably the scroll to dismiss handler).
to benchmark how stable it is (failing this one will not fail the CI).
(How can this happen? Yet it does for some movies.)
or remove it is weird.
Use JavaScript only for things like hiding and stuff. Maybe use react-snap or react-snapshot.