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executable file
150 lines (97 loc) · 5.12 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
150 lines (97 loc) · 5.12 KB



The file src/main/controller/HelloController.kts contains the implementation of the controller of this web application following the MVC pattern. The handler function welcome() serves the view src/main/resources/templates/welcome.html.


The file error.html is a custom error page which is under src/main/resources/templates/ for Spring MVC to detecting it automatically. The model variable error is passed to the view error.html to know what kind of error ocurred.

Gradle Configuration

Gradle is a tool for automating building.
The Gradle build file build.gradle.kts located in the main directory specifies Gradle's configuration for this project.

The build file consists of 4 main sections:

  • Plugins
  • Repositories
  • Dependencies
  • Kotlin
  • Kotlin compiler options


Plugins are extensions that add features to Gradle. In this project we add plugins for Kotlin and SpringBoot.


In this section the repository for solving dependencies is declared.
In our case, mavenCentral() specifies that the Maven Central public repository will be used to solve dependencies.


This sections contains the dependencies of the project which will be downloaded from the repository specified in the previous section.
The dependencies used in this project are:


Kotlin is configured to run on the JVM. When the Kotlin targets the JVM platform, options of the compile task are specified in the compileKotlin variable. In our case, we specify that the target version of the JVM is 11 with jvmTarget and we configure the compiler to generate error by adding the -Xjsr305=strict flag.

How to test the code

Testing is handled using JUnit, a powerful framework that allows you to check different aspects of your code.

Unit tests can be run with the following commands.

cd lab1-git-race
gradle test

All verification tasks, including unit tests, can be run with the following commands. Gradle offers a flag, -i, that can be used to show more information while running the checks.

cd lab1-git-race
gradle check

Integration Tests

There's 3 tests, stored at src/test/kotlin, that have been made for this Kotlin Webpage


The file src/test/kotlin/IntegrationTest.kt contains two tests that checks the main behaivour of the HTML page itself:

  • testHome() checks if making a request at http://localhost:$port (With $port in this case being 0 for the shake of the test), yields both:

    • A OK HTTP Status Code.

    • A HTML body with <title>hello.

      If this happens, we can assume the webpage's HTML is the one intended.

  • testCss() checks if the CSS of the webpage has basic functionality. For this, it request http://localhost:$port/webjars/bootstrap/5.1.0/css/bootstrap.min.css from the Web Server, and checks if it has a response with:

    • A OK HTML Status.
    • A body with "body".
    • A file with a header equal to that of "text/css".

This ensures the webpage has a valid CSS file.

How to deploy the app with Heroku

In order to deploy the app, you will need git and heroku CLI installed in your machine.

Detailed instructions can be found here.

First of all, create an empty app:

$ heroku create
Creating app... done, ⬢ thawing-inlet-61413 |

Save the url, it will be needed.

Now, add a remote to your local repository with the heroku git:remote CLI command. All you need is your Heroku app's name:

$ heroku git:remote -a thawing-inlet-61413
set git remote heroku to

Deploy the code!

git push heroku master

Do not be afraid of detaching the push command, it won't cancel the build and the app will be deployed anyways.

How to deploy with Dockerfile

It's very simple, just follow the following steps:

  1. Run following commands. This if going to create the image that we need:

    docker pull gradle:openj9
    docker build -t lab1-git-race .
  2. If all went correctly, a image has been created (Image ID and Size may be different):

    $ docker images
    REPOSITORY      TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
    lab1-git-race   latest    6de6b5e29bda   1 minutes ago   709MB
  3. Finally, the following command run the container and is going to link the port 8080 of the container with the port 8080 of the host. This can be changed for example 5000:8080 to link the port 8080 of the container with the port 5000 of the host.

    docker run -p 8080:8080 lab1-git-race