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2397 lines (1709 loc) · 56.1 KB

Tron protobuf protocol

File metadata and controls

2397 lines (1709 loc) · 56.1 KB

Tron Protocol


This is the description of Google Protobuf implementation of Tron's protocol.




Account and account-related messages.

  • Tron has 3 types of account: Normal, AssetIssue, Contract
enum AccountType {
  Normal = 0;
  AssetIssue = 1;
  Contract = 2;
  • message Account has multiple attributes and 2 nested messages:

    message Frozen:

    message Frozen {
      int64 frozen_balance = 1; 
      int64 expire_time = 2; 

    message AccountResource:

    message AccountResource {
      int64 energy_usage = 1;
      Frozen frozen_balance_for_energy = 2;
      int64 latest_consume_time_for_energy = 3;
      int64 acquired_delegated_frozen_balance_for_energy = 4;
      int64 delegated_frozen_balance_for_energy = 5;
      int64 storage_limit = 6;
      int64 storage_usage = 7;
      int64 latest_exchange_storage_time = 8;

    account_name: the name of this account. – e.g. “BillsAccount

    type: what type of this account is – e.g. 0 stands for type Normal.

    address: the address of this account

    account_id: the id of this account

    balance: the TRX balance of this account.

    votes: received votes of this account. – e.g. {(“0x1b7w…9xj3”,323), (“0x8djq…j12m”,88),…,(“0x82nd…mx6i”,10001)}.

    asset: other assets except TRX in this account – e.g. {<“WishToken”,66666>,<”Dogie”,233>}.

    assetV2: other assets except TRX in this account – e.g. {<“WishToken”,66666>,<”Dogie”,233>}. (used after allowing same name of token87)

    frozen: the freezed TRX of this account for receiving bandwidth

    net_usage: the used bandwidth of this account

    acquired_delegated_fronzen_balance_for_bandwidth: the freezed balance for receiving delegated bandwidth this account acquired.

    delegated_frozen_balance_for_bandwidth: the balance for delegated bandwidth this account freezed

    create_time: he create time of this account.

    latest_opration_time: the latest operation time of this account.

    allowance: the allowance of this account.

    latest_withdrew_time: the latest operation time of this account.

    code: reserved

    is_witness: identifies whether the account is a witness node.

    is_committee: reserved


    asset_issued_name: the name of asset issued by this account.

    asset_issued_ID: the ID of asset issued by this account.

    latest_asset_operation_time: the latest time of operating asset.

    latest_asset_operation_timeV2: the latest time of operating asset(used after allowing same name of token)

    free_net_usage: free bandwidth used of this account.

    free_asset_net_usage: the free bandwidth used when this account transferring asset.

    free_asset_net_usageV2: the free bandwidth used when this account transferring asset (used after allowing same name of token)

    latest_consume_time: the latest consume energy time of this account.

    latest_consume_free_time: the latest consume free bandwidth time of this account.

message Account {
   message Frozen {
   int64 frozen_balance = 1; 
     int64 expire_time = 2;
   bytes account_name = 1;
   AccountType type = 2;
   bytes address = 3;
   int64 balance = 4;
   repeated Vote votes = 5;
   map<string, int64> asset = 6;
   map<string, int64> assetV2 = 56;
   repeated Frozen frozen = 7;
   int64 net_usage = 8;
   int64 acquired_delegated_frozen_balance_for_bandwidth = 41;
   int64 delegated_frozen_balance_for_bandwidth = 42;
   int64 create_time = 0x09;
   int64 latest_opration_time = 10;
   int64 allowance = 0x0B;
   int64 latest_withdraw_time = 0x0C;
   bytes code = 13;
   bool is_witness = 14;
   bool is_committee = 15;
   repeated Frozen frozen_supply = 16;
   bytes asset_issued_name = 17;
   bytes asset_issued_ID = 57;
   map<string, int64> latest_asset_operation_time = 18;
   map<string, int64> latest_asset_operation_timeV2 = 58;
   int64 free_net_usage = 19;
   map<string, int64> free_asset_net_usage = 20;
   map<string, int64> free_asset_net_usageV2 = 59;
   int64 latest_consume_time = 21;
   int64 latest_consume_free_time = 22;
   bytes account_id = 23;
   message AccountResource {
     int64 energy_usage = 1;
     Frozen frozen_balance_for_energy = 2;
     int64 latest_consume_time_for_energy = 3;
     int64 acquired_delegated_frozen_balance_for_energy = 4;
     int64 delegated_frozen_balance_for_energy = 5;
     int64 storage_limit = 6;
     int64 storage_usage = 7;
     int64 latest_exchange_storage_time = 8;
   AccountResource account_resource = 26;
   bytes codeHash = 30;
   Permission owner_permission = 31;
   Permission witness_permission = 32;
   repeated Permission active_permission = 33;
  • message Vote

    vote_address: the super representative address.

    vote_count: the vote number to this super representative.

    message Vote {
      bytes vote_address = 1;
      int64 vote_count = 2;
  • Message AccountId

    name: the name ofthis account.

    address: the address of this account.

    message AccountId {
      bytes name = 1;
      bytes address = 2;


Witness and witness-related messages.

  • message Witness

    address: the address of this witness.

    voteCount: total votes received.

    pubkey: the public key of this witness.

    url: witness information related to url.

    totalProduce: total number of blocks produced.

    totalMissed: total number of blocks missed.

    latestBlockNum: the latest block height.

    latestSlotNum: the latest produce block slot.

    isJobs: whether it can produce blocks.

    message Witness {
      bytes address = 1;
      int64 voteCount = 2;
      bytes pubKey = 3;
      string url = 4;
      int64 totalProduced = 5;
      int64 totalMissed = 6;
      int64 latestBlockNum = 7;
      int64 latestSlotNum = 8;
      bool isJobs = 9;


  • message Block

    transaction: refer to Transaction.


    message Block {
      repeated Transaction transactions = 1;
      BlockHeader block_header = 2;
  • Message BlockHeader

    message BlockHeader has multiple attributes and 1 nested message.

    message raw:

    timestamp: the timestamp of this block.

    txTrieRoot: the root hash of Transactions Merkle Tree in this block.

    parentHash: the parent block’s hash of this block.

    number: the height of this block.

    witness_id: the id of witness which packed this block.

    witness_address: the address of witness which packed this block.

    version: the version of this block.

    accountStateRoot: the account state root of this block.

    message raw {
      int64 timestamp = 1;
      bytes txTrieRoot = 2;
      bytes parentHash = 3;
      int64 number = 7;
      int64 witness_id = 8;
      bytes witness_address = 9;
      int32 version = 10;
      bytes accountStateRoot = 11;


    witness_signature: signature for this block header from witness node.

message BlockHeader {
   message raw {
     int64 timestamp = 1;
     bytes txTrieRoot = 2;
     bytes parentHash = 3;
     int64 number = 7;
     int64 witness_id = 8;
     bytes witness_address = 9;
     int32 version = 10;
     bytes accountStateRoot = 11;
   raw raw_data = 1;
   bytes witness_signature = 2;


Transaction and transaction-related messages.

  • Any behaviors which consume energy are regarded as transaction.

  • message TXInput has multiple attributes and 1 nested message

    message raw:

    txID: transaction ID.

    vout: value of last output.

    pubKey: public key.

    message raw {
      bytes txID = 1;
      int64 vout = 2;
      bytes pubKey = 3;

    raw_data: a message raw.

    signature: signature for this TXInput.

    message TXInput {
      message raw {
        bytes txID = 1;
        int64 vout = 2;
        bytes pubKey = 3;
      raw raw_data = 1;
      bytes signature = 4;
  • message txOutput

    value: output value.

    pubKeyHash: hash of public key.

    message TXOutput {
      int64 value = 1;
      bytes pubKeyHash = 2;
  • message TransactionRet

    blockNumber: the block number of transaction.

    blockTimeStamp: the time stamp of packing transaction into block.

    transactionInfo: transaction information.

    message TransactionRet {
      int64 blockNumber = 1;
      int64 blockTimeStamp = 2;
      repeated TransactionInfo transactioninfo = 3;
    • message TransactionSign

      transaction: transaction data.

      privateKey: private key.

      message TransactionSign {
        Transaction transaction = 1;
        bytes privateKey = 2;
    • message ResourceReceipt

      energy_usage: consume yourself account energy.

      energy_fee: consume yourself account fee.

      origin_energy_usage: consume contract owner account energy.

      energy_usage_total: consume total account fee.

      net_usage: consume yourself net.

      net_fee: consume yourself trx of net usage.

      result: he result of executing transaction.

      message ResourceReceipt {
        int64 energy_usage = 1;
        int64 energy_fee = 2;
        int64 origin_energy_usage = 3;
        int64 energy_usage_total = 4;
        int64 net_usage = 5;
        int64 net_fee = 6;
        Transaction.Result.contractResult result = 7;
    • Message InternalTransaction

      message InternalTransaction has multiple attributes and 1 nested message

      message CallValueInfo:

      note: note is a comment of internal contract transaction.

      rejected: rejected is whether internal transaction is rejected or not.

      message CallValueInfo {
        int64 callValue = 1;
        string tokenId = 2;

      hash: internal transaction hash, and it should equals to root transaction id.



      callValueInfo: Refers to asset transfer information in internal transactions, including trx and trc10.

        message InternalTransaction {
           bytes hash = 1;
           bytes caller_address = 2;
           bytes transferTo_address = 3;
           message CallValueInfo {
             int64 callValue = 1;
             string tokenId = 2;
           repeated CallValueInfo callValueInfo = 4;
           bytes note = 5;
           bool rejected = 6;
    • message Transaction

      message Transaction has multiple attributes and 3 nested messages.

      message Contract: refer to Contract.

      message Result

      ​enum code:

      enum code {
            SUCESS = 0;
            FAILED = 1;

      enum contractResult: refer to Contract.












        message Result {
            enum code {
            SUCESS = 0;
              FAILED = 1;
            enum contractResult {
            DEFAULT = 0;
              SUCCESS = 1;
            REVERT = 2;
              BAD_JUMP_DESTINATION = 3;
            OUT_OF_MEMORY = 4;
              PRECOMPILED_CONTRACT = 5;
              STACK_TOO_SMALL = 6;
              STACK_TOO_LARGE = 7;
              ILLEGAL_OPERATION = 8;
              STACK_OVERFLOW = 9;
              OUT_OF_ENERGY = 10;
              OUT_OF_TIME = 11;
              JVM_STACK_OVER_FLOW = 12;
              UNKNOWN = 13;
              TRANSFER_FAILED = 14;
            int64 fee = 1;
            code ret = 2;
            contractResult contractRet = 3;
            string assetIssueID = 14;
            int64 withdraw_amount = 15;
            int64 unfreeze_amount = 16;
            int64 exchange_received_amount = 18;
            int64 exchange_inject_another_amount = 19;
            int64 exchange_withdraw_another_amount = 20;
            int64 exchange_id = 21;
            int64 shielded_transaction_fee = 22;

    message raw

    ref_block_bytes: Deprecated.

    ref_block_num: now block number in transaction head.

    ref_block_hash: now block hash in transaction head.

    expiration: the expiration time in transaction head.

    auths: deprecated.

    contract: the contract type for transaction, and only support size = 1 when repeated list here for extension.

    timestamp: timestamp for transaction.

    fee_limit: the cost limit for energy and fee when trigger and create contract.

    message raw {
       bytes ref_block_bytes = 1;
     int64 ref_block_num = 3;
       bytes ref_block_hash = 4;
     int64 expiration = 8;
       repeated authority auths = 9;
     bytes data = 10;
       repeated Contract contract = 11;
     bytes scripts = 12;
       int64 timestamp = 14;
     int64 fee_limit = 18;

    raw_data: raw data in transaction.

    signature: signature in transaction.

    ret: result for transaction.

    message Transaction {
      message Contract {
          enum ContractType {
            AccountCreateContract = 0;
            TransferContract = 1;
            TransferAssetContract = 2;
            VoteAssetContract = 3;
            VoteWitnessContract = 4;
            WitnessCreateContract = 5;
            AssetIssueContract = 6;
            WitnessUpdateContract = 8;
            ParticipateAssetIssueContract = 9;
            AccountUpdateContract = 10;
            FreezeBalanceContract = 11;
            UnfreezeBalanceContract = 12;
            WithdrawBalanceContract = 13;
            UnfreezeAssetContract = 14;
            UpdateAssetContract = 15;
            ProposalCreateContract = 16;
            ProposalApproveContract = 17;
            ProposalDeleteContract = 18;
            SetAccountIdContract = 19;
            CustomContract = 20;
            CreateSmartContract = 30;
            TriggerSmartContract = 31;
            GetContract = 32;
            UpdateSettingContract = 33;
            ExchangeCreateContract = 41;
            ExchangeInjectContract = 42;
            ExchangeWithdrawContract = 43;
            ExchangeTransactionContract = 44;
            UpdateEnergyLimitContract = 45;
            AccountPermissionUpdateContract = 46;
            ClearABIContract = 48;
            UpdateBrokerageContract = 49;
            ShieldedTransferContract = 51;
          ContractType type = 1;
          google.protobuf.Any parameter = 2;
          bytes provider = 3;
          bytes ContractName = 4;
          int32 Permission_id = 5;
        message Result {
          enum code {
            SUCESS = 0;
            FAILED = 1;
          enum contractResult {
            DEFAULT = 0;
            SUCCESS = 1;
            REVERT = 2;
            BAD_JUMP_DESTINATION = 3;
            OUT_OF_MEMORY = 4;
            STACK_TOO_SMALL = 6;
            STACK_TOO_LARGE = 7;
            ILLEGAL_OPERATION = 8;
            STACK_OVERFLOW = 9;
            OUT_OF_ENERGY = 10;
            OUT_OF_TIME = 11;
            JVM_STACK_OVER_FLOW = 12;
            UNKNOWN = 13;
            TRANSFER_FAILED = 14;
          int64 fee = 1;
          code ret = 2;
          contractResult contractRet = 3;
          string assetIssueID = 14;
          int64 withdraw_amount = 15;
          int64 unfreeze_amount = 16;
          int64 exchange_received_amount = 18;
          int64 exchange_inject_another_amount = 19;
          int64 exchange_withdraw_another_amount = 20;
          int64 exchange_id = 21;
          int64 shielded_transaction_fee = 22;
        message raw {
          bytes ref_block_bytes = 1;
          int64 ref_block_num = 3;
          bytes ref_block_hash = 4;
          int64 expiration = 8;
          repeated authority auths = 9;
          bytes data = 10;
          repeated Contract contract = 11;
          bytes scripts = 12;
          int64 timestamp = 14;
          int64 fee_limit = 18;
        raw raw_data = 1;
        repeated bytes signature = 2;
        repeated Result ret = 5;
    • message TransactionInfo

      message TransactionInfo has multiple attributes, a nested enumeration and 1 nested message.

      enum code

      enum code {
        SUCESS = 0;
        FAILED = 1;

      message log

      address: the address for log contract.

      topics: subscribed topics for contract.

      data: unsubscribed topics for contract.

      message Log {
      bytes address = 1;
      repeated bytes topics = 2;
      bytes data = 3;

    id: transaction id.

    fee: transaction fee.

    blockNumber: the block number of packing this transaction.

    blockTimeStamp: the time of generating block for this transaction.

    contractResult: the contract result of this transaction.

    contract_address: the address of call or create contract.

    receipt: the receipt of fee and energy usage.

    log: the log for triggering contract.

    result: the result code for triggering contract.

    resMessage: the response message for triggering contract .

    assetIssueID: the ID for issue an asset.

    withdraw_amount: the amount for witness withdraw.

    unfreeze_amount: unfreeze trx amount.

    internal_transactions: internal transaction lists.

    exchange_received_amount: The number of tokens received by the transaction, only has value when the contract type is ExchangeTransactionContract.

    exchange_inject_another_amount: The number of another token injected into the exchange pair, only has value when the contract type is ExchangeInjectContract.

    exchange_withdraw_another_amount: The number of tokens withdrew from the exchange pair, only has value when the contract type is ExchangeWithdrawContract.

    exchange_id: the token pair id.

    shielded_transaction_fee: the usage fee for shielded transaction.

    message TransactionInfo {
       enum code {
       SUCESS = 0;
         FAILED = 1;
       message Log {
       bytes address = 1;
         repeated bytes topics = 2;
       bytes data = 3;
       bytes id = 1;
       int64 fee = 2;
       int64 blockNumber = 3;
       int64 blockTimeStamp = 4;
       repeated bytes contractResult = 5;
       bytes contract_address = 6;
       ResourceReceipt receipt = 7;
       repeated Log log = 8;
       code result = 9;
       bytes resMessage = 10;
       string assetIssueID = 14;
       int64 withdraw_amount = 15;
       int64 unfreeze_amount = 16;
       repeated InternalTransaction internal_transactions = 17;
       int64 exchange_received_amount = 18;
       int64 exchange_inject_another_amount = 19;
       int64 exchange_withdraw_another_amount = 20;
       int64 exchange_id = 21;
       int64 shielded_transaction_fee = 22;
    • message Transactions

      transaction: list of transactions.

      message Transactions {
        repeated Transaction transactions = 1;
    • message Authority (deprecated)



      message authority {
        AccountId account = 1;
        bytes permission_name = 2;
  • message TXOutputs

    outputs: output value.

    message TXOutputs {
    repeated TXOutput outputs = 1;


Contract and contract-related messages.

  • Tron has 33 types of Contracts declared within Transaction.

  • message Contract

    enum ContractType

    type: the type of the contract, it is a Enumuration type.

    parameter: binary data of the contract after serialization.

    provider: reservedUpdateEnergyLimitContract.

    ContractName: reserved

    Permission_id: for multisign, the value is in [0, 9], 0 is owner,1 is witness, 2-9 is active.

    message Contract {
      enum ContractType {
        AccountCreateContract = 0;
        TransferContract = 1;
        TransferAssetContract = 2;
        VoteAssetContract = 3;
        VoteWitnessContract = 4;
        WitnessCreateContract = 5;
        AssetIssueContract = 6;
        WitnessUpdateContract = 8;
        ParticipateAssetIssueContract = 9;
        AccountUpdateContract = 10;
        FreezeBalanceContract = 11;
        UnfreezeBalanceContract = 12;
        WithdrawBalanceContract = 13;
        UnfreezeAssetContract = 14;
        UpdateAssetContract = 15;
        ProposalCreateContract = 16;
        ProposalApproveContract = 17;
        ProposalDeleteContract = 18;
        SetAccountIdContract = 19;
        CustomContract = 20;
        CreateSmartContract = 30;
        TriggerSmartContract = 31;
        GetContract = 32;
        UpdateSettingContract = 33;
        ExchangeCreateContract = 41;
        ExchangeInjectContract = 42;
        ExchangeWithdrawContract = 43;
        ExchangeTransactionContract = 44;
        UpdateEnergyLimitContract = 45;
        AccountPermissionUpdateContract = 46;
        ClearABIContract = 48;
        UpdateBrokerageContract = 49;
        ShieldedTransferContract = 51;
      ContractType type = 1;
      google.protobuf.Any parameter = 2;
      bytes provider = 3;
      bytes ContractName = 4;
      int32 Permission_id = 5;
  • There are 15 types of results while deploying contracts (refer to Transaction.Result):

    enum contractResult {
      DEFAULT = 0;
      SUCCESS = 1;
      REVERT = 2;
      OUT_OF_MEMORY = 4;
      STACK_TOO_SMALL = 6;
      STACK_TOO_LARGE = 7;
      OUT_OF_ENERGY = 10;
      OUT_OF_TIME = 11;
      UNKNOWN = 13;

    Contract Details

    • message AccountCreateContract

      owner_address: the address of the contract owner.

      account_address: the new address of the new account.

      type: the type of the account.

      message AccountCreateContract {
        bytes owner_address = 1;
        bytes account_address = 2;
        AccountType type = 3;
    • message TransferContract

      owner_address: address of contract owner.

      to_address: receiver address.

      amount:amount of TRX.

      message TransferContract {
          bytes owner_address = 1;
          bytes to_address = 2;
          int64 amount = 3;
    • message TransferAssetContract

      asset_name: name of asset.

      owner_address: address of contract owner.

      to_address: receiver address.

      amount: amount of asset.

      message TransferAssetContract {
          bytes asset_name = 1;
          bytes owner_address = 2;
          bytes to_address = 3;
          int64 amount = 4;
    • message VoteAssetContract

      owner_address: assress of contract owner.

      vote_address: voted address of asset.

      support: votes supportive or not.

      count: votes count.

      message VoteAssetContract {
          bytes owner_address = 1;
          repeated bytes vote_address = 2;
          bool support = 3;
          int32 count = 5;
    • message VoteWitnessContract

      message Vote:

      message Vote {
          bytes vote_address = 1;
          int64 vote_count = 2;

      owner_address: address of the owner.

      votes: voting list.

      support: votes supportive or not.

      message VoteWitnessContract {
          message Vote {
              bytes vote_address = 1;
              int64 vote_count = 2;
          bytes owner_address = 1;
          repeated Vote votes = 2;
          bool support = 3;
      • message WitnessCreateContract

        owner_address: address of the owner.

        url: url of witness.

        message WitnessCreateContract {
            bytes owner_address = 1;
            bytes url = 2;
      • message AssetIssueContract

        id: id.

        message FrozenSupply:

        frozen_amount: frozen amount of token.

        frozen_days: frozen period of token.

        message FrozenSupply {
            int64 frozen_amount = 1;
            int64 frozen_days = 2;

        owner_address: address of the owner.

        name: contract name.

        abbr: contract abbr.

        total_supply: maximum of asset.

        frozen_supply: frozen supplt of asset.

        trx_num: trx num defines token price.

        precision: precision.

        num: trx num defines token price.

        start_time: starting date of contract.

        end_time: ending date of contract.

        vote_score: vote score of contract received.

        description: description of contract.

        url: url of contract.

        free_asset_net_limit: free bandwidth limit each account owns when transfers asset.

        public_free_asset_net_limit: free bandwidth limit for all acoounts.

        public_free_asset_net_usage: free bandwidth usage of all accounts.

        public_latest_free_net_time: the latest bandwidth consumption time fo token transfer.

        message AssetIssueContract {
            string id = 41;
            message FrozenSupply {
                int64 frozen_amount = 1;
                int64 frozen_days = 2;
            bytes owner_address = 1;
            bytes name = 2;
            bytes abbr = 3;
            int64 total_supply = 4;
            repeated FrozenSupply frozen_supply = 5;
            int32 trx_num = 6;
            int32 precision = 7;
            int32 num = 8;
            int64 start_time = 9;
            int64 end_time = 10;
            int64 order = 11;
            int32 vote_score = 16;
            bytes description = 20;
            bytes url = 21;
            int64 free_asset_net_limit = 22;
            int64 public_free_asset_net_limit = 23;
            int64 public_free_asset_net_usage = 24;
            int64 public_latest_free_net_time = 25;
      • message WitnessUpdateContract

        owner_address: address of owner.

        update_url: witness url.

        message WitnessUpdateContract {
            bytes owner_address = 1;
            bytes update_url = 12;
      • message ParticipateAssetIssueContract

        owner_address: owner address.

        to_address: reveiver address.

        asset_name: target asset name.

        amount: amount of suns.

        message ParticipateAssetIssueContract {
            bytes owner_address = 1;
            bytes to_address = 2;
            bytes asset_name = 3;
            int64 amount = 4; 
      • message AccountUpdateContract

        account_name: account name.

        owner_address: address of owner.

        message AccountUpdateContract {
          bytes account_name = 1;
          bytes owner_address = 2;
      • message FreezeBalanceContract

        owner_address: address of owner.

        frozen_balance: frozen amount of TRX.

        frozen_duration: frozen duration of TRX.

        resource: type of resource gained from freezing TRX.

        receiver_address: account address to receive resource.

        message FreezeBalanceContract {
            bytes owner_address = 1;
            int64 frozen_balance = 2;
            int64 frozen_duration = 3;
            ResourceCode resource = 10;
            bytes receiver_address = 15;
      • message UnfreezeBalanceContract

        owner_address: address of owner.

        resource: type of resource, BANDWIDTH / ENERGY.

        receiver_address: resource receiver address.

        message UnfreezeBalanceContract {
            bytes owner_address = 1;
            ResourceCode resource = 10;
            bytes receiver_address = 15;
      • message WithdrawBalanceContract

        owner_address: address of owner.

      message WithdrawBalanceContract {
          bytes owner_address = 1;
      • message UnfreezeAssetContract

        owner_address: owner address.

      message UnfreezeAssetContract {
          bytes owner_address = 1;
      • message UpdateAssetContract

        owner_address: address of owner.

        description: description of asset.

        url: asset url.

        new_limit: bandwidth consumption limit for each account when transfer.

        new_public_limit: bandwidth consumption limit of the accounts.

      message UpdateAssetContract {
          bytes owner_address = 1;
          bytes description = 2;
          bytes url = 3;
          int64 new_limit = 4;
          int64 new_public_limit = 5;
      • message ProposalCreateContract

        owner_address: address of owner.

        parameters: options and their values of proposals.

      message ProposalCreateContract {
          bytes owner_address = 1;
          map<int64, int64> parameters = 2;
      • message ProposalApproveContract

        owner_address: address of owner.

        proposal_id: proposal id.

        is_add_approval: whether to approve.

      message ProposalApproveContract {
          bytes owner_address = 1;
          int64 proposal_id = 2;
          bool is_add_approval = 3; 
      • message ProposalDeleteContract

        owner_address: address of owner.

        proposal_id: proposal id.

      message ProposalDeleteContract {
          bytes owner_address = 1;
          int64 proposal_id = 2;
      • message SetAccountIdContract

        account_id: account id.

        owner_address: address of owner.

      message SetAccountIdContract {
        bytes account_id = 1;
        bytes owner_address = 2;
      • CustomContract

      • message CreateSmartContract

        owner_address: address of owner.

        new_contract: details of the new smart contract.

        call_token_value: amount of TRC10 token sent to the newly created smart contract.

        token_id: TRC10 token id.

      message CreateSmartContract {
          bytes owner_address = 1;
          SmartContract new_contract = 2;
          int64 call_token_value = 3;
          int64 token_id = 4;
      • message TriggerSmartContract

        owner_address: address of owner.

        contract_address: smart contract address to interact with.

        call_value: TRX amount sent to smart contract.

        data: functions and parameters called in smart contract.

        call_token_value: TRC10 token amount sent to smart contract.

        token_id: TRC10 token id.

      message TriggerSmartContract {
          bytes owner_address = 1;
          bytes contract_address = 2;
          int64 call_value = 3;
          bytes data = 4;
          int64 call_token_value = 5;
          int64 token_id = 6;
      • GetContract

      • message UpdateSettingContract

        owner_address: address of owner.

        contract_address: smart contract address.

        consume_user_resource_percent: user energy payment percentage of whole energy payment includes contract deployer’s and user's energy payment.

      message UpdateSettingContract {
          bytes owner_address = 1;
          bytes contract_address = 2;
          int64 consume_user_resource_percent = 3;
      • message ExchangeCreateContract

        owner_address: address of owner.

        first_token_id: supplied token.

        first_token_balance: supplied token amount.

        second_token_id: second token id.

        second_token_balance: second token balance.

      message ExchangeCreateContract {
          bytes owner_address = 1;
          bytes first_token_id = 2;
          int64 first_token_balance = 3;
          bytes second_token_id = 4;
          int64 second_token_balance = 5;
      • message ExchangeInjectContract

        owner_address: address of owner.

        exchange_id: token pair id.

        token_id: token id to inject.

        quant: token amount to inject.

      message ExchangeInjectContract {
          bytes owner_address = 1;
          int64 exchange_id = 2;
          bytes token_id = 3;
          int64 quant = 4;
      • message ExchangeWithdrawContract

        owner_address: address of owner.

        exchange_id: token pair id.

        token_id: token id to withdraw.

        quant: token amount to withdraw.

      message ExchangeWithdrawContract {
          bytes owner_address = 1;
          int64 exchange_id = 2;
          bytes token_id = 3;
          int64 quant = 4;
      • message ExchangeTransactionContract

        owner_address: address of owner.

        exchange_id: token pair id.

        token_id: token id to sell.

        quant: token amount to sell.

        expected: expected minimum number of tokens.

      message ExchangeTransactionContract {
          bytes owner_address = 1;
          int64 exchange_id = 2;
          bytes token_id = 3;
          int64 quant = 4;
          int64 expected = 5;
      • message UpdateEnergyLimitContract:

        owner_address: address of owner.

        contract_address: smart contract address.

        origin_energy_limit: value of owner’s consume energy limit for each transaction.

      message UpdateEnergyLimitContract {
          bytes owner_address = 1;
          bytes contract_address = 2;
          int64 origin_energy_limit = 3;
      • message AccountPermissionUpdateContract

        owner_address: address of owner.

        owner: autuority to execute all contracts.

        witness: used by SR for generating blocks.

        actives: custom a combination of contracts permission sets.

      message AccountPermissionUpdateContract {
        bytes owner_address = 1;
        Permission owner = 2; 
        Permission witness = 3; 
        repeated Permission actives = 4;
      • message ClearABIContract

        owner_address: address of owner.

        contract_address: contract address.

      message ClearABIContract {
          bytes owner_address = 1;
          bytes contract_address = 2;
      • message UpdateBrokerageContract

        owner_address: address of owner.

        brokerage: draw ratio of SR.

      message UpdateBrokerageContract {
          bytes owner_address = 1;
          int32 brokerage = 2;
      • message ShieldedTransferContract

        transparent_from_address: transparent address of sender.

        from_amount: amount from sender.

        spend_description: input data of transaction.

        receive_description: output data of transaction.

        binding_signature: signature to verify transaction.

        transparent_to_address: transparent address of reveiver.

        to_amount: amount to transparent to_address

      message ShieldedTransferContract {
          bytes transparent_from_address = 1; 
          int64 from_amount = 2;
          repeated SpendDescription spend_description = 3;
          repeated ReceiveDescription receive_description = 4;
          bytes binding_signature = 5;
          bytes transparent_to_address = 6;
          int64 to_amount = 7; 

    attributes' type refer to Shield Contract Related

Smart Contract

message SmartContract has mutiple attributes and nested message ABI

  • message SmartContract

    • message ABI

      • message Entry

        • Enum EntryType

            enum EntryType {
                UnknownEntryType = 0;
                Constructor = 1;
                Function = 2;
                Event = 3;
                Fallback = 4;
        • message Param

          indexed: true if the field is part of the log’s topics, false if it one of the log’s data segment.

          name: name of the parameter.

          type: canonical type of the parameter (more below).

            message Param {
                bool indexed = 1;
                string name = 2;
                string type = 3;
                // SolidityType type = 3;
        • Enum StateMutabilityType

            enum StateMutabilityType {  
                UnknownMutabilityType = 0;
                Pure = 1;
                View = 2;
                Nonpayable = 3;
                Payable = 4;

        anonymous: true if the event was declared as anonymous.

        constant: true if function is either pure or view, false otherwise.

        name: function name.

        inputs: an array of objects.

        outputs: an array of objects similar to inputs.

        type: can be omitted, defaulting to "function", likewise payable and constant can be omitted, both defaulting to false.

        payable: true if function accepts Ether, false otherwise.

        stateMutability: a string with one of the following values: pure (specified to not read blockchain state), view (specified to not modify the blockchain state), nonpayable (function does not accept Ether) and payable (function accepts Ether).

      entrys: a function description.

    origin_address: address of smart contract owner.

    contract_address: address of the smart contract.

    abi: abi of the smart contract.

    bytecode: bytecode of the smart contract.

    call_value: amount of TRX that send to the smart contract.

    consume_user_resource_percent: user energy payment percentage of the whole energy payment which includes both contract deployer’s payment and user energy payment.

    name: the name of the smart contract.

    origin_energy_limit: value of the owner’s consume energy limit for each transaction.

    code_hash: hash of smart contract bytecode.

    trx_hash: transactionId of Deploying contract transaction.

      message SmartContract {
          message ABI {
              message Entry {
                  enum EntryType {
                       UnknownEntryType = 0;
                       Constructor = 1;
                       Function = 2;
                       Event = 3;
                       Fallback = 4;
                  message Param {
                      bool indexed = 1;
                      string name = 2;
                      string type = 3;
                  enum StateMutabilityType {
                      UnknownMutabilityType = 0;
                      Pure = 1;
                      View = 2;
                      Nonpayable = 3;
                      Payable = 4;
                  bool anonymous = 1;
                  bool constant = 2;
                  string name = 3;
                  repeated Param inputs = 4;
                  repeated Param outputs = 5;
                  EntryType type = 6;
                  bool payable = 7;
                  StateMutabilityType stateMutability = 8;
              repeated Entry entrys = 1;
          bytes origin_address = 1;
          bytes contract_address = 2;
          ABI abi = 3;
          bytes bytecode = 4;
          int64 call_value = 5;
          int64 consume_user_resource_percent = 6;
          string name = 7;
          int64 origin_energy_limit = 8;
          bytes code_hash = 9;
          bytes trx_hash = 10;

    ####Shield Contract Related

    • message AuthenticationPath

      value: merkle authentication path.

    message AuthenticationPath {
         repeated bool value = 1;
    • message MerklePath

      authentication_paths: merkle tree authentication path.

      index: index for the merkle authentication path.

      rt: merkle tree root.

    message MerklePath {
         repeated AuthenticationPath authentication_paths = 1;
         repeated bool index = 2;
         bytes rt = 3;
    • message OutputPoint

      hash: transaction hash value.

      index: output index.

    message OutputPoint {
         bytes hash = 1;
         int32 index = 2;
    • message OutputPointInfo

      out_points: output points.

      block_num: block number.

    message OutputPointInfo {
         repeated OutputPoint out_points = 1;
         int32 block_num = 2;
    • message PedersenHash

      content: pedersen hash value.

    message PedersenHash {
         bytes content = 1;
    • message IncrementalMerkleTree

      left: PedersenHash value of left child node.

      right: PedersenHash value of right child node.

      parents: PedersenHash values of parent nodes.

    message IncrementalMerkleTree {
         PedersenHash left = 1;
         PedersenHash right = 2;
         repeated PedersenHash parents = 3;
    • message IncrementalMerkleVoucher

      tree: incremental merkle tree.

      filled: this is a array, it contains the root of the subtree which can be combined with the param tree to be a new merkle tree.

      cursor: the node that can be combined to a subtree, when they are combined to a subtree, compute its root and put it into the filled.

      cursor_depth: the tree height, in which depth it can be combined to be a subtree.

      rt: merkle tree root.

      output_point: output point.

    message IncrementalMerkleVoucher {
         IncrementalMerkleTree tree = 1;
         repeated PedersenHash filled = 2;
         IncrementalMerkleTree cursor = 3;
         int64 cursor_depth = 4;
         bytes rt = 5;
         OutputPoint output_point = 10;
    • message IncrementalMerkleVoucherInfo

      vouchers: this is an array, each items represents the merklevoucher of the outputpoint.

      paths: his is an array each items represents the path of the outputpoint.

    message IncrementalMerkleVoucherInfo {
         repeated IncrementalMerkleVoucher vouchers = 1;
         repeated bytes paths = 2;
    • message SpendDescription

      value_commitment: commitment to value.

      anchor: merkle root.

      nullifier: used for check double spend.

      rk: used for spend authority signature.

      zkproof: zero-knowledge proof of input.

      spend_authority_signature: signature for the spend authority.

    message SpendDescription {
         bytes value_commitment = 1;
         bytes anchor = 2; 
         bytes nullifier = 3;
         bytes rk = 4;
         bytes zkproof = 5;
         bytes spend_authority_signature = 6;
    • message ReceiveDescription

      value_commitment: commitment to the value.

      note_commitment: commitment to note.

      epk: ephemeral public key for encryption.

      c_enc: encryption for incoming, decrypt it with ivk.

      c_out: encryption for audit, decrypt it with ovk.

      zkproof: zero-knowledge proof of output.

    message ReceiveDescription {
         bytes value_commitment = 1;
         bytes note_commitment = 2;
         bytes epk = 3; 
         bytes c_enc = 4; 
         bytes c_out = 5; 
         bytes zkproof = 6;
    • message ShieldedTransferContract

      transparent_from_address: sender transparent address.

      from_amount: sender amount.

      spend_description: transaction input data.

      receive_description: transaction output data.

      binding_signature: signature to verify the transaction.

      transparent_to_address: transparent address of receiver.

      to_amount: amount to receiver.

    message ShieldedTransferContract {
         bytes transparent_from_address = 1; 
         int64 from_amount = 2;
         repeated SpendDescription spend_description = 3;
         repeated ReceiveDescription receive_description = 4;
         bytes binding_signature = 5;
         bytes transparent_to_address = 6; 
         int64 to_amount = 7; 


  • Inventory

    • message ChainInventory

      • message BlockId

        hash: block hash

        number: block height

        message BlockId {
          bytes hash = 1;
          int64 number = 2;

      ids: block header list of blockchain.

      remain_num: number of remaining blocks in blockchain.

      message ChainInventory {
        message BlockId {
          bytes hash = 1;
          int64 number = 2;
        repeated BlockId ids = 1;
        int64 remain_num = 2;
    • message BlockInventory

      • Enum Type

        enum Type {
          SYNC = 0;
          ADVTISE = 1;
          FETCH = 2;
      • message BlockId

        hash: block hash value.

        number: block height.

        message BlockId {
          bytes hash = 1;
          int64 number = 2;

      ids: block header list of block inventory.

      type: type of block inventory.

      message BlockInventory {
        enum Type {
          SYNC = 0;
          ADVTISE = 1;
          FETCH = 2;
        message BlockId {
          bytes hash = 1;
          int64 number = 2;
        repeated BlockId ids = 1;
        Type type = 2;
    • message Inventory

      Enum InventoryType:

      enum InventoryType {
        TRX = 0;
        BLOCK = 1;

      type: type of inventory.

      ids: hash list of transaction or block.

      message Inventory {
        enum InventoryType {
          TRX = 0;
          BLOCK = 1;
        InventoryType type = 1;
        repeated bytes ids = 2;
    • message Items

      Enum ItemType:

      enum ItemType {
        ERR = 0;
        TRX = 1;
        BLOCK = 2;
        BLOCKHEADER = 3;

      type: item type.

      blocks: block list of item.

      block_headers: block header list of item.

      transactions: transaction list of item.

      message Items {
        enum ItemType {
          ERR = 0;
          TRX = 1;
          BLOCK = 2;
          BLOCKHEADER = 3;
        ItemType type = 1;
        repeated Block blocks = 2;
        repeated BlockHeader block_headers = 3;
        repeated Transaction transactions = 4;
  • DynamicProperty

    • message DynamicProperties

      last_solidity_block_num: number of latest solidity block.

      message DynamicProperties {
        int64 last_solidity_block_num = 1;
  • Reason Code

    • enum ReasonCode

      enum ReasonCode {
        REQUESTED = 0x00;
        BAD_PROTOCOL = 0x02;
        TOO_MANY_PEERS = 0x04;
        DUPLICATE_PEER = 0x05;
        NULL_IDENTITY = 0x07;
        PEER_QUITING = 0x08;
        LOCAL_IDENTITY = 0x0A;
        PING_TIMEOUT = 0x0B;
        USER_REASON = 0x10;
        RESET = 0x11;
        SYNC_FAIL = 0x12;
        FETCH_FAIL = 0x13;
        BAD_TX = 0x14;
        BAD_BLOCK = 0x15;
        FORKED = 0x16;
        UNLINKABLE = 0x17;
        INCOMPATIBLE_CHAIN = 0x19;
        TIME_OUT = 0x20;
        CONNECT_FAIL = 0x21;
        UNKNOWN = 0xFF;
  • Message

    • message DisconnectMessage

      reason: disconnect reason from ReasonCode above

      message DisconnectMessage {
        ReasonCode reason = 1;
    • message HelloMessage

      • message BlockId:

        hash: block hash value.

        number: block height.

        message BlockId {
          bytes hash = 1;
          int64 number = 2;

      from: ip, port and nodeID of message sender.

      version: p2p version.

      timestamp: time of establishing connection.

      genesisBlockId: genesis block id.

      solidBlockId: solid block id.

      headBlockId: head block id.

      address: node account address, for signature verification.

      signature: signature for sender.

      message DisconnectMessage {
        ReasonCode reason = 1;
      message HelloMessage {
        message BlockId {
          bytes hash = 1;
          int64 number = 2;
        Endpoint from = 1;
        int32 version = 2;
        int64 timestamp = 3;
        BlockId genesisBlockId = 4;
        BlockId solidBlockId = 5;
        BlockId headBlockId = 6;
        bytes address = 7;
        bytes signature = 8;
  • Node Information

    Node information is separaed into several parts and implemented by nested messages.

    • message NodeInfo

      beginSyncNum: beginning block height for synchornize.

      block: head block id.

      solidityBlock: latest solidity block id.

      currentConnectCount: current connection count.

      activeConnectCount: active connection count.

      passiveConnectCount: trusted connection count.

      totalFlow: total TCP flow.

      peerInfoList: peer information list.

      configNodeInfo: node config information.

      machineInfo: machine information.

      cheatWitnessInfoMap: cheating witness information map.

      • message PeerInfo:

        lastSyncBlock: last block id for synchornize.

        remainNum: number of remaining blocks.

        lastBlockUpdateTime: latest block update time .

        syncFlag: is synchroniing or not.

        headBlockTimeWeBothHave: timestamp of common head block.

        needSyncFromPeer: need to sync from peer or not.

        needSyncFromUs: need to sync from myself or not.

        host: IP address

        port: listening port.

        nodeId: ramdomly generated node ID

        connectTime: connection time period from established.

        avgLatency: average latency

        syncToFetchSize: block count in sync queue.

        syncToFetchSizePeekNum: height of the first block in sync queue.

        syncBlockRequestedSize: block count in request sync queue.

        unFetchSynNum: unsync block count.

        blockInPorcSize: size of the processing block queue.

        headBlockWeBothHave: common head block id.

        isActive: true if not dead or nonActive

        score: peer score calculated from connection information.

        nodeCount: neighbors count.

        inFlow: TCP flow from exact peer.

        disconnectTimes: disconnection time.

        localDisconnectReason: local disconnect reason.

        remoteDisconnectReason: remote disconnect reason.

        message PeerInfo {
          string lastSyncBlock = 1;
          int64 remainNum = 2;
          int64 lastBlockUpdateTime = 3;
          bool syncFlag = 4;
          int64 headBlockTimeWeBothHave = 5;
          bool needSyncFromPeer = 6;
          bool needSyncFromUs = 7;
          string host = 8;
          int32 port = 9;
          string nodeId = 10;
          int64 connectTime = 11;
          double avgLatency = 12;
          int32 syncToFetchSize = 13;
          int64 syncToFetchSizePeekNum = 14;
          int32 syncBlockRequestedSize = 15;
          int64 unFetchSynNum = 16;
          int32 blockInPorcSize = 17;
          string headBlockWeBothHave = 18;
          bool isActive = 19;
          int32 score = 20;
          int32 nodeCount = 21;
          int64 inFlow = 22;
          int32 disconnectTimes = 23;
          string localDisconnectReason = 24;
          string remoteDisconnectReason = 25;
      • message ConfigNodeInfo:

        codeVersion: code version.

        p2pVersion: p2p version.

        listenPort: listening port.

        discoverEnable: whether to turn on neighbor discovery.

        activeNodeSize: size of active node.

        passiveNodeSize: size of passive node.

        sendNodeSize: size of sending node.

        maxConnectCount: maximum connection.

        sameIpMaxConnectCount: maximum connection from the same host.

        backupListenPort: backup listening port.

        backupMemberSize: backup member size.

        backupPriority: priority of backup.

        dbVersion: database version

        minParticipationRate: minimum participation rate.

        supportConstant: whether to support constant.

        minTimeRatio: time ratio to force timeout.

        maxTimeRatio: time ratio to avoid timeout.

        allowCreationOfContracts: permission of creating contracts.

        allowAdaptiveEnergy: permission of turning on adaptive energy.

        message ConfigNodeInfo {
          string codeVersion = 1;
          string p2pVersion = 2;
          int32 listenPort = 3;
          bool discoverEnable = 4;
          int32 activeNodeSize = 5;
          int32 passiveNodeSize = 6;
          int32 sendNodeSize = 7;
          int32 maxConnectCount = 8;
          int32 sameIpMaxConnectCount = 9;
          int32 backupListenPort = 10;
          int32 backupMemberSize = 11;
          int32 backupPriority = 12;
          int32 dbVersion = 13;
          int32 minParticipationRate = 14;
          bool supportConstant = 15;
          double minTimeRatio = 16;
          double maxTimeRatio = 17;
          int64 allowCreationOfContracts = 18;
          int64 allowAdaptiveEnergy = 19;
      • message MachineInfo:

        threadCount: number of threads

        deadLockThreadCount: number of dead lock threads

        cpuCount: CPU cores.

        totalMemory: total memory

        freeMemory: memory not in use.

        cpuRate: CPU unusing rate

        javaVersion: java version.

        osName: os name.

        jvmTotalMemory: jvm total memory.

        jvmFreeMemory: jvm unused memory.

        processCpuRate: cpu usage.

        memoryDescInfoList: memory description information.

        deadLockThreadInfoList: deadlock thread information.

        • message MemoryDescInfo:

          name: memory name.

          initSize: memory initialize size.

          useSize: memory use size.

          maxSize: memory max size.

          useRate: memory use rate.

          message MemoryDescInfo {
            string name = 1;
            int64 initSize = 2;
            int64 useSize = 3;
            int64 maxSize = 4;
            double useRate = 5;
        • message DeadLockThreadInfo:

          name: thread name.

          lockName: lock name.

          lockOwner: lock owner.

          state: thread state.

          blockTime: dead block time.

          waitTime: wait time.

          stackTrace: stack trace message.

          message DeadLockThreadInfo {
            string name = 1;
            string lockName = 2;
            string lockOwner = 3;
            string state = 4;
            int64 blockTime = 5;
            int64 waitTime = 6;
            string stackTrace = 7;
        message MachineInfo {
          int32 threadCount = 1;
          int32 deadLockThreadCount = 2;
          int32 cpuCount = 3;
          int64 totalMemory = 4;
          int64 freeMemory = 5;
          double cpuRate = 6;
          string javaVersion = 7;
          string osName = 8;
          int64 jvmTotalMemory = 9;
          int64 jvmFreeMemory = 10;
          double processCpuRate = 11;
          repeated MemoryDescInfo memoryDescInfoList = 12;
          repeated DeadLockThreadInfo deadLockThreadInfoList = 13;
          message MemoryDescInfo {
            string name = 1;
            int64 initSize = 2;
            int64 useSize = 3;
            int64 maxSize = 4;
            double useRate = 5;
          message DeadLockThreadInfo {
            string name = 1;
            string lockName = 2;
            string lockOwner = 3;
            string state = 4;
            int64 blockTime = 5;
            int64 waitTime = 6;
            string stackTrace = 7;