This is a guide for new learner who is interested in distributed systems. Here not only including many good blogs or papers, but also gives a way for those who know nothing about distributed systems to grasp the core of distributed systems gradually.
Basic Theory
Consensus Theory
Distributed Lock
Distributed Snapshot
Distributed Clock
Failure Detector
Chain Replication
Real Distributed Systems
How to design distributed systems
Here are some good resources for new learners to have a basic eye on distributed system. Through these papers and blogs, you can learn many things simple but important about distributed systems.
CAP is a basic conception in distributed systems, it gives a guideness of how to choose between consistency, availability and partition durability. It is important to clearly understand CAP so that you can understand the design of real distributed systems. Here are some good blogs and papers to learn CAP.
- Firstly, you can read 《A plain english introduction to CAP Theorem》. This writer tells you a story, and you can learn CAP theory through it. As a new learner, that is much better than just showing you a paper and many mathematic proofs.
- 《CAP Theorem: Revisited》 is a good blog, it uses graphs and clearly words to tell you why we could only use CP or AP not CA. You can get a deep understant of CAP by reading this.
- 《The CAP FAQ》is a FAP by Henry Robinson. By the way, here is another blog from him that must read:《Distributed systems theory for the distributed systems engineer》. It is a little out of date, but it is still a good reading list.
- Finally, it is time for you to dive into paper to hold CAP completely. 《CAP Twelve Years Later: How the "Rules" Have Changed》 can help you to boil knowledge.
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