diff --git a/packages/web-components/src/components/cbp-loader/cbp-loader.scss b/packages/web-components/src/components/cbp-loader/cbp-loader.scss
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index 00000000..f54b7063
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+++ b/packages/web-components/src/components/cbp-loader/cbp-loader.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+cbp-loader {
+ display: block;
diff --git a/packages/web-components/src/components/cbp-loader/cbp-loader.specs.mdx b/packages/web-components/src/components/cbp-loader/cbp-loader.specs.mdx
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+++ b/packages/web-components/src/components/cbp-loader/cbp-loader.specs.mdx
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+import { Meta } from '@storybook/addon-docs';
+# cbp-loader
+## Purpose
+* the loader is used to have a visual indicator of progress during waiting periods for the User
+## Functional Requirements
+* Loader will render as 'progress' while loading and will either finish as a 'success' or an 'error'
+ * Please note the 'error' state does not display details about the error, only changes the visual state of the loader component
+ * In both circular and linear forms both the 'success' & 'error' state have associated icons which are not present in the 'progress' state
+ * Text text for the describing the current state is present in the circular loader small size & in both sizes of the linear loader
+## Technical Specifications
+* use HTML tag progress for the render
+* Variant property is used to specify if the render returns a circular loader or a linear progress bar
+* Color property is used to determine the visual state of the loader. options include progress, success, & error
+* Size property is used to determine the size of rendered loader. options include small or large
+* Determinate is used to determine if the loader is displaying the progress completed. options include determinate or indeterminate
+ *TODO: determinate may not be the best name for this prop. need to look into other systems to see what makes sense
+ * Determinate needs both a current & total value as props(?) to be able to display as current / total (include a min value default it to 0)
+ * make this a boolean if, if set to true it is displaying determinate
+ * that determinate have an optional additional prop for unit to be display instead of percentage
+### User Interactions
+* the loader doesn't have any user interactions (hover, focus, selected, or disabled)
+### Responsiveness
+* linear loaders are 100% width to match parents spacing, circular loaders will are set with specific width/height
+### Accessibility
+* the loader will have a role of 'progressbar' for screen readers
+ * aria-busy to be added will the loader is 'in process' and removed when complete or no longer running
+ * the 'value' value of the progress ( or aria-valuenow if render is different ) would map to the determinate variant current value prop
+ * the 'max' value of the progress ( or aria-valuemax if render is different ) would map to the determinate variant total value prop
+ * aria-label or aria-labelledby would display a description of the loader
+### Additional Notes and Considerations
+* TODO: good resource for developement: https://mui.com/material-ui/react-progress/?srsltid=AfmBOorlhwpo9rkA2LOPLIeJMc-BtjAfFuj4ZKcWcwY6uTsdXaTN4sHd
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diff --git a/packages/web-components/src/components/cbp-loader/cbp-loader.tsx b/packages/web-components/src/components/cbp-loader/cbp-loader.tsx
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index 00000000..27558221
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+++ b/packages/web-components/src/components/cbp-loader/cbp-loader.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import { Component, Host, h } from '@stencil/core';
+ tag: 'cbp-loader',
+ styleUrl: 'cbp-loader.scss',
+export class CbpLoader {
+ render() {
+ return (
+ );
+ }