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Getting Started With Discord Bot Development - A Walkthrough |
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This guide walks through the steps for setting up a Discord bot that is written in Python, and running on Linux (or Windows with WSL). Many of the key concepts are the same for different platforms and languages. You don't have to know Python, but it will help for this example. Also, having Git installed is highly recommended.
There are also some different ways that the Discord API can be used, but this document will only deal with 'Bot Users'.
In the case of Discord and many other services, bots interact with the Discord 'back-end' in a very similar way to how regular users do.
When regular users use Discord, they interact through a 'front-end' client. Discord supports many types of clients, including webpages, native desktop apps, and native phone apps. These clients all have to behave in the same way so that the users get a cohesive and consistent experience, but they cannot share the exact same code.
But Discord can and does use the same API (Application Programming Interface) across all of their devices. When any of the clients connect and communicate to the Discord servers, they are going through this API which is responsible for handling the interaction between users. This way, the client isn't responsible for handling any complex operations, only the server does.
Bots are just another type of client to Discord. They do have their own set of rules and restrictions, but they interface with the API through the same methods. All of the endpoints and operations that can be done with the API are listed in the documentation, if you want to see what is happening 'under the hood'. You can also view the network transactions in the 'Network' tab in your browser.
Bots do have some restrictions applied to them, though. They can do some set of things differently than normal users, and cannot do some things normal users can.
When you are looking to integrate another service in your application, you may hear the terms 'API' and 'Library' thrown around interchangeably. In the context of this documentation, we will use the following definitions:
API / Application Programming Interface: The interface that is used to directly communicate with a service or application. In the case of Discord, Twitter, Spotify, and many others, these are implemented using HTML REST communications. The HTML protocol is just text, and works with nearly every language on nearly every platform.
Library: Any package or assembly of code which provides some set of utility or functionality to the library user. There are many types of libraries that can do any number of functions. For these examples, 'Libraries' will refer to the software that handles the communication with an API for you. Libraries are written in a specific language and only work on a certain set of platforms.
The biggest difference between APIs and Libraries for developers (you) is the functionality and the ease of use that you get out of it.
Let's use an example.
Here's what I have to send to the API to send a message:
POST https://discordapp.com/api/v6/channels/123412341234/messages
Authorization: YourUserTokenGoesHere
'content': 'this is my message',
'tts': false
By the way,
Postman and curl
are both great ways to test out APIs.
I'd have to figure out the best way to send that data in whichever language I work with, and handle it all myself.
There are tons of libraries for the Discord API. In this example we will use discord.py for Python, but you can really use whatever language you want. Here's the equivalent process using that library.
channel = client.get_channel(123412341234)
await client.send_message(channel, 'This is my message‽')
Using a library is a much higher-level and easier approach to interfacing with APIs. They usually do a lot of the work for you, and can add features on top.
Before you can begin making a Discord bot, you'll have to have an account. Ensure that you have one, and take some time to become familiar with the service itself. It's hard to develop for services that you don't understand.
Navigate over to the Discord Developer Documentation. (You'll also want to be logged in.) This documentation describes all of their API features, but don't worry about those right now.
Navigate to the 'My Apps' page in the top left of the documentation page. Click on the 'new app' button.
Fill out the 'create app' window.
If all goes well, you should see a screen like this:
Discord supports multiple types of applications, but all we carry about are 'Bot Users'. Scroll down and click on the 'Create a Bot User' button.
Now, you should see the bot details section. This contains your bot's client ID and Bot Token. Do not reveal this token publicly! Click here for an explanation why.
If you accidentally leak your token, go back here to generate a new one by clicking on 'Generate a new token?'. Don't worry, the one here is already invalidated.
Now, scroll up and find the 'Generate OAuth2 URL'. You'll need this to invite your bot to your server.
Copy the URL that is generated from this tool, with the default permissions for a bot. Paste it into a new tab. You'll see a prompt to add it to one of your servers. Create a testing server to use, if you haven't already, then refresh the page and add the bot there.
When developing Discord bots, it's really useful to have a testing server with just you and the bot in it. You can only add bots to servers that you have the 'Manage Messages' permission enabled.
If all goes well, you should see that the bot has joined your server.
It will be offline, and have a blue BOT
tag next to it's name.
This document is not a comprehensive guide for doing first-time setup and installation for Python. A brief guide can be found here.
You'll want to clone the example repo to your local machine to get started. This guide assumes that you have git installed in your command line. If you are using a GUI, follow along using the procedures that the GUI uses.
# Navigate to a projects directory, if you use one
cd ~/Git
# clone the example bot
git clone https://github.com/UWB-ACM/Discord-Python-Example
Alternatively, you can download the source from GitHub as a .zip
The example bot needs some software installed first, specifically the Discord library that we will be using.
The instructions for installing them are listed on the project page, but
the command to install the requirements using pip
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
or on Windows
py -3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
If the command fails, you may need to run the command again as root/Administrator.
Once the code base is downloaded, and the prerequisites are installed, the bot is very nearly ready to go.
In order for the bot to connect online, it'll need a Bot Token. This is effectively a user name and a password for the bot so that it can log in. You should work with this token very carefully to ensure that it doesn't get exposed. Take a look at the best practices guide for tips how to manage Bot Tokens.
This bot stores the bot token in a configuration file in the same directory as the bot. Let's do this.
Create a new file in the same directory as the bot called config.ini
Copy the following text into that file:
Copy your Bot Token from step 2, without quotes, into the file.
Okay, once you've got everything set up, you should be good to go.
Start the bot using the following command.
python3 main.py
You should see some text appear in the console. In a few seconds your bot should appear online.
Try sending your bot the message >>ping
in your test server.
If all goes well, the bot should reply back with "Pong!".
If you run into issues, please document them as an issue for the GitHub repo, so that we can add possible solutions here.
The code is commented to provide an explanation of what's going on, but here's a walkthrough of what it's doing.
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
Imports the discord.py
library, so that we can use it in our code.
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
with open('config.ini') as config_file:
Parses our config.ini
file that was created in step 3. We use this
later on when logging in.
client = commands.Bot(command_prefix='>>', description='https://github.com/UWB-ACM/CSSBot_Py')
Defines a new Bot
, with the specified prefix before commands and some
Command prefixes are the characters at the start of messages that indicate
that the message is a command directed towards this bot.
Avoid common prefixes like .
, /
, and !
, because those are used very
default_extensions = ['cogs.basic']
if __name__ == '__main__':
for extension in default_extensions:
except Exception as e:
print('Failed to load extension ' + extension, file=sys.stderr)
One feature provided to us by the discord.py library is a feature they call 'cogs'. Cogs are plug-ins that are loaded at runtime that have some functionality. They can contain commands and respond to events. Keeping groups of commands modular can greatly improve the readability and maintainability of your code base.
async def on_ready():
# print some stuff when the bot goes online
print('Logged in ' + str(client.user.name) + ' - ' +
str(client.user.id) + '\n' + 'Version ' + str(discord.__version__))
# a good way to let users know how to use the bot is by providing them with a help method
# only way this can do them any good is by letting them know what the help command is
await client.change_presence(activity=discord.Game('Try >>help'))
This method, marked as a client.event
waits until the bot is 'Ready'.
Discord bots are considered 'Ready' once they are connected to all of the
servers ('guilds') that they are members of.
Once the bot is connected, it prints out it's name, user ID and the version
of the library it's using.
At the end, the bot changes their status to say that they are 'playing'
"Try >>help".
By making the status of your bot show the help command, it can give users
a hint as to how they can use the bot.
client.run(config.get(section='Configuration', option='connection_token'),
bot=True, reconnect=True)
This last snippet parses the config file that we loaded earlier for the
connection token, and feeds it into the library-provided run
The bot will start the process of connecting and should come online
The bot will remain running for as long as the program is running.
Remember that 'cog' we loaded called 'cogs.basic'
Here's an incomplete walkthrough of that.
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
class BasicCog:
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
Here, we import the libraries again. In the constructor for BasicCog
we pass a reference to bot
. bot
is our client, which handles
all of the interaction for us.
async def ping(self, ctx):
await ctx.send("Pong!")
This is the most basic command there is. The attribute @commands.command()
marks this function as a command for the bot. When the bot sees the
message >>ping
, it will reply back with the text "Pong!".
The ctx
variable contains the context where the message was received,
including references to the author, channel, and server (guild).
async def echo(self, ctx, *, message: str='_echo_'):
await ctx.send(ctx.author.mention + ' : ' + message)
This is the >>echo
command. When the user types >>echo some text
, the
bot will reply back with @Author : some text
The way that parameters are handled by the discord.py library is explained in their documenation.
def setup(bot):
This method is the most important in this file,
all 'cogs' need this function defined, as that is their
entry point to be loaded. It creates a new BasicCog
object, as defined
earlier in the file, and passes it to the bot. It's given a reference to
the bot so that this cog can interact with the client.
After you have completed all these steps, you should have a functional Discord bot that can respond to a basic command. You can build on the functionality given to you by the library and the barebones example to develop more complex behavior.
Happy hacking!